Another Republican Accused Of Sexual Misconduct...

David French had the following to say regarding Roy Moore and his alleged sexual misconduct 40 years ago.

Conservatives, be careful. Don’t dismiss the claims. While I don’t know if the allegations are true, I’m deeply troubled on a number of grounds.

First, these women didn’t seek out the press. According to the Post report, its reporters reached out to them after hearing that “Moore allegedly had sought relationships with teenage girls.” So far as we know, they weren’t put forward by the opposing campaign, and the woman who made the most serious allegations against Moore says that she voted for Trump in 2016. None of the women have donated to Moore’s primary or general-election opponent.

Second, if you read the report, it includes validation from a number of witnesses who say that they were aware of the relationships at the time. While this isn’t proof of guilt of course, it bolsters the credibility of the accusers.

Third, the youngest accuser’s explanation for her decision not to come forward earlier rings tragically true. She told the Post that “she did not share her story about Moore partly because of the trouble in her life. She has had three divorces and financial problems.” It’s a sad and terrible truth that childhood abuse can have catastrophic effects on young lives — effects that last for years.

She told reporters, “I felt like I had done something bad. And it kind of set the course for me doing other things that were bad.” This is so very often the case. An ambitious abuser sails on, accumulating fame and fortune. In the meantime, his victims are left shattered, picking up the pieces as the power imbalance only grows and grows. One person spirals downward. The other person climbs upward.

We are in the midst of a unique and important national moment. Each day seems to bring a new story of yet another powerful person facing a string of accusations. While there is a danger of a witch hunt, the presence of multiple claims of misconduct from multiple sources should always make us pause — regardless of whether the alleged abuser comes from the Left or the Right. It’s a moral imperative that we not determine the veracity of the allegations by the ideology of the accused.

None of us know without a doubt whether Moore is innocent of the charges as he claims, or, whether he is guilty as charged. What we do know is there are multiple allegations from multiple sources that warrant investigation. Not to seek punishment of alleged inappropriate sexual activities 40 years ago, but rather to get to the truth. The character of the man is the issue and IF Moore is guilty of the alleged misconduct he should not be a United States Senator or serving in any government or law enforcement capacity ever again.

Give the man a just hearing, but at the same time let the investigation begin, and, the appropriate resolution be administered. Whatever that turns out to be.

More on the highlighted article HERE .


Now from what many consider to be one of America's most unethical individuals in print. Highly partisan and and highly unethical. The Big Dog for one of America's biggest Fake News outlets, Breitbart.

Here's Steve Bannon folks.

Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon on Thursday likened a report that Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore had a sexual encounter with a 14-year-old girl to last year’s publication of the infamous Access Hollywood tape, telling a New Hampshire audience that The Washington Post, which published both, is “part of the apparatus of the Democratic Party.”

"The Bezos-Amazon-Washington Post that dropped that dime on Donald Trump, is the same Bezos-Amazon-Washington Post that dropped the dime this afternoon on Judge Roy Moore. Now is that a coincidence?” Bannon said in remarks in Manchester that were reported by CBS News. “That's what I mean when I say opposition party, right? It's purely part of the apparatus of the Democratic Party. They don't make any bones about it. By the way, I don't mind it. I'll call them out every day."



  1. I Must Have Missed The Part Where You Wrote About The Many DEMOCRATS who Were Accused Of Sexual Misconduct...FROM BILL CLINTON DOWN TO CARLOS DANGER

    1. Fair enough observation, but, that is water passed over the falls.

      I do not condone any sexual misconduct and those you mention received whatever was felt appropriate at the time.

      It matters not the political affiliation of the alleged abuser, the use of power to secure sexual favor is immoral. Those who use their power and influence to secure sexual favor deserve to be punished if found guilty.

      My interest in posting this is because the alleged sexual misconduct was against under age young women.

      frankly Dude I am now more interested in the present than the past. Any sins of the past in which justice was not served, regardless of the persons party, does not automatically exonerate sins in the present, if in fact there are any.

      So, feel free to give your perspective on the allegations against Judge Moore and what if anything should be done about them. Short of imprisoning him or bankrupting him.

      I remind you of this:

      None of us know without a doubt whether Moore is innocent of the charges as he claims, or, whether he is guilty as charged. What we do know is there are multiple allegations from multiple sources that warrant investigation.

  2. “None of us know without a doubt whether Moore is innocent...”

    Criminal cases must be proved “beyond a reasobable doubt”, not “without a doubt”. Many believe that the Washington Post is presenting a compelling case.

    Also, TDD, what the Democrats may or may not have done is totally irrelevant.

    1. I have tried to respond to your comment three times Jerry. Each time the computer went into auto delete. I'll try again later.

    2. LOL! Perhaps it does not like what you were trying to say to me?

    3. 4th attempt.

      You are correct Jerry. The criminal standard is BARD.

