Michelle Obama Could Beat Trump In a Landslide, New Poll Suggests...


"Buddhanature is the innate primordial freedom of the mind, which is naturally imbued with wisdom, compassion, power, and bliss."        Karl Brunnholzl

"Seek first to understand, then to be understood."   Steven Covey

salon - Michelle Obama is the only Democratic candidate who would beat Trump in a hypothetical 2024 election matchup, a new poll suggests. 

The best-selling author and wife of former President Barack Obama would beat Trump by over 10 points, with 50% of voters saying they would vote for Obama and 39% saying they would vote for Trump, according to the latest Reuters/Ipsos poll

The poll also finds President Joe Biden tied with Trump, each receiving 40% in a two-way race. In this matchup, 8% of voters said they would vote for somebody else and 8% of voters said they would not vote.

All other hypothetical Democratic candidates trail behind the former president and presumptive GOP candidate. Vice President Kamala Harris sits just one point behind Trump at 42% to Trump’s 43%, within the poll's margin of error, and California Gov. Gavin Newsom sits at 39% against Trump’s 42%.

Obama also topped the charts in favorability scores, with 55% of voters having a favorable opinion of the former first lady. That’s 10 points higher than either Trump or Biden. 

Following Thursday’s presidential debate, more than half of voters said Biden should drop out of the race and just under half said the same of Trump.

Despite her popularity among American voters, Obama has said many times that she has no desire to run for office. 

“As former First Lady Michelle Obama has expressed several times over the years, she will not be running for president. Mrs. Obama supports President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris’ re-election campaign,” Obama’s communication director said in a statement to MSNBC earlier this year.

A democratic country could, and has, done far worse! 2017 to 2021 immediately comes to mind.

We must not allow that and Project 2025 to happen. EVER!

For if we do we shall never be able to go back to freedom and liberty. Authoritarianism and rule by personality will become the law of the land.

Our democracy and life as we've all known it will radically and fundamentally change forever. We can't let that happen.

No matter who ultimately runs for president on the democratic ticket support the ticket and the party. For they and the party are the only thing standing in the way of neo-Nazi authoritarianism and rule by personality.

Thank you for listening!



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