Rational Quotes For A Rational Nation

Quotes for the week of 4/12/10 from Rational Nation USA. It is the hope of this site the quotes presented here serve as food for thought, regardless of political leanings or preference.

Manufacturing and commercial monopolies owe their origin not to a tendency imminent in a capitalist economy but to governmental interventionist policy directed against free trade and laissez faire.  Ludwig von Mises

Modern society, based as it is on the division of labor, can be preserved only under conditions of lasting peace.  Ludwig von Mises

Sovereignty must not be used for inflicting harm on anyone, whether citizen or foreigner.  Ludwig von Mises

The state can be and has often been in the course of history the main source of mischief and disaster. Ludwig von Mises

To defeat the aggressors is not enough to make peace durable. The main thing is to discard the ideology that generates war.  Ludwig von Mises

There is one good thing about Marx: he was not a Keynesian.  Murray Rothbard

It is in war that the State really comes into its own: swelling in power, in number, in pride, in absolute dominion over the economy and the society.  Murray Rothbard

All government wars are unjust.  Murray Rothbard

A claim for equality of material position can be met only by a government with totalitarian powers.  Friedrich August von Hayek

Even the striving for equality by means of a directed economy can result only in an officially enforced inequality - an authoritarian determination of the status of each individual in the new hierarchical order.  Friedrich August von Hayek

'Emergencies' have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded.  Friedrich August von Hayek

I do not think it is an exaggeration to say history is largely a history of inflation, usually inflations engineered by governments for the gain of governments.  Friedrich August von Hayek

If we wish to preserve a free society, it is essential that we recognize that the desirability of a particular object is not sufficient justification for the use of coercion.  Friedrich August von Hayek

It seems to me that socialists today can preserve their position in academic economics merely by the pretense that the differences are entirely moral questions about which science cannot decide. Friedrich August von Hayek

Perhaps the fact that we have seen millions voting themselves into complete dependence on a tyrant has made our generation understand that to choose one's government is not necessarily to secure freedom.  Friedrich August von Hayek

A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.  Thomas Jefferson

This weeks rational quotes are inexplicably linked to our current economic situation which has largely been the result of government intervention in our economy with a business sector that has been only to willing to reap the hand outs (read corporate welfare) tat government has so readily given them.

As a true conservative that understands that interventionist foreign policy, an out of control welfare state, and the result of currency manipulation by the Federal Reserve is destroying America, I hope these quotes by knowledgeable economists and a founding father gives all the reason to pause and question the "accepted political correct economic line." If we as free and independent individuals fail to do so we shall become the vassals of a totalitarian state.

The choice as this is written is still ours. It may not be in the future  if the correct choices are not made by We The People.


  1. Unfortunately, many citizens are asleep and unaware of the calamity which may befall them because of one other component in the mix. The main stream media will not objectively cover the economic and social policies of this administration, and in many cases actually promote them. If we do not have a conscientious, unbiased press, then we are in deep trouble, in my opinion.

  2. Linda - Your comments and concerns are well founded. I caution only that the media has been compliant not only with this administration but with all statist/socialist administration going back to FDR. And this includes Republican administrations as well.

    We have a real ess to clean up, Obama ain't the guy to do it anymore than GWB was or Sarah Palin AND OTHER rhinos are.

    My thoughts and hence support rest in Ron Paul or another true conservative like him. I recommend reading his book "The Revolution, A Manifesto" if you haven't already done so.


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