The Public's Trust In Government on the Decline...
A PEW Research Center report shows Americans trust in their government has become less positive and at the same time more partisan.

Since 2015, opinions about the federal government’s handling of several major issues have become less positive and much more partisan. Yet majorities continue to say the government should have a “major role” on such issues as defending against terrorism and helping lift people from poverty. And views about government’s role, unlike its performance, have changed only modestly over the past two year.
Public trust in government, meanwhile, remains close to a historic low. Just 18% say they trust the federal government to do the right thing “just about always” or “most of the time” – a figure that has changed very little for more than a decade.
And while more Republicans say they trust the government today than did so during the Obama administration, just 22% of Republicans and even fewer Democrats (15%) say they trust the government at least most of the time.
With a new president in the White House, the lower ratings for the federal government’s performance are driven largely by Democrats, who are much more negative today than they were two years ago.
Among the public overall, positive ratings for the government’s handling of ensuring access to health care have declined 20 percentage points since 2015; today, just 36% say it does a very or somewhat good job in ensuring access to health care, down from 56% two years ago.
Over the same period, there have been 15-percentage-point declines in positive evaluations of government performance in protecting the environment and responding to natural disasters.
Entire article can be found HERE.
I call it The Trump Effect.
ReplyDeletePerhaps to a degree in some areas Jerry, but, if we're honest with ourselves we know the trend has been southward for much longer.
DeleteThe question becomes RN, if the slide in trust continues, and we have no reason to believe it won't, what's next?
ReplyDeleteI spend a significant part of my year in Mexico, a country where there is literally no trust, apart from the oligarchs, in government to do the right thing. That includes, state, local and federal. That includes bureaucrats and it includes police. No one assumes any of the branches will do the right thing.
And as such, life is not pretty. Large societies, in my opinion, cannot exist anymore on just peolpe doing for them selves.
R&D, defense, emergency relief and infrastructure are just a few things not doable without large scale, dare I say, government involvement.
Sure, we can all assign blame, and I assume if one leans right, this is the fault of the libtards and if one leans left, it's the fault of the rethuglicans, but how can we right this ship?
Or maybe, we can't and after 250 years, we conclude the great experiment just is not sustainable on such a large scale.
I'm not sure we have the ability or desire too right this 250 year old ship. Special interests, and they are legion, and savage partisanship has rendered our government incapable of seeking let alone putting into practice the win win strategy.
DeleteAs I see it we are ripe for the authoritarian rule our founders gave their life and sacred honor to overthrow. Frankly Dave I've started to believe we know longer deserve the republic we were given to safeguard for all posterity.
DeleteOur size, cultural differences, and loyalty to party and special interests will be our undoing. When it happens it will be a political tsunami.
I'll be long gone when it happens and for that I guess I have to say I'm thankful.
Authoritarian Rule... does banning words you don't like count as something that type of ruler would do?
ReplyDeleteThis action, taken by the Trump Admin is something I never thought I'd see. Banning words. Simply beyond seven words...
The seven words you can't say on television, George Carlin... SPFCMf&T. Them was the Good Old Days for certain!
ReplyDeleteYes Dave, this administration is bringing exactly the authoritarian trappings our founders despised and led a rebellion against.
For the many who do not know or understand history nothing we say registers. Therfore it doesn't make any difference.
Sad and True.
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DeleteSorry anonymous. Come back when, and only when, you have something intelligent AND ON TOPIC to offer.
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DeleteHmmm. More like a horse with no comment?
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Delete"Dmark and Louis"
DeleteIs that a Lewis and Clark reference? Pity you couldn't do anything witty with it. From the looks of it, whatever comment you left here was worth the value of a Sacagawea coin... minus one dollar.
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ReplyDeleteIt is time you five who were just deleted, or is it actually one in the same pea brain, get a life. Your name calling and vulgar remarks say a boatload about your character and absolutely nothing about those you make sh*t up about.
ReplyDeleteIt is time you grow up and put on some big boy pants. Or maybe a dress? Whatever...
Buh bye to ya all.
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ReplyDeleteBy all means continue to put your childish right wing immaturity on display and continue to be deleted.
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ReplyDeleteSorry OPP, not even close.
DeleteIf you have nothing intelligent,interesting, and relevant to the post subject STFU and STFO.
Havin a nice day Asshole
ReplyDeleteA fabulous day in fact. By FAR better than yours I'm sure, pee brain.
DeleteYou clearly DON'T think anonymous.
DeleteBTW, next comment will be deleted. We don't play your rightwing game of distraction here.
DeleteThe public's opinion of government should improve after Trump finishes draining the swamp, right?
DeleteI guess that would be the theory at least.
It seems to me however Trump's primary focus is in filling the swamp with alligators.
Les, I see the pustules are bursting and oozing in large numbers on this post.
D-Sand: At this point, I have every unfortunate confidence in an ever-ready supply of snaggle-toothed gators to fill the swamp. With the Trump contingent providing a good proportion of the populace.
Guys, here's what I don't get...
ReplyDeleteAnyone can come and post here, just be civil, stay on topic, make sense and make sure your points are fact based. Or just label them as opinion and everyone will, including BB will be good.
But for whatever reason, some folks are unable to post without insulting people in vile terms... and struggle for originality, copying their material from some weird collection of sock puppets inhabiting WYD, Free, AOW and Geeez...
Maybe it’s because of the fact that you’re here Dave that it’s YOU who attracts all this hate!
DeleteSock puppets, Schumck Puppets, it doesn’t make any difference.
DeleteThe fact is that both of you two, RN, and DAVE MILLER, are enemies of the Patriotic posters, like myself. And personally I can’t stand either of you two. And I never will!
The above comment by Anonymous and FCD will stand only to show the ignorance of some conservatives on the internet, and, because Dave responded to them in both a respectful and most appropriate manner.
DeleteAmazing the new odd words that these sewage-souffle-chefs come up with.
Does that rhyme with Hamtramck? Perhaps....
That's fine dumplings... you could just stay away then couldn't you? Clearly RN desires a certain level of civility at his blog. Why do you choose to disrespect his wishes?
ReplyDeleteYou don't have to agree, but you and your fellow more conservative posters could stay on topic and maintain a minimum level of civility.
Posters such as the ones you are addressing Dave have absolutely no desire to either stay on topic OR be civil.Their sole purpose is to disrupt civil discourse, specifically that which is not completely in line with their positions and beliefs. They do this by focusing on insults, disrepect, and vulgarity. Unable to discuss their differences with post content and more rational commentors they choose the lowest road in their efforts to trake every thread into swampland. The environment they are most comfortable in.
DeleteAs for anonymous' referencr to hate, well, he is the hater. And FCD's reference to "patriotic" posters like himself, well, this poster has absolutely NO idea what true patriotiksm even is.
Frankly Dave the moment any of the of flying monkeys who swoop in here and leave their BS decide to actually leave an evidence based comment, do so respectfully, and engage in what I call an intellectual based exchange with those who disagree with them is likely the day I'll have a heart attack. Figuratively speaking of course!
"Frankly Dave the moment any of the of flying monkeys who swoop in here"
DeleteI think you are mistaken, Les. They aren't flying monkeys, but are something flying that is typically thrown by monkeys...
True dmarks. These flying monkeys of which we speak love the poo. Apparently it is ALL they know. And, they obviously love to play with it.
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ReplyDeleteOoh.. I see you love the poo just like TOM and Carbuncle and the rest who are incapable of saying anything other than nothing.