The Corrupt SCOTUS...


"Buddhanature is the innate primordial freedom of the mind, which is naturally imbued with wisdom, compassion, power, and bliss."        Karl Brunnholzl

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and Justice Samuel Alito attend a private ceremony for retired Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor before public repose in the Great Hall at the Supreme Court on December 18, 2023 in Washington, DC. A petition, created by a large online religious community, is condemning Thomas and Alito amid “corruption” claims.© Jacquelyn Martin-Pool/Getty Images

Thousands Sign Christian Petition Rebuking Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito

Apetition created by Faithful America on Wednesday is condemning U.S. Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito amid "corruption" claims.

Thomas, who joined the Court in 1991 and is its most senior member, and his wife, Ginni Thomas, have been scrutinized for questionable relationships with influential Republicans in addition to Ginni allegedly trying to help former President Donald Trump win the 2020 presidential election after he lost to Joe Biden.

The relationships include ties to billionaire Republican donor Harlan Crow and conservative judicial activist Leonard Leo, the co-chairman and former executive vice president of the conservative Federalist Society. The ties were further under fire as ProPublica released a report last year that found Thomas and his wife had taken undisclosed trips, and received other benefits, paid for by Crow. Thomas has defended the relationship as he previously said in a statement, describing Crow and his wife as "among our dearest friends." In addition, in reference to a 2019 trip, which involved flying to Indonesia on Crow's private jet and touring the islands on Crow's 162-foot yacht, Thomas said that he was "advised that this sort of personal hospitality from close personal friends, who did not have business before the Court, was not reportable."

Meanwhile, Alito, also part of the Court's conservative majority, was revealed to have accepted a fishing trip to Alaska from hedge fund founder Paul Singer that the justice did not detail in his mandatory annual financial disclosure forms. Separately, Alito faced pushback for owning individual company stocks while ruling on cases that impact the same industries. Alito has previously defended himself, saying that the flight to their Alaska trip was "the only occasion" where he accepted transportation for a social event.

The Supreme Court announced this past November that it was introducing a new code of conduct for justices amid ongoing calls to implement an ethics code.

In its petition from Wednesday with a goal of 15,000 signatures, Faithful America, an organization of Christians supporting social justice causes while opposing "Christian nationalism," wrote that the Supreme Court is in "crisis, due in part to deep-seated corruption as religious-right activists and billionaires lavish gifts, houses, and vacations" on Thomas and Alito and called on the Senate Judiciary Committee to act.

"We are deeply concerned about corruption on our nation's highest court. We are pleased that you authorized subpoenas for religious-right activist Leonard Leo and billionaire Harlan Crow back in November. However, we are also disappointed that you have yet to actually issue the subpoenas. We ask that you act swiftly to issue the subpoenas so the nation can understand the full scope of wrongdoing by Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito," Faithful America wrote in its petition.


America is sliding into the abyss of ignorance, greed, and corruption. The result of conservative republican MAGA activity and criminality.

91 felony indictments and the corrupt dishonest gop  continues to stand behind their Orange Hued Demented Human Orangutan.

Odds are the corrupt SCOTUS will give the criminal Trump the green light to continue his assault on American institutions and our democratic republic itself.

Fascism is gaining popularity in the republican party and its supporters. The question is, do the rest of us have the strength and stamina to defeat the authoritarians at every turn?

I doubt it. The system has been, and is being, rigged for their eventual takeover of American democracy. When it happens, and it will, hopefully an escape path will be available.,


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