Calling a Proverbial "Spade a Spade"...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Say what you will about George Will the man has principles. When those principles rightly dictate criticism of so called "conservative" icons he steps up to the proverbial plate and does so. Apparently he is one of the few on the right to correctly call out the GOP leadership for it's less than appropriate criticism of El Rushbo's inappropriate characterization of Sandra Fluke, a Georgetown University student, as a "slut" and a "prostitute."

Conservatives who lack the backbone to name a schmuck for exactly what they are, a SCHMUCK, do not deserve the label or right to be called a conservative. PERIOD!

From abc NEWS

Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh has been inundated with criticism after calling Sandra Fluke, a Georgetown University student who testified before a House committee about contraception, a “slut” and a “prostitute.” But while Democrats have fiercely condemned the comments, Republicans’ ire has been significantly more muted.

ABC’s George Will told me Sunday on “This Week” that GOP leaders have steered clear of harshly denouncing Limbaugh’s comments because “Republican leaders are afraid of Rush Limbaugh.”

“[House Speaker John] Boehner comes out and says Rush’s language was inappropriate. Using the salad fork for your entrée, that’s inappropriate. Not this stuff,” Will said. “And it was depressing because what it indicates is that the Republican leaders are afraid of Rush Limbaugh. They want to bomb Iran, but they’re afraid of Rush Limbaugh.”

ABC News political analyst Matthew Dowd said the Republicans’ apprehension to say anything negative about the conservative big hitter is based on the “myth” that Limbaugh influences a large number of Republican voters.

“I think the problem is the Republican leaders, Mitt Romney and the other candidates, don’t have the courage to say what they say in quiet, which, they think Rush Limbaugh is a buffoon,” Dowd said. ”They think he is like a clown coming out of a small car at a circus. It’s great he is entertaining and all that. But nobody takes him seriously.”

While President Obama has denounced Limbaugh’s comments as “reprehensible,” Republican leaders and GOP presidential candidates have used far milder language.

While Rick Santorum said Limbaugh’s comments were “absurd,” he said the radio host was an “entertainer” and “an entertainer can be absurd.”

“No,” Will said about Santorum’s response. “It is the responsibility of conservatives to police the right and its excesses, just as the liberals unfailingly fail to police the excesses on their own side.”(Emphasis mine)

Rather than criticizing Limbaugh’s choice of words, Newt Gingrich instead blasted Obama for “opportunistically” calling Fluke on Friday to thank her for testifying.{Read More}

Indeed Will is philosophically, ethically, and politically correct. All I would add is this, before criticizing your opponent you ought to make damn sure your own backyard is pristine. Proper advice for both the left and right. Wouldn't you agree?

Via: Memeorandum


  1. I cite Mr. Will's principled opposition to the Iraq "experiment" as still another example of the man's integrity.

    1. I completely agree Will. Thank you for pointing this out.

  2. I deliberately came here to see what you had to say ... about the Rush comments.

    You are right....there is no need for the vicious vitriolic venom Rush unleashed at a young woman voicing her opinion. I am not a fan of George Will, but he is articulate, I sometimes agree with him, and in this case, spot on.

    What is even more telling was the response by the President of Georgetown University, a Catholic college. He supported her right to free speech. You may be interested in his comments. Les, good on you.

    1. Thanks for the link okjimm.

      Thanks for dropping in and leaving your comment. El Rushbo I use to occasionally listen to 15 - 16 years ago, even read his early book. He was worth considering when he started. He has become nothing more than a huge blow bag.

      He shall become irrelevant to people of independent thought. His irrelevancy has been of his own making.

      The conservative agenda has lost any resemblance to a principled, rational and objective movement. A new Barry Goldwater and William Buckley can't appear on the scene soon enough.

  3. RN USA,

    I think many liberals have been saying there is a strain of conservatism which has been unmoored from reality and has engaged in really shameless evil oppressive tactics to advance... well, to advance whatever it is they think conservatism is.

    I know on many right-wing sites I have been banned and have faced the constant assault from others who seek to circle the wagons around their side. Since , they alone possess righteousness and truth.

    However, there are many right-wingers who are now claiming President Barack Obama had Andrew Breitbart murdered. In the face of this constant assault by the Right what do you expect Liberals to do?

    It is my contention the principle Conservative has no pull anymore and that you are wishing for a situation that the Republican Party can no longer return to...

    1. 1) Agreed. There is also the extreme left (a minority) that has come un-moored from reality as well.

      2) Funny Grung_e_Gene, I have faced much the same on left wing sights and for the same reason you have on the right. It is called "daring to disagree."

      3) Please provide some links to right wing sites that have made this claim. I haven't got out much lately but would love to stick my nose in and "stir up" some comments.

      4) You may be right. Perhaps that is because I consider myself closer to a "classical liberal" than I do to current conservatives. Classical liberalism as in Jefferson and Madison. The social conservatives and the statist big "R" republicans hace destroyed the republican party. Much like the big "D" statist democrats succeeded in destroying the democratic party. What has amused me is the different paths each chose to take yet eventually they end up in the same end point. Less liberty and choice.

      There is so much more that can be said. There are so few with active minds and open ears. Guilt enough to go around wouldn't you agree? to wit . Limbaugh and Maher comments with respect to Fluke and Palin. Just sayin....


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