Trump's Response To The Covid-19 Pandemic Was Inept As Well Short Sighted - A Trump Pattern...

The con's of the USA, trumpers specifically, are falling all over themselves denying the truth around Covid-19 and their Idol's response to it. Actually,  it is far more accurate to say his inept and detrimental response to it.

The following was noticed at a far right wing pro Trump echo chamber.

Actually, it will most likely be a recession, goosing rabid Democrats to say such absurdities as "Trump wrecked Obama's Economy," as if its the president's fault that people are eating bats in China.

Another common outburst of idiocy from Democrat blabber-holes: Ha Ha! Socialism is saving capitalism when the markets failed! Trump's a socialist now... etc.

All Bullshit. This economic downturn was caused by a communist regime hiding the facts for two months.

The downturn is exacerbated by federal, state and local governments ordering businesses to close, throwing millions out of work.

No economy, no matter how strong, can survive that

The following, from a legitimate news outlet with the FACTS in response.

History will record that Donald Trump was asleep at the switch while a deadly virus derailed the United States. We can only hope the next president gets the nation back on the right track.
At a campaign rally in South Carolina on Feb. 28 the president claimed Democrats had politicized the coronavirus outbreak and it was “their new hoax”. Before that, on Jan. 22, the president said, “We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China. It’s going to be just fine.” Since then, thousands of Americans have been infected, some have died, the economy is on the verge of collapse — and the worst is yet to come.
After dismissing COVID-19 as a hoax, Trump finally declared a state of emergency on Friday, March 13. The president of the United States should be an international and national leader, but Trump’s tardy declaration followed aggressive action by prime ministers and American governors who were much more proactive.
Click on "legitimate news outlet" above for the complete article.


  1. The Mrs. asked why the Trump updates always include a group of people behind him.
    I figure they are there to grab him if he starts ad-libbing. My favorite: "Mr.
    President, most of the other countries have plentiful test kits, WHO offered them,
    but you responded that the greatest country on earth didn't need help, our superior
    medical system was far better. So, how would you rate yourself?" "A 10"
    C,mon wonderful prez, she didn't ask your IQ!

    1. In Trump's diseased narcissistic mind he believes HE HIMSELF is the smartest, most capable, and nobody can do anything better than he.

      The "man" is a walking, talking one man disaster. This country would be SO MUCH better off if his old man had worn a condom on that fateful night Donald was conceived.

      Democrats and independents better unite to defeat the baboon in November.

  2. Jeopardy question: Which is tinier, meaner and more dangerous, a microscopic corona virus or
    the orange humanoid in the White House?

    1. Tough question BB Idaho. But after extensive consideration my answer is the orange blob plopped in the Oval Office. The virus is doing what viruses do. Find a host to feed off of. Nature if you will. There's no explaining Trump.

  3. Senate leader McConnell slams Dem senators for wanting controls on the trillion to bail out
    BigBiz. That political ferret held up judges like host Merrick Garland and has loaded the
    Fed benches with bigots, religious nuts and judges that even the American Bar would not
    endorse. I for