      My point I suppose is not to lunge to conclusions as Bannon and others have.

      Let the investigation play out while at the same time denouncing the alleged behavior.

      Dave's comment rings true and should hauntingly reverberate among those on the left.

  3. Dude... I have no idea who Carlos Danger is, but let me address Clinton.

    You, and most conservatives, are 100% correct in calling the Democratic Party, voters, politicians and support groups and PACs regarding Clinton.

    For years folks said we should always believe the victims and that there is no such thing as consensual sex between a boss and an employee, because of the power dynamic. Until President Clinton got snared in that. Then the Dem groups went all silent. For them to now pile on Moore is totally intellectually dishonest.

    No argument there.

    But that does not get Moore a pass. Even his supporters in Alabama are saying this is nothing and even if he did do it, so what! Really? They are saying it's biblical! And Moore has claimed in the past not be bound by US law if it conflicts with his view of biblical law.

    You also have members of the GOP saying that even if the allegations are true, they'd still vote for him. Is that the party you want to support? A party that says if a man molested a child 30 years ago, and is unrepentant, it doesn't matter?

    What a mess the GOP has become in their effort to bend to the will of an admitted cad, President Trump.

    1. NoOne is giving a “pass” to anyone, but the accusations about Moore is just an accusation st this point, where as The things regarding Clinton are FACTS!
      As for Carlos Danger, you must be the only one in the United States that isn’t aware of who that is.

    2. That may or may not be true. However, Clinton is not the issue of this post. Your comment it meant to distract from the focus of the post. Furthur distractions from you WILL be deleted.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Innocent until proven guilty? How about those women who endured the trauma of harassment for years and feared the repercussions of coming forward? Where is their justice?

    1. Within the parameters of accepted law a prosecutor must prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Unfortunately that won't happen due to the statue of limitations. Moore won't be tried.

      Public opinion as more info surfaces will have to be his judgement. He likely will end his career a disgraced individual, as it should be if he is in fact guilty. Something I believe he is.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Your comment had no useful purpose other than to distract. Therefore it was deleted.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. A person is supposed to be innocent until proven guilty, and evidence seems to be lacking here. This is a serious life-changing accusation, from a very very long time ago. We need dates, times, corroborating witnesses, etc, none of this "she said, he said, ask my friend because I told them what happened forty years ago" BS.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Sorry, this thread is not about GT. Stay on subject or get deleted.

  9. Free DingelberriesSat Nov 11, 10:39:00 AM EST

    OOPS! NEW EVIDENCE SHOWS WOMAN Who Accused Roy Moore of Sexual Misconduct Worked For Hillary Campaign…Supported His Democrat Opponent On Facebook

  10. Many years ago I was standing taking a leak in a fancy restaurant/bar restroom in Maui.
    A VERY VERY famous well known TV star we ALL know walked up beside me a put a $100 bill on top of the urinal where I was standing.
    That someone was George Takei.
    Needless to say I threw the bill into the urinal and flushed it.

    1. Interesting to some we suppose. Just another distraction. Consider yourself warned. Next such comment will be deleted.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. Off topic and vulgar. So, you're gone.

  11. The Pretzel benderSat Nov 11, 02:27:00 PM EST

    A new report indicates that one woman who accused Republican senate candidate Roy Moore of sexual misconduct worked for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign.
    DONT BELEIVE IT? Look it up, check it out in google!

    1. No thanks. I'll wait until a reputable credible source reports on it. If you're too goddamn lazy to link it it is automatically considered suspect.

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Off topic as well as having no value. Gone it is.

  13. Sexual misconduct is usually hard to prove, because it's usually a she said, he said type accusation. And yes, the accused is innocent until proven guilty. Which makes me wonder why the Republicans so quickly denounced this guy.

    You have to put yourself in the victims position to understand why they wouldn't say anything at the time. Just look at the accusations against priests and understand why those victims didn't come forward for decades. As the saying goes, rape, sexual molestation, etc.. is a crime of power, not sex.

    It's typical deflection to say look what so ans so did. Many of the Democratic politicians accused of sexual misconduct went to jail, were impeached, and lost their office. Sick explanations of forgiveness come from those who use the Bible to dismiss such behavior, or ignore repeated statements and behavior of sexual insensitivity. Look at our president and see the insensitive sexual discriminatory statements he was forgiven, given he won the election.

    This is a culture problem that has been in American society for centuries, which is just now getting the public scrutiny it deserves.

  14. Well, RN, you’ve got the snakes crawling out from under their rocks. Their comments (I get them in my blog reader) are ridiculous and without any links or backup to show that what they say is true. In most cases, just an attempt to deflect the discussion to other people or topics, a big indication of what they say is bs.

    Well done! This is obviously a subject that is causing a lot of heart burn.

