Work On Behalf Of America...


"Buddhanature is the inn

ate primordial freedom of the mind, which is naturally imbued with wisdom, compassion, power, and bliss."        Karl Brunnholzl

"Seek first to understand, then to be understood."   Steven Covey

First Presidential Debate Coming Thursday 8:30 PM - 11:00 PM

The first debate between President Biden and Donald Trump is fast approaching -- circle THIS Thursday on your calendars -- and President Biden is counting on this team to rally behind him and say you're on board.

While the opposition is busy flooding the media with misinformation about Joe's leadership, President Biden is counting on this team to share his message of progress. The first debate is a big moment to contrast the Biden-Harris administration's record of progress with Donald Trump's plan to divide our country.

You can show you're on board with Team Biden-Harris by joining our national livestream, where we'll have some key members of our campaign providing live commentary on President Biden's talking points and our path to victory in 2024.

We have to carry this momentum forward, and the only way to keep organizing our way to victory is if folks around the country -- like you, Leslie -- join us to learn more about how you can help send Joe and Kamala back to the White House.

Save your spot for our national livestream by clicking the link below!


When we organize together, we win.

We'll see you there,

Team Biden-Harris

Grab the link and show your support for our OUTSTANDING President and his team... Joe Biden/Kamala Harris.


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