Atlas Shrugged

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Birthplace of Independent Conservatism

Atlas Shrugged, the movie based on Ayn Rand's epic novel will be out soon. In recognition of this monumental accomplishment is the foregoing animated video trailer.

A is A, however it is quite likely, even given the rationality of the ethics of Objectivism {Ayn Rands rational philosophy}, that progressives will continue to evade reality and reason.


Far be it from this lonely, yet correct objectivist, to convince anybody. It is up to each individual to decide for themselves. Either through clarity and reason, or the dense fog of altruism, evasion, and wishful thinking.

We still have the opportunity. The immediate question is, what if anything will we do with it.


  1. Silence...........

    The sound of Americans, and in particular American capitalists, {if there is any such thing anymore}sound asleep.


  2. I don't agree with all of Rand's beliefs, but I agree with most of them and enjoyed the book. Why the hookey animation?


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