    1. Thanks Jerry. It is clear that these folks really know Moore is likely little more than scum but their blind allegence to party and the pussy grabbing "my Vietnam was worrying about catching STD's" president shapes their view on this.

      It is pathetic but unfortunately it appears to be the New Normal Jerry.

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Off topic and or irrelevant comments are deleted upon detection. Sorry, but BYE BYE.

  16. When it comes to allegations against Roy Moore, the Left comes after him with their torches and pitch forks demanding his blood! When George Takei is accussed of harrassment, the Lefties hands him a blanket and cup of cocoa and whispers soothing things in his ear while patting him on his head. Double standard? You Betcha!

    1. Actuall this copy and paste from another weblog should be deleted. But I am letting stand as it represents the stupidity and hypocrisy of the Trumpian/Bannonite crowd.

      BFW way numbnuts, Roy Moore is running for United States Senator which put him I position of power as well as representing the USA. Geoge Takei is not.

      Check Trump's record of cavalier statements regarding women and his sexual predatory activity.

  17. I, as well as you or anyone else of the majority of the people in the USA do not know what happened or in what context it may have happened If indeed anything did happen st all. Charges cannot be brought against the candidate because all of the events are way past the prosecutable statute of limitations.

    Charges cannot be easily brought against the accusers for defamation since Ray Moore is a public figure. And, there is no judicial remedy for a ruined reputation and a failed political campaign.
    But what I do know is that while the timing of the story release is curious and suggestive of a conspiracy; it is probably that these women were reluctant to come forward and never interviewed before by a persistent media, and only through the efforts of certain reporters do we have a major story. One can’t even point to the suggested political bias of the reporters because it is a big story, worthy of coverage, and a story that would be a featured item regardless of what truth anyone wanted to embrace. Considering what is being said about these women now is pretty much a corroborating reason they stayed silent for so long. The mere fact that the chief underage (14 at the time) accuser voted for Trump and is a Republican says nothing about whether or not this is a political “hit job,” but it appears unlikely.

    What I also know is that some are positioning the Moore election as a referendum on the personality and politics of President Donald Trump. Trump, who initially endorsed Moore’s rival, Luther Strange, for the Alabama special Senate Election to replace Senator Jeff Sessions after he became the Attorney General of the United States. Some say this would be a thumb in the eye of Trump if Moore were elected.

    Others are saying that Roy Moore represents “the people” and will stand against the “establishment” to bring back common sense and integrity back into the political process. But, considering Moore’s past judicial behavior and defiance of judicial authority, one suspects that he is very much a “one man band” as are the libertarian Senators Rand Paul and constitutional conservative Ted Cruz. Men of “absolutes” who relish in their political positions and unwillingness to compromise.

    All of which got me to thinking … Is Roy Moore good for the people of Alabama or, as a Senator, America, and Americans?

    Unfortunately, I do not know the answer. So we must leave it up to the good people of Alabama to decide the issue on December 12, 2017.

    1. Interesting comments that display a level of thought often not seem from many on the far right. Your closing words fairly well sums up a valid conservative argument.

      As you pointed out the statue of limitations prevents prosecution of Moore's alleged predatory sexual activities.

      As more information is available, and because the court of public opinion has no statue of limitations I will be posting further info on Moore for review and consideration.

  18. Dating a 14 year old girl may be fine with you- but Moore undressing that 14 year old girl and putting her hand on his cock- yeah that is illegal.

    1. First off you ARE NOT George Takei.

      Having said the above, yeah, if in fact Judge Roy Moore in fact did as alleged it is illegal. But the statue of limitations has long since passed by.

      If theses allegations are true, and there is mounting indications they are, they say much about Moore's character and lack of moral fiber.

      Hopefully the folks of Alabama are smart enough to make the best decision. It is as MKiA said, the voters of Alabama's decision at this point.

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Distractions, irrelevance, and other such BS gets deleted. Tour's fits all the mentioned categories. BYE BYE.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. Sorry, irrelevant as well as untrue.

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. George Takie’s putting his hands on someone else’s dick is not cool!

    1. No one here said it was.

      Because your comment is OT as well as irrelevant to the Moore allegations it should be deleted.

      I decided to let it stand because it shows the level of intellect (lack thereof) of many on the right. Certainly not art but many.

      All other comments that have been deleted were because they were OT, irrelevant, vulgar, or just plain stupid. All represented the vacuity of so many on the right.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. The so-called "victims" are discrediting themselves on tonight’s interview!

    1. I prefer to wait until I read the text of the interviews than believe your bias.

      Watching the Falcons hopefully kicking the Cowboy's asses tonight.

  24. Ah, it is the mother who contradicts. And Bannon's Breitbart is reporting (manipulating) the truth.


    America's purveyor of conspiracy and fake news. Consider the possibility of Breitbart greasing mama's palms with the green for a story that supports their agenda.

    Just sayin...


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