Says It All...

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  1. Let's hope maybe a little of the Abe zen can rub off on Trump when they hit the links this afternoon...

    Can you imagine what Abe and the Japanese must think of Trump - and of America for electing him!

    I remember, when GWB was reelected, a conservative British friend of mine was just stunned, and the first thing he asked me after was "What happened?" It was days later and he didn't even need to raise the context. He was stunned. And this wasn't some labour guy or such, he was your run-of-the-mill young Tory. He just couldn't understand why the American people would entrust such an important position to such an obvious boob. I was embarrassed, to be frank (lot's of puns intended).


    1. GWB was a saint in comparison to Trump. Trump has the entire goddamn world laughing at America, and its people. Well, maybe with the possible exception of Putin allies. Wait! No, they're laughing too because Putin can so easily dupe the idiot.

      Our election of Trump reflects poorly on all the people of our nation. We look like frigging imbeciles to the thinking people of other nations.

      Patriotic Americans need to pressure Trump through public opinion until he resigns, is impeached, or he completely loses his mind and he spends his days playing tidily winks.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Aw shucks. Tom Turkey disappeared (as I was about to point out a spelling error that contradicted his chest-thumping, self-affirming bravado). The word is Führer, with an umlaut and an "r" after the "aych." I may not be as erudite in history a Tom Turkey claims to be, but I speak German and French.

    Actually, make that an "Arg" (pirate talk for what happened to Bluebeard the Pirate when he ran aground in the Red Sea -- he ended up marooned).

    An troll is not a real person but merely a word terrorist lurking in the shadows. You can't touch them or lock them up, but you can delete them (which you did). Nevertheless, Trojan Horse #45 is real threat to national security because of this ...

    Psychological profilers know how to manipulate a narcissist: By appealing to his ego. This was Putin's plan when he directed Russian intelligence (FSB and GRU) to interfere in Election 2016. There's a mole in the hole and his code name is Trojan Horse #45.

    1. I have started to believe your described scenario is an actual possibility (O)CT(O)PUS. Whatever the situation there is little doubt but what our democratic republic is at grave risk.

      Could #45 have some lineage back to Adolph? Genetic influence perhaps?

      We are living in bizarre times.

    2. I am not trying to match Breitbart and Bannon in tit-for-tat conspiracy theories. In fact, Trojan Horse’s Ass #45 is not even aware that he is being suckered and played. You see, he’s gotta a good brain. He’s schmart; he can’t admit to any defect or blemish that would mar his projected image of himself; his absolute self-proclaimed perfection. His ego and self-esteem are too fragile and frail to humble himself. Nope, he doubles-down. Which explains why he, the classic narcissist, is a perfect mark for manipulation.

      A close friend (a former CIA field agent - now retired) wrote this to me in an email almost a year ago:

      What really disturbs me is my former friends of the right cozying up to Putin via Putin funded Trump.  Exactly what you alluded to is terrifying to me... cause it appears to be working.  The Russians have disinformation honed to a science at all levels, troll-farms to work on joe six-pack as he reads FB and the very very sophisticated FSB/GRU types working things like leaking timely emails.  Russia is not a country... it's a slavic-mafia disguised as a country.   If Trump wins we're fucked ...

      When I read Tom Turkey and other trolls, it is always the same script as if coming from a common source. The same claims. The same cheap shots. The same Obummer the tyrant. Trolls in Europe spouting the same gibberish as trolls in the USA. I am not suggesting Tom Turkey is a mole. He’s merely a troll. But it comes from troll farms originating from Russia intelligence.

      Consider: If the EU splits into 26 countries, Putin comes out the big winner by default. Hence, the Brexit vote. Hence, those redrawn Calexit maps. There is only one plan: To sow discord and division … to destabilize. This is what Putin accomplishes vis-a-vis Trojan Horse #45.

    3. I know you're not suggesting TOM is a mole. He's too stupid for anyone to use for that purpose.

      Trump may very well be the catalyst for Russia's return to the empire that the old USSR once enjoyed.

      But, it's a big one, could the progressive left be that catalyst?

      Communism and fascism are both essentially left leaning ideologies that advocate state control over the rights of the individual. Something I REFUSE to accept or bow to.

      Back to your point, Putin is most definitely the big winner if the EU fractures. Trump is the American version of Brexit.

    4. Make NO mistake (O)CT(O)PUS, I view the rightwing, the alt-right, and Trump as the single greatest threat to our republic.

  4. My inclination is to split these words apart: Progressive left. "Progressive" need not be either left nor right. Merely another way to say: "Towards a more perfect union." I strongly disagree with leftist sentiments to split the union apart; hence my distaste for Calexit. In fact it plays right into Putin's hands. To sow discord and division and instability.

    1. P.S. One more point of clarification. Communism is in essence a totalitarianism of the left. Fascism is a totalitarianism of the right. However both share an authoritarian mindset. Curious I find: Bannon is a self-admitted Leninist; Trump is a capitalist. Yet they are riding in the same ship of state. Speak of ironies ... or perhaps a marriage of convenience.

    2. Ah, I dislike right and I dislike left. I do approve of classical liberalism however. I find capitalism to be preferable to state controlled communism. Bannon and Trump are in my opinion, as you have suggested, a marriage of convenience. Totalitarians typically agree with other totalitarians.

      When ultimately they are the only two games in town they each attempt to destroy the other.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. Legs,
      The progressive party was formed by a republican so you are correct that progressive and leftist are not the same.
      What happened to the sentiment that Russia is not a threat. It has only been four years since BHO scolded Mitt about Russia is the past and no threat and now they are the evil country who is our enemy. Keeps your friends close and your enemies closer.

      All of this DJT hate and fear are created by the same media and protesters who still can't believe that their queen lost to yellow hair. The polls that say he has a 35% approval rating are the same polls that predicted -H- would win in a historic landslide so they are somewhat suspect as to their accuracy.

      I doubt many of the protesters voted for DJT and probably a significant number of them didn't even vote. I protested the other day that Kasich didn't win but I was a parade of one.

  5. Supporters of Dolt 45 say we should give him a chance.
    Give him a loaded pistol so he can play Russian roulette with himself.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Boycotting, letter writing, black mail, blacklists, these are all Progressives tactics , I never believed in doing any of that crap, and never will.

    1. Boycotting and letter writting, as well as protesting are liberal/progressive tactics. All reasonable and occasionally quite effective.

      Black mail and blacklisting is something conservatives/reactionaries/republicans are very much involved in methinks. They're probably very effective at it too.

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  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. FYI, Les: That comment from "Sue" was posted by a fraudster from WYD -- probably the deranged TOM/Luke/Steve troll. I checked with Sue, who is a friend, and she told me she did NOT post here.

    2. Sue asked me to ask you to delete it, since someone is using her name and linking to her blog without her permission. Cheating, IOW. "can you tell him we talked and it looks like some of it was copied from facebook and could he delete it?"

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Thank you Les. One less troll to deal with.

  12. As D.J. tRump continues to unravel.

    2018 and impeachment can't get here soon enough.

  13. You Don't Want to Hang by your Head til that me. Cc

    1. Are you threatening me? You puny little jackass?

      Go back to the Shit Pit (WYD) or the Puke Shack (FreeThinke) where your sorry ass is welcome.


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