Trump's Brain Collapse Explained By Cognitive Experts...


 "Buddhanature is the innate primordial freedom of the mind, which is naturally imbued with wisdom, compassion, power, and bliss."        Karl Brunnholzl

"Seek first to understand, then to be understood."   Steven Covey 

Of course the MSM has been too afraid to focus on and discuss Trump's obvious cognitive decline. Wouldn't want to upset MAGA after all.

MSM feels it is safer for their $$$$ profit to ignore Trump's glaring obvious mental decline.

The real possible result:

Nate Silver of Five Thirty Eight yesterday: Donald J. Trump (insurrectionist, rapist, liar) - Trump 60%, Harris 39%

Perhaps the MSM and the medical profession should wake up and speak OUT, very loudly and often. Lest we are once again ruled by the minority of the people.

Trump wins and this nation IS on the way to authoritarianism and abject corporate and individual greed.


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