Jon Stewart and the Babbling Nancy Pelosi...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Purveyor of Truth

Jon Stewart actually asking some reasonable questions. Because the "Babbling and Time To Retire" Pelosi failed to address Stewart's questions and concerns effectively there seemed to be a bit of frustration displayed by Stewart. Or perhaps its just me?

Representative Pelosi just may have a future retirement career in comedy playing opposite the straight guy or gal.

Story below the fold.


  1. There was an expression during my days as a kid on the playground. "If your own guy says so." This was clearly an example of that.

  2. I will never understand the ridiculous caricature of Nancy Pelosi constructed by the Right. And this is just silly. Stewart is right, but so is Pelosi. It's just more ol' governmental comedy. She wasn't personally in charge of the website rollout, and there is so very much more to the ACA than just that website or even just the mandate system. So this is good for a little laugh, and that's about it.


  3. Yes, I know jmj. It is indeed difficult to understand the babbling of Madame Pelosi. Damn near impossible. I guess you must have to be fluent in progressive-speak to appreciate and understand it.

  4. There's nothing to appreciate, and none of it is "progressive," really. Hopefully, in the future, we'll wise up and get a national health insurance plan.


    1. Almost all of it is in fact progressive, Jersey. Typical boiler plate.

  5. .

    "Because the "Babbling and Time To Retire" Pelosi failed to address Stewart's questions and concerns effectively there seemed to be a bit of frustration displayed by Stewart. Or perhaps its just me?"

    So to make sure it is understood. RationalNationUSA is taking umbrage that a Congresswoman from California is having a lighthearted discussion on a _comedy_ show? It is rather humorous to watch as the 'people' of the right soil themselves just because public figures do NOT behave nor act like the ridiculous caricatures that the right have constructed in their RW bubble.

    So what is causing RationalNationUSA so much trouble? Is it that Congresswoman Pelosi was on a comedy show or was it that she wasn't personally in charge of the website rollout?

    Ema nymton

    1. " rollout..."

      Not good to bring up THAT scandal. The job was handed to very incompetent friends of ObamaCo, in an example of pure corruption. And it STILL isn't fixed. I'm advising everyone I know to stay off it, stay out of ObamaCare.

  6. Why Ema, thank you for your thoughts. Which serves to very strongly indicate it is you who has soiled their panties. Not surprised at all really.

    Yes indeed it is a comedy show, one in which Babbling Pelosi indeed belongs.

    Umbrage, Hm, well we all have to compete with the professional umbrage taking individuals like you Ema who populate the dark corners of the far left.

    We'll no doubt see ya again. Won't we Ema?

  7. I just don't know why Les is falling for the silly caricature of Pelosi. It's the lowest form of rightwing rabble rousing. As long as righties are too stupid to tell caricatures from real people - or hyperbole from facts, or ideology from reality - they will continue to drag down the body politic. This sort of silliness is why we have that stupid Tea Party today. NO ONE other than other conservatives will take conservatives and conservatism seriously until conservatives AT LEAST just start talking seriously.


  8. I am not falling for anything jmj. Never liked Pelosi, never will. Don't mind if you place her on some goddamn political pedestal, that is your prerogative. Just don't expect me to applaud.

  9. "We have a plan for Medicare. It's called, 'Medicare'." That's my personal favorite. Tens of trillions in unfunded liability and that's the best that this imbecile can come up and, yet, she just continues to skate. Unbelievable.

    1. Will: And the idiotic claim of hers about passing the ACA in order to find out what is in it.

      Jersey: Sorry, the only ridiculousness here is coming 100% from Pelosi. Except perhaps from some conservatives who do go overboard on the botox jokes.

    2. Dennis: And the idiotic claim of hers about passing the ACA in order to find out what is in it.

      Not "idiotic", but correct. The American people (or a large portion of them) bought the Rightwing spin about the ACA being bad. Then, when the good portions of it went into effect, they found they were wrong to believe that spin.

      As for Pelosi, she was one of the most effective Speakers in history... and she was followed by one of the most ineffective. Medicare is a good plan. People like Medicare. The quote Will refers to is also a favorite of mine... because Pelosi nails it.

