The Future - Emerging From the Darkness of Trumpism...

A breath of fresh air coming to America November 3, 2020. The future without Trumpism holds unbounding promise and hope for America. Working together We The People, united in common purpose will Build America Back Better Thsan Ever!


  1. You know RN, I'm always a big fan of how...

    They both gave good speeches. Even FOX News said so.

    But like a lot of political theater, the devil will be in the details. How, we might ask, will Biden accomplish all that he talked about? And of course, when will a Dem, any national Dem, speak on the importance of the debt? I get the focus is on getting Trump out of office, but if he is successful, On Jan 21, 2021, Biden will wake up 20 trillion in the hole, a country struggling with Covid and an economy still in the tank.

    And the AOC crowd demanding more spending on their dream projects.

    How is the question we should all be asking. Of Biden and Trump when he lays out his vision for America next week.

    1. Raise taxes when the econimy recovers. Overturn Citizens United. Reverse the coroporate tax rate bringing it back to a 35% level. For starters.

      Flipping the senate will be crucial. If the senate remaind rethuglican and Binden wins... obstruction and gridlock.

    2. republicans will start screaming about the debt on day 1 of the Biden administration. It's their strategy. Even as the Dotard administration and the GOP congress spends trillions, with a lot of it going to bail out large corporations. "Dream projects"? I hope saving the planet isn't just a dream. Or that healthcare for all (which will actually cost less) isn't just a dream.

      Trump's vision of America? You're under assault, White people. The "radical left" is going to destroy America unless you vote for "the Chosen One" to save it. aka fear and hate-mongering.

  2. Derv... Day 1? That's already started. Look at Trd Cruz and Rand Paul. As they ready to run for pres in 2024, they're already starting this BS.


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