Any Rand Monday

Another, and perhaps last Ayn Rand Monday at RN USA. The incredible intellect of Rand, and her love for this, the wealthiest and greatest capitalist society on earth, seems to be lost on the majority of Americans today. Perhaps when we are facing the same fate as Russia under Bolshevism we might care enough to pay attention to her warnings. Until then most will go along their safe and merry way. No doubt believing "it can't happen here." Statism in all it's various forms is alive and well all over the world, the United States of America included. As much as there are those who chose, either out of ignorance, or choice because they believe the state knows best over the will of the people, statism nonetheless is a powerful force in American politics today. Perhaps it is because the people in America today, as Europe has for centuries, want to believe government is the answer to the social and economic problems inherent in existence itself. Nothing could be furthe...