    3. Mr. Sander said: "The American people (or a large portion of them) bought the Rightwing spin about the ACA being bad"

      Typical. The American people, who know their own lives better than Mr. Sanders, make a decision according to the facts and their best interest. Mr. Sanders arrogantly and ignorantly thinks he know their lives better than they do.

      This happens a lot: when the people act in their interest, but don't agree with Mr. Sanders, he makes up conspiracy theories and insults them.

      As for Pelosi nailing it: it is perfect example of how cartoonish and bufoonish she is.

      As for her supposed idiotic and correct claim, it shows this member of the ruling elite is not any sort of good representative.

      I see Mr. Sanders is still using his beloved pet name "Dennis" for me. The man crush is still on. It has always been one way. I guess he has the lotion bottle out again.

    4. Right, Dennis, the "arrogant" insult again. But when your buddy says "Yes, I DO think that the American electorate is quite stupid" and then lists all the issues the American people disagree with him on to illustrate why they're stupid... that isn't arrogant. Three comments from Dennis and NOT ONE mentions the arrogance of calling the American people stupid. FYI, the fact that the Affordable Care Act polls higher than ObamaCare (when they're the same thing) PROVES what I said is accurate. What I said isn't "arrogance", but the truth.

      In regards to Dennis' "lotion" comment... why don't you get your mind out of the gutter... for once? I don't have amorous feelings toward you... as much as that might disappoint you, I think you need to accept that fact... for your own good.

  10. I don;t place her on anything. I never thought she did much for for the cause of progressive or liberal cause at all. That's the whole irony of all this - she's nothing AT ALL like you guys make her out to be. Most liberals and progressives barely pay attention to her. She's a status quo Democrat. Eh.

    The point is this, Les: When liberals and progressives hear conservatives caricature Pelosi so ridiculously, we just think it sounds stupid. Like you guys don't have a clue in the world what a progressive or a liberal is.


    1. Oh my, silly me. Of course us guys don't have a clue. But naturally youse progressives know every frigging thing about everything. What a f---king surprize.

    2. RN: Typical. After making some great comments in the post about 2016, Jersey goes on the non-thinking, lazy, side, letting the (D) after a politician's name do the thinking for him.

      We know you can do better, Jersey...

    3. Oh, what was I thinking, guys? Silly ridiculous caricatures of Nancy Pelosi isn't the least bit "non-thinking" or "lazy." I wonder why Fox News hasn't thought of it yet!


    4. Hmmm. Pelosi's own behavior and statements are a silly ridiculous caricature.... all made entirey by herself. and Jersey brings Fox News into it???

      Jersey: Is this the same Fox News that you said "ignored" the military sex abuse scandal...making this claim on a day when Fox News was running an hourly "headline" on the story?

  11. Well Will, she is a representative from that grest train wreck of a state known as the People's Republic of California so we should expect what we see and hear.

  12. California is one of the wealthiest places on the planet, Les. I'd have thought you'd be more impressed with them.


  13. Gentlemen, please take personal dislikes, non post subject matters, and personal issues home to your own sites and work them out.

    Thank you for your cooperation.

  14. Off topic but what a GREAT night in what is now Super Bowl history. Seattle Seahawks destroy the Denver Broncos in Super Bowl 48.

    Hey Peyton, time for mommy to take you home.

  15. Hey the people of Marin Country keep electing the silly twit in,is the American electorate stupid or not......the defense rests.

    1. Rusty: People elect Democrats according to their interest, or Republicans. That is what happens when you have free and open elections..... and regardless of trumped-up claims of "gerrymandering" which typically come from those who don't actually mind gerrymandering as such, but they just want it divided their way instead.

    2. And unfortunately it isn't just Pelosi. They (the American people) also elect the likes of Alan Grayson, Louis Gohmert, Michelle Bachmann (at least up until now), and Maxine Waters.

    3. By any right wing economic standard, at least, the people of Pelosi's district are among the successful in America. If Pelosi was truly the left wing liberal cartoon taxing the rich into poverty, as you guys believe, I doubt the that very wealthy district would be electing her over and over. Nor would Pelosi had ever become Speaker of the House if she was so radical. You guys obsession with Pelosi just goes to show the pervasive effect of the right wing media on conservative thought. With that media, I doubt she'd be so apparent on your radar. And to compare Pelosi to psychopaths like Gomert or Bachmann just shows how deluded you guys are.



