GOP, Unpopular - Delusional - Un-American...

 (CNN) - The Republican Party will begin its time as the minority party in Washington unpopular with a public ready to move on from President Donald Trump, according to a new CNN Poll conducted by SSRS. The poll also finds that the most high-profile elected Republican who will remain in office after Trump leaves, Sen. Mitch McConnell, is viewed more negatively than ever before. 

The public overwhelmingly wants to see the Republican Party move on from Trump once he's left office. Overall, just 19% say the party ought to continue to treat Trump as its leader, while 77% say it should move on. Among Republicans, views are split, with 48% saying the party should move on and 47% saying the party should continue to treat Trump as the leader of the party

Please, Please, Please continue supporting the previous pretend president. Support the bast^rd until it DESTROYS your hypocritical lying anti American party. Then we can start a new inclusive, rational, and truly fiscally conservative yet socially liberal party. Which is what a majority of Americans want.

Article continues BELOW the FOLD.


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