
Showing posts from May, 2022

Pure Land Buddhism...


America's Culture of Guns and Death...

Explaining America's gun problem in pictures. It's Political. And, children will continuer to die in mass shootings and neither I or my party will do a damn thing. Family Values and Weapons of Destruction Proudly Displayed Together by the GOP and the NRA. Apparently They Believe the Two are Synonymous? H/T Progressive Eruptions for the PICS

Emptiness is Freedom...

  We all are buddhas, right here, right now. Buddhadharma  - Siddhartha arrived at the conclusion that learning about meditation, no matter how sophisticated the education, wasn’t enough—he should really buckle down and focus on actually practicing. In this spirit, he embarked on a retreat on the banks of the Niranjana river; for six years, he took part in no activities apart from practice. However, even after this mammoth effort, he was still not fully satisfied that he had attained the type of ultimate wisdom he was after. Finally, at Bodh Gaya, he simply let it all go. He let go of practice, let go of study, let go of meditation. He let go of the path itself. He meditated with nonmeditation—he just let everything be, as it is. And at last, when he began to let it be as it is, everything came together. Overnight, he discovered the true answer he had been so ardently seeking. The answer: that there is no answer. Not only is there no answer, there’s no question. Everything is ...

America's Gun Culture is America's Culture of Death...

  “Our guns will not lead to our liberation,” writes Zenzele Isoke following the May 14  mass shooting  that killed 10 people and injured three in a racist attack at a supermarket in Buffalo, New York. Here, she calls on practitioners to challenge gun culture and “bring the precept of non-harming back into the very center of our ethics and our mindfulness practices.” Lion's Roar -  On Saturday, May 14, 2022, eleven  African American people went to Tops Friendly Market in Buffalo, New York fully expecting to go home. Maybe they went to pick up a couple of fresh onions and garlic to season the Sunday dinner, buy some milk, cereal and snacks for the kids, or get a pound of butter and real vanilla extract for a fresh-baked dessert. Or maybe they were working at the grocery store part-time to  eke  out a living. Three of those people died in the parking lot before they ever reached the store, six of them were killed in the aisles, and one was killed in a s...

Excerpt From Vigilant Introspection From The Way 0f The Bodhisattva

  47. And when you feel the wish to move about      Or even to express yourself in speech,      First examine what is in your mind,      For steadfast ones should act correctly. 48. When the urge arises in your mind       To feelings of desire or angry hate.       Do not act! Be silent. do not speak!       And like a log of wood be sure to stay. 49.  And when your mind is wild or filled with mockery,        Or filled with pride and haughty arrogance.        Or when you would expose another's secret guilt       To bring up old dissensions or to act deceitfully, 50. Or when you want to fish for praise.       Or criticize and spoil another's name.       Or use harsh language. sparring for a fight.       Its then like a log you should remain, 51. And when you yearn for wealth, attenti...

Make Peace w/Impermanence...


A Poem - By Sadhguru...


President Biden Commemorates Vesak Day...

  Jill and I extend warm wishes to Buddhists in the United States and around the world as they celebrate Vesak. This sacred day is a time to reflect on the Buddha’s teachings, including the need to work for peace and justice, recognize our common humanity, respect and preserve the nature that surrounds us, and cultivate humility and compassion. The Buddha taught that we are but guests visiting this world, and for over 2,500 years, those who adhere to these teachings have enriched and strengthened this world we share. As we mark Vesak, we honor the American Buddhists who contribute so much to our country and advance our common values. Lion's Roar - On Monday, a second annual Vesak celebration was held at the White House honoring the birth, enlightenment, and death of the Buddha. Second Gentleman Mr. Douglas Emhoff lights a candle in celebration of Vesak. Official White House photo. The White House shared a  statement  from US president Joe Biden on Monday and held its sec...

Stopping Fear... Sadhguru


Emptiness, a State Worth Realizing...

  In emptiness all phenomena rests   In emptiness happiness is realized In emptiness wisdom is realized In emptiness suffering wanes In emptiness compassion grows To find emptiness one must forget the ego created self LC The Heart Sutra: the Fullness of Emptiness BY  THICH NHAT HANH |  FEBRUARY 10, 2022 \ K TO SHARE ON FACEBOOK (OPENS IN NEW WINDOW) Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new   Find more HERE , HERE , and HERE . Lose the self and improve your health!

The Child...

  A child is born in pure innocence and grace, its heart filled with love, absent all judgement and hate. Through the eyes of the child's pure love... all goodness is possible, sadly the pure unconditional love of the child wanes as time passes. Societies conditioning works to that end, as obscurations, delusions, and the false sense of self grows. LC

Negative Bias In the News Media...

  Top Negative News Facts (Editor’s Choice) Sensationalist stories form 95% of media headlines nowadays. Media  reports  with negative news  or  statistics  catch 30% more attention. 26.7% of people exposed to negative news go on to develop anxiety issues. 63% of kids aged 12–18 say that watching the news makes them feel bad. 39% of Americans believe the media exaggerated the COVID-19 coverage. A staggering 87% of the COVID-19 media coverage in 2020 was negative. The news media reports the stories it has  grown to believe  drives greater market share and increases profit. And after all, what's more important to American capitalism than market share and profit. Even when the result is to feed into and grow division and distrust in our society. As the statistics above show, the news media has done a remarkably phenomenal job increasing negativity and anxiety as well as desensitizing the culture to growing distrust, lack of civility, i...

Wisdom In Brief...

  Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens. Khalil Gibran To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him. Buddha “ When you drink in nature through your senses, you deepen your awareness of the great silent intelligence flowing through all things. You nourish your mind, body, and spirit as you connect to the divine love of Being. ” —  Deepak Chopra

Life Lessons...


An Indian Mystic's Perspective On Abortion...


More On the SCOTUS Draft Decision To Overturn ROE-v-WADE...

  We must always rely on our own investigation to know what is true. Every human life will require difficult, ambiguous choices. Abortion is not a special case. I know that abortion can be undertaken with all the compassion, love, and generosity with which we welcome a wanted baby. It is an act that can increase happiness even as it decreases future suffering, and allow a person to be healthier, stronger, more whole. Abortion is health care, and people’s suffering will only be compounded as long as it is anything short of safe and legal. The above excerpt is taken from  Tricycle .  The author,    Sallie Jiko Tisdale , presents compelling rebuttal to the current anti women's rights sentiments of American conservatives of the anti women's rights of the current SCOTUS. Complete article HERE .

The SCOTUS "Draft" Overturning ROE-v-WADE Is Unconscionable and Immoral... Are We On a Path to Theological Law In the USA?

  In light of the SCOTUS "draft" decision, which if affirmed will overturn overturn ROE-v-WADE, we post a bit of interesting and useful information found on Progressive Eruptions. It seems that in 1968 a commission authorized Pope Paul VI found that the RCC's stance on abortion did more harm to Catholics and their marriages that it did good. Advising the ban on abortion be lifted.  PS. On July 25, 1968, Pope Paul VI stunned Catholics around the world with his announcement of Humanae Vitae, "Of Human Life," a document in which he forcefully reaffirmed the church's previously stated position on the use of artificial birth control, calling it "intrinsically wrong." If you read the history of that 1968 Papal Bull, you will find that a commission authorized by Pope Paul to study birth control was ignored by Pope Paul because he didn't like the outcome. The outcome? The commission, which was comprised of devote lay Catholics, doctors, theologians, fo...