Restore America To Its Values, Defeat Trump... A Blowout Is Possible... Vote America!!




  1. Wonder if that takes into consideration Biden getting 15,000,000 more votes,
    Trump declaring fraud, Barr backing him, Putin sending help and the evangelicals
    urging Democrats-Lock Them Up? Wouldn't surprise me..not anymore.

    1. Nothing suprises me in the age of chaotic confusion and trumpism deludions BB Idaho. Nothing at all.

  2. Don't count the chickens too early RN... across the rust belt and in Florida, the GOP is killing the Dems with New Registered Voters.

    Here's the numbers... Florida +100K, PA +60K, North Carolina +40K. Last election, HRC won black women at a 98-1 margin. Now? 92-6 in polling. Black and Latino men are going Trump in bigger numbers than 2016.

    All to say, they sky is not falling for Dems, but the race is tightening and if a challenger is going to win and beat an incumbent, he's got to win big. Carter won by 50 electoral votes, Reagan by over 400, Clinton by 200...

    1. Oh I'm not counting chickens Dave.

      However, I do believe that a clear majority of Americans realize trump is a disaster for America as well as the world. During any prior time in our history trump would likely be defeated in a landslide. Today is not a normal time in our history.

      If all folks that believe trump is wrong for America VOTE trump will lose. It remains to be seen whether they turn out in sufficient enough numbers to effect a trump loss.

      I merely post the possible for encouragement. That and it is an opportunity to feel hopeful for a brief moment. A welcome breif moment to interrupt the pervasive dispair that trump offers daily.

      America is smarter and better than trump and his administration. November 3, 2020 is the time to PROVE IT.

    2. Here in bright red Idaho, there is an encouraging trend. Over 10,000 mostly GOP women who
      voted Trump first time around, have started a facebook group in support of Biden. They,
      including the wife of a GOP state legislator, claim their cause, despite their strong
      support for Right To Life, and the judges they thought Trump would appoint, state that
      although they hold their values on that, human dignity is more important. ..they note
      that Trump lacks in that common asset. If red Idaho is trending.....?

    3. It looks like some of the sleeping trump sheeple are waking up. A very good thing. I hope the numbers grow and the wake up isn't too late. We'll soon know. Although trump will not go done quietly and peacefully if he loses IMO.

  3. Let's hope election day is a good day for America, and Trump is not reelected. I mean, by his own words, he knows nothing about a perverse cult all over the news in America, doesn't know when he's tested for Covid, retweets stories from satirical sites as truth and then is mad when he's called on it. By his own words he disqualifies himself because he's either too stupid to know better, or is lying.

    Of course, no conservative, troll or not, will proffer a real response, because they all know the truth, the truth that Senator Ben Sasse shared in a recent erified conference call...

    "The way he kisses dictators' butts. I mean, the way he ignores that the Uyghurs are in literal concentration camps in Xinjiang right now. He hasn't lifted a finger on behalf of the Hong Kongers. The United States now regularly sells out our allies under his leadership. The way he treats women and spends like a drunken sailor. The ways I criticized President (Barack) Obama for that kind of spending I've criticized President Trump for as well. He mocks evangelicals behind closed doors. His family has treated the presidency like a business opportunity. He's flirted with White supremacists..."

    Here's what Sasse said about Trump's handling of Covid...

    "The reality is that he careened from curb to curb. First, he ignored Covid. And then he went into full economic shutdown mode. He was the one who said 10 to 14 days of shutdown would fix this, and that was always wrong... So I don't think the way he's led through Covid has been reasonable or responsible or right."

    Now people can attack Sasse, but I'll wait to see if any conservatives offer a defense that refutes the points Sasse made. And that's the real question... can anyone in the GOP credibly refute Sasse?

    RN, don't get me wrong, I'm no Sasse fan. To me, he's an opportunist posturing for the 2024 election. If he believes what he said on that call, why didn't he say it in the primary when he was challenged? Because he would have lost his primary. He's trying to have his cake and eat it too. He needs to be asked if he just came to this realization, or if he's held this belief for awhile.

    And if he's held it for awhile, why didn't he say something, or go public before?

    We need some serving GOP members to step up and publicly say what Sasse would only say in private. So that on November 4, we can once again say "It's morning in America!"

    1. With rare exception there no longer exists republicans in office at the federal level with any integrity IMO. They've been lying for so long it is natural for them at this point. I'm not sorry I cut no republican any slack whatsoever. They simply deserve none IMO.

      When and if republicans regain some self respect, once again put country ahead of party and its leader, return to acting fiscally responsible (Ike comes to mind), and start to respect ALL Americans regardless of their race or sexual orientation I will acknowledge we truly have achieved morning in America. As long as there is darkness he sun cannot really shine through.

  4. Given that he failed by quite a bit to win the popular vote first time
    around, and that he has not added to his base (maybe has some women, older
    and younger 'trumpists' souring on his baseless rage) he will not win that.
    So the key is the swing states and they are looking more and more iffy for
    him. Now a 'Stable Genius' would concede, offer transition help and make a
    show of at least minimal unity, it is hard to say what an 'unstable nitwit'
    would do.

    1. I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed but given the nefarious mind of trump I'm sure he's working on many monkey wrenches to toss into the working of the system if it appears he's losing.

      I do not trust the bastard or his sycophants or the court.


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