More From The Lincoln Project On Our Liar In Chief...

New from The Lincoln Project - June 9, 2020- Contrary to all evidence, since his inauguration, President Donald J. Trump has been lying about the size of the crowds that he says have come out to cheer him on.
Finally, this week, in cities across America, from coast to coast, and small towns in between, crowds even larger than he ever imagined possible have gathered — not to cheer Trump on — but in solidarity with one message: It’s time for him to go.
Donald Trump, the American people are speaking directly to you with a simple message: It’s time to start packing your bags

Indeed Donald J. Trump has told thousands of documented lies since assuming office. He is, a pathological liar as well as a sociopath. His lack of leadership, corruption, divisiveness, and non existent emotional intelligence is appalling as well as dangerous. Trump, in 3 1/2 years has shown America in real time what a corrupt, inept, and egregiously incompetent man looks like. The crowds now filling the streets protesting the very thing Trump and his sycophants'  CHOOSE to ignore is all anyone needs to know about the character of the "man" sitting in The Peoples White House.


  1. You’re such a FREAKIN IDIOT how do you look in the mirror?
    You and that old Ass Shaw deserve each other

    1. Wow Contard Delusionaire, your intellectual acuity is that of a rodent. You surely make your Orange Clorox "Man" proud.

    2. RN... notice how much Mr Libtard dealt with the post? When these clowns can't refute facts and truth, they resort to attacking. I guess that is easier than trying to mount a fact based affirmative defense of a president who lies daily and ordered the attack and gassing of peaceful Americans exercising their first amendment rights.

  2. The Trumpista crowd is starting to shrink, the RINO bunch is growing.
    MAGA: Many Are Getting Annoyed

    1. Perhaps, just perhaps sleeping Americas are finally awakening to the gigantic collection of garbage now occupying Their White House and destroying Their Republic. I'll hope but I am not yet prepared to believe it will happen.

  3. Perhaps, just perhaps You go suck on a cucumber

    1. Another of your ABSOLUTELY brilliant comments Contard Delusionaire?

      You really knocked yourself out coming up with that one tardman.

      Did Dotard donnie rub your ears and pat you on your head in approval?

  4. RN... fundamentally unable to engage on real ideas and facts. That's where guys like Libtard are.

    The defense of southern war memorials and the Confederate flag should be a red flag to Americans of all stripes. Why do people who hate seeing Mexicans waving their flag in this country support these folks? As the Lincoln project points out, and what I've said for years is this... The Confederate flag is the flag of traitors!

    How can American believe otherwise? They wanted to leave the Union. They wanted to breakup America. They fought a war to do so. Isn't that the very definition of treason?

    But that's just me...

    I'm sure Libtard, LL, and the rest of right wingers will come and share why the Confederate flag and memorials to southern generals like Lee, Bragg and Jackson represent American patriotism.

    1. I hear ya Dave. My take on this, while progressives may take issue, is that there are some circumstances that justify rebellion. And, our fore and founding fathers gave us the VERY best example of when that is so.

      Now, it is my conviction that when this nation's leaders choose to put personal gain and personal power above the Supreme Law of the Land, the Constitution of the United States then I believe rebellion and revolution is neccessary. For me, to be a self respecting free man demands those actions. Trump, McConnell, and the rest of the rightwing fascist minded cabal have brought us very near to that breaking point.

      So you see Dave when someone like trump pushes the envelope in ways that trample our Constitution and disrespects the people of this nation (regardless of color or ethnicity) them for me, it IS the breaking point. I'm 68 and fit so I'm ready if and when that time comes.

    2. The libtard bunch explains the Civil War as one of a gentle southern folk just seeking their
      states rights. After all, slavery was in the Bible, and it was a compassionate economic
      system. They have been fighting the lost war ever since Jefferson Davis was captured on the run
      dressed as a woman by a US Cavalry troop (by guys dressed as women, but with peaked white caps
      who burned crosses). IMO, it is history and there may be a place for the old flags and
      statues-a dusty museum perhaps.

    3. Yup BB Idaho, a dusty museum is perfect. A constant reminder what extreme oppression and denial of liberty and human rights leads to. DEFEAT. The bozos on the contard right who believe the protest marches against racism, injustice, and police brutality damn well better pay CLOSE ATTENTION!!

  5. Or even a not dusty museum. But what country honors traitors who tried to rip it apart? As was asked in the WAPO today... who wants to send their kids to Benedict Arnold Elementary School or to play in Osama bin Laden Park? Why no Himmler Street of Fort Tojo?

    Because we shouldn't be celebrating people bent on the destruction of our nation.

    1. You shouldn't eradcate historical records or visual reminders that some consider is the right thing IMO. But, they should be used to educate future generations truthfully and openly. Lets have a truly open, honest, and productive reckoning of our past. Especially the parts that ran contrary to the Stated Values and Ideals expressed in our Declaration of Independence and Our Constitution.

      Of course the cons want nothing to do with the truth or binding up the wounds this nation is now experiencing.

      Don't know if you like Sonny Rollins but the 90 year old tenor saxaphonist legend was rececently interviewd. His fear? That like 911 happened folks went back to their old comfortable habits of "gotta get mine first" in 3 months. His belief is the same will happen with race relations and reform attempts.

      We'll soon know.

  6. RN... I like Rollins. A true classic.

    I was heartened yesterday when GOP Senator Roy Blunt from MO stepped up to force his committee to move forward with removing the names of Confederate generals from US bases, calling the generals losers and Gen Bragg a terrible general. Then even Lindsey Graham found some spine and said he agreed with Gen Milley of the Joint Chiefs and that Pres Trump was wrong with what happened in the June 1 clearing of the area around the White House.

    Finally some flakes of dissent from the Trumpistas.

    1. Yes Dave, it is heartening to witness that. However I have not forgutten 2016. So, I worry the democrats will find a way to manage to lose again when they now have momentum flowing their way.

      More Hopeful Today. But still skeptical.

  7. There is a reason
    why so many army bases a named after confederate generals: and it is pure Jim Crow. I trained at
    Ft. Leonard Wood and Ft. McClellan, appropriate for a Yankee from the WI northwoods.

    1. Yup, Jim Crow figures have significant meaning for the closet KKK eh BB Idaho?

  8. BB and RN... here's what I don't get. Why would a president, any president, argue with his generals who want to, for the good of the service, rid the country of bases named for people who wished to divide our country? These guys, like Braxton Bragg, were LOSERS! And traitors. Once they adopted their articles, they were no longer even citizens of America.

    What person in their right mind would want our bases named after these people?

    1. Only explanation: Donald is related to the Bragg family...he is certainly good at it.

    2. All good questions Dave. Perhaps one day Dotard donnie woll give us the answer.

      Personally I think we are living in a nation with 30%-40% of its citizens terribly confused. Maybe it's just me though Dave.


  9. This may open up a ton of outraged comments by some Progressives Many who will argue how "wrong" this post is. My suggestion: Save your time and effort! You're not changing the reality of what we are living by trying to somehow justify this insanity. And I don’t give a Rats Ass if this offends you...Nevertheless, I couldn't resist because we are becoming the Twilight Zone. We have become a nation that has lost its collective mind!
    • If a dude pretends to be a woman, you are required to pretend with him.
    • Somehow it’s un-American for the census to count how many Americans are in America.
    • Russians influencing our elections are bad, but illegals voting in our elections are good.
    • It was cool for Joe Biden to "blackmail" the President of Ukraine, but it’s an impeachable offense if Donald Trump inquires about it.
    • Twenty is too young to drink a beer, but eighteen is old enough to vote.
    • People who have never owned slaves should pay slavery reparations to people who have never been slaves.
    • Inflammatory rhetoric is outrageous, but harassing people in restaurants is virtuous.
    • People who have never been to college should pay the debts of college students who took out huge loans for their degrees.
    • Immigrants with tuberculosis and polio are welcome, but you’d better be able to prove your dog is vaccinated.
    • Irish doctors and German engineers who want to immigrate must go through a rigorous vetting process, but any illiterate gang-bangers who jump the southern fence are welcome.
    • $5 billion for border security is too expensive, but $1.5 trillion for “free” health care is not.
    • If you cheat to get into college you go to prison, but if you cheat to get into the country you go to college for free.
    • People who say there is no such thing as gender are demanding a female President.
    • We see other countries going Socialist and collapsing, but it seems like a great plan to us.
    • Some people are held responsible for things that happened before they were born, and other people are not held responsible for what they are doing right now.
    • Criminals are catch-and-released to hurt more people, but stopping them is bad because it's a violation of THEIR rights.
    • And pointing out all this hypocrisy somehow makes us "racists"?!
    Nothing makes sense anymore, no values, no morals, no civility and people are dying of a Chinese virus.
    We are living in an upside down world for sure.

    1. Your twaddle of opinions have been duly noted. The twaddle doesn't outrage me at all. Quite the opposite. It causes we to smile, realizing the crap you've had spoon fed to you is actually limiting your potential for growth and awakening.

      Actually TOM, I feel sorry for you.

  10. Tom

    -If a dude pretends to be a woman, you are required to pretend with him.
    No Tom, you are not required. You are asked to be respectful

    -Somehow it’s un-American for the census to count how many Americans are in America.
    Everyone is all for counting how many Americans are in America. And how many non Americans live here too, just like the Constitution says.

    -Russians influencing our elections are bad, but illegals voting in our elections are good.
    Illegal aliens voting in our elections are bad. Fortunately, not a single Secretary of State, including 25 of whom are Republicans, has found this to be a problem. Also, when Kris Kobach was forced by a court to show evidence to back up his claim of voter fraud, he came up essentially empty.

    -It was cool for Joe Biden to "blackmail" the President of Ukraine, but it’s an impeachable offense if Donald Trump inquires about it.
    Biden did not blackmail the president of Ukraine. If that’s true, let’s see your proof.

    -Twenty is too young to drink a beer, but eighteen is old enough to vote.
    What does this have to do with anything?

    -People who have never owned slaves should pay slavery reparations to people who have never been slaves.
    The GOP in the past has favored paying reparations to the Japanese by the citizens of the US, even though many of those people had never imprisoned anyone. Why not now?

    -Inflammatory rhetoric is outrageous, but harassing people in restaurants is virtuous.
    Both behaviors are wrong. Are you willing to agree?

    -People who have never been to college should pay the debts of college students who took out huge loans for their degrees.
    Maybe, maybe not. It would be a huge boost, like a tax cut, to the economy. Should all tax payers have to pay tax at the same rate I do, with no deductions?

    -Immigrants with tuberculosis and polio are welcome, but you’d better be able to prove your dog is vaccinated.
    Actually, no they are not. At least as it relates to people. Dogs, I have no idea.

    -Irish doctors and German engineers who want to immigrate must go through a rigorous vetting process, but any illiterate gang-bangers who jump the southern fence are welcome.
    What proof do you have that we willingly welcome illiterate gangbangers? Not opinion, proof. And if illiteracy is your issue, you must really struggle with the great majority of your right wing brethren.

    -$5 billion for border security is too expensive, but $1.5 trillion for “free” health care is not.
    $5 billion is not too expensive, if it is used effectively. A wall is not effective, unless it surrounds the White House.

    -If you cheat to get into college you go to prison, but if you cheat to get into the country you go to college for free.
    If a college chooses to give someone a scholarship, that’s their decision. Isn’t it? How does that harm you?

    Part two follows...

  11. Tom Part 2...

    -People who say there is no such thing as gender are demanding a female President.
    Few are saying there is no such thing as gender. And no one is demanding it at all right now.

    -We see other countries going Socialist and collapsing, but it seems like a great plan to us.
    Can you cite any Democratic Socialist countries that are collapsing?

    -Some people are held responsible for things that happened before they were born, and other people are not held responsible for what they are doing right now.
    Could be true. What’s your point? If responsibility is your thing, should Donald Trump be held responsible for his belligerent views towards women?

    -Criminals are catch-and-released to hurt more people, but stopping them is bad because it's a violation of THEIR rights.
    Might depend on how you define criminal. Is a speeder a criminal?

    -And pointing out all this hypocrisy somehow makes us “racists"?!
    Not at all. Your actions and how you treat people actually show you to be a racist or bigot.

    -Nothing makes sense anymore, no values, no morals, no civility and people are dying of a Chinese virus.
    How can people be dying of a Chinese virus? President Trump said it was totally under control and only 1 person? It also seems rather comical that a Trump supporter would decry the morality of our country. The man who lies everyday, has had three wives, cheated on them all and cheated on his current wife when she was pregnant with their son. Maybe if the USA is amoral, it’s because we are following the lead of our President.

    Get a grip Tom... it ain't all Trump's fault. It ain't all libs fault. Unless and until folks figure that out, we're in a mess together. It's the only boat we have.

  12. Walmart has dipped into their petty cash to give the looters ( the Black Lives Matter movement ) $100 million dollars.
    I say, how about giving your employees a raise instead?

    Or here’s a novel idea - how about giving all those rioters and looters a job? Oh, that’s not what they want!
    ... Walmart and the Walmart Foundation are committing $100 million over five years through a new center on racial equity. The goal of the center will be to address systematic racism in society head-on. Through the $100 million commitment, the center will support philanthropic initiatives that align with the four key areas noted above. (financial, healthcare, education and criminal justice systems.)
    The center will seek to advance economic opportunity and healthier living, including issues surrounding the social determinants of health, strengthening workforce development and related educational systems, and support criminal justice reform with an emphasis on examining barriers to opportunity faced by those exiting the system.
    Starting off with a bang, Wallyworld has unlocked all the black hair-care products making it easier for them to be stolen.

    All together, according to Breitbart, a bunch of companies are doling out a Whopping 454 million dollars to every lefty organization in the country to help the poor downtrodden blacks being held down by whitey.

    Since the 1960's billions upon billions of dollars has been given to the black community. Not surprisingly these communities are centered in Democrat run states and cities. And today they are worse off then they've ever been. They lead the pack for being functionally illiterate, almost 100% of their children are born out of wedlock, and they commit the highest number of serious crimes in relation to their population.

    And guess what? It's always whitey's fault.
    Because whitey has "privilege."

    Most of you reading this are new to this race baiting nonsense, because you may be too young, but those of us with a bit more seasoning have been listening to this crap for over 50 years and we're pretty damn tired of it.
    Thanks to the democrats an entire race of people have been destroyed. I remember the black youth of the 50's and that was nothing like the amount criminals you see in the inner cities today.
    We're told to not judge a person by the color of their skin, but at the same time we're told by people like Al Sharpton that white people are racist. Does that make any sense?

    If by racist you mean fed up with the whining victim-hood of many black people, well then - I'm a racist.

  13. Tom part Two...
    Get a grip Dave Miller, and wake up, it’s 2020, and things are a lot different these days. And a lot worse then when you were baptised!

    1. PS, your simplified answers are not only ridiculous but they sound as if a 5 year old answered my questions.
      Or maybe that’s your age? For a 5 year old they don’t even make Sense.

    2. I hate to inforn you TOM but Dave has more intelligence and gravitas in his big toe than you apparently possess in full.

      Now, if you wish to ever post here again be sure to stay on topic, express your OPINION respectfully, and site credible data or evidence backing your position. Or don't bother to return. You WILL be deleted if you do and don't observe the above.

    3. Well Tom... Thanks for the reply, but why the childish attacks? For me, that's part of the issue entering into a discussion with many folks. They choose to leave civility behind, and it is just as true on the left, as it is on the right.

      You posited many statistics indicting an entire race of people. Yet you provided no statistics, no evidence, no web sites to back up your claims. Is that all it takes to assign blame to millions and millions of good, peaceful, hardworking people?

      You don't like it when folks paint white people with the brush of racism for the sins of some, yet you do the same with black people.

      Why is that?

    4. TOM is not going to answer your perfectly balanced question.

      I am guilty of TREATING THAT CROWD of whatever they are exactly as they have always CHOSEN to treat me simply because as a true classical liberal (which is conservative today) I committed the sin of not ALWAYS buying the party line. So, they can screww themselves. They absolutely hate those who think freely for themselves. Frankly Dave these folks are nothing but blind followers. Lemmings all of them.

  14. I hate to tell you that if it wasn’t for Dave I wouldn’t even bother with communicating with a Schmuck like you, and even being here.

  15. As for my EVER coming back. Don’t worry about that. I have no intention of doing that

  16. Tom, and others... The question for me is whether we can decide to set aside our need to think in binary all good/all bad terms and come to some pretty good solutions in the best interests of the great majority of Americans. And whether we will choose to that in a civil way.

    I'm not encouraged.

    1. I am not at ALL encouraged Dave. For 11 years I've watched the deteriorating trajectory of political discourse. We are, presently, at what can only be considered the tipping point. IE: The point of no return.

      In as much as the trump cultist wish to force trumpian corruption and BS down all of our throats I WILL continue to stand firm and UNBENDING against the con/facist assault on my and everyone elses Constitutionally guaranteed rights. Period.

      So, the "FreeThinke's/franco's/TOM's/Libtard Smasher's, et all can keep on keeping on. But NEVER will I accept any of the BS those troglydytes wish to FORCE everyone to accept.

      Conservatives, republicans, libertarians, fascists, and racists can kiss my lilly white ass.

  17. Clearly the time has come to mount a serious counter attack, aka aa revolution.on Pelousy, Schumer , the remaining bunch of the Democratic Presidential Candidates, Maxine Waters, Schiff, Durbin, , Nadler, Schumer, Cuomo, Di Blasio, Leahy, Biden, both of the Clintons, the Obamas, Stacey Abrams, AOC, and the rest of "The Bitch Squad," –– ALL the lousy stinkin’ crypto-Marxist DemonRATS and RINO Fellow Travellers like Romney and what’s-left-of-the-rotten-globalist Bushes must be seized, roughly torn from their beds in the middle of the night, stripped naked, and frogmarched in their bare feet over sharp gravel and broken glass to be chained to a post and blasted to red jelly by machine gun fire. Their shredded remains should be prominently displayed in the public square, and left to be spat upon at will till the flesh rots off their bones and their bones turn to dust. The members of the ENEMEDIA and the Communist-PROFESSORIAT from the Poison Ivy League must be rounded up, interned in Concentration Camps to await being systematically blasted to bits by machine gun fire in manageable batches –– on National TV. Whatever is left of their putrid remains should be fed to the hogs.

    Naturally, I hope this never happens, but it really MAY come to that, IF the electorate can’t be made to WAKE UP to the HORROR routinely perpetrated on them by the Washington based Crypto-Marxist-Enemedia-Academic-Intelligentsia-DemonRat-Globalist Alliance that currently holds us in its thrall.

    1. I shall allow your gobbledygook to remain. Only to give folks who are more balanced and stable than you a good belly chuckle.

      BTW, it is probably best you stay away from forks and knives. We certainly don't want you to hyrt yourself or somebody else.

      Also, further posts by you shall be deleted.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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