    4. Psychopaths? Hm... now who's the deluded one jmj?

      They are looney, certainly not too bright. However Gohmert and Bachmann are not psychopathic. Unless of course you mean to they are perpetual liars. In which case you may have a point. A bit stretched, but a point nonetheless.

    5. Jersey: Can we compare Pelosi to "psychopaths like Gomert or Bachmann"? Certainly. Are they the same? Surely not. The difference is that Gohmert and Bachmann are clowns with little power. Pelosi, in her leadership role, has been able to do a lot of damage.

      Far from putting the rich into poverty, those who lose the most under her are average working Joes, like the millions forced off of good healthcare plans due to her sneaky passage of Obamacare. Remember her horrible gaffe about passing it to find out what was in it: as bad as anything said by Gomer and Bachmann, but with the weight of policy behind it) .

      And ...again, far from putting the rich into poverty, she was a major leader of the movement to give some of the largest handouts/bailouts to the wealthy and corporations in the history of the nation.

      She's a left-wing liberal cartoon alright: Any cartoon of the limousine liberal will do just fine.

      RN said of Jersey: "...A bit stretched, but a point nonetheless."
      Indeed, while his point that Pelosi is somehow much different completely failed.

    6. Well, okay. Maybe Gomert is a just an idiot. But Bachmann? I'm sticking with psychopath.


  16. Its amazing and a sad commentary of the American voter....Congress has an 18% approval rating yet voters continue to elect their reps. It seems all the others are the cause of he problems....theirs are doing a cracker jack job.There sould be some sort of IQ test prior to being allowed to vote.

    1. Rusty said: "Congress has an 18% approval rating yet voters continue to elect their reps"

      And there are the mostly baseless conspiracy theories about "gerrymandering", which has supposedly kept slightly more popular Democrats out of office.

      Which would mean, I suppose, if these slightly more popular Democrats had been elected instead, Congress would have a 19% approval rating instead of a mere 18%.

    2. dmarks, you don't think there is such a thing as gerrymandering?


  17. Yes, but its impact is overrated, and too often the complaints are just sour grapes from those who lose popular votes. Jersey...would Texas be blue if not for supposed gerrymandering?

  18. - Read page 19. The Texas AG admits the map is partisan. There's nothing new or conspiratorial about this.

    As for Texas being blue? Most agree that would not be the case yet. Give it ten or twenty years. Texas will be blue. Florida (the most gerrymandered of all the states), Virginia, and a few other Red states are gradually becoming Blue as well. Eventually, if trends hold, the GOP will be back in the Minority Woods for another long slog.


    1. Thanks for answering, Jersey. I had an impression you thought Texas would be blue right now. The impression was mistaken, and you have corrected it.

    2. Well, Texas probably would be a Blue State now if we treated our immigrants a little better.


  19. Perhaps...but I would hope that hypothetical "we" would include changed Republicans, too. That is one of the things I strongly dislike about that party now: its generally hardline, anti-immigrant, nativist stance.

  20. Yep, unless the republican party develops a socially libertarian live and let live stand combined with a honest straight forward conservative fiscal agenda it will go the way of the old Whig party. And it should.

    Good take on Texas jmj.

  21. Les, would you consider "Yadda, yadda, yadda, and the beat goes on," a thoughtful response to your post?

  22. Well, as I've said elsewhere one should keep their own company and follow their own counsel.

    Really Shaw I am rapidly developing the belief that the whole damn exercise is a charade.

    Progressives are not interested in anything other than what fits their agenda any more that conservatves and libertarians are interested in anything that doesn't fit theirs.

    It is just the way things are. Perhaps things will change, but I doubt it. The lines have been drawn, the sides have been chosen, few, and I mean very few, are interested in really considering alternatives to their long held and cherished paradigms Are you Shaw?

    Those who do question, accept that compromise is the grease that keeps government running get jeered at, called names. have untruths spread about them, etc.

    So yep, keep your own company and counsel, have thick enough skin to let the bullshit roll off your back, and if Yada, Yada, Yada. and the beat goes on is bothersome to someone it must be true, depending on context in which the statement was made.

    Be well, enjoy the blogging experience, don't take it too seriously cause it ain't doing to change squat, and "hope that something might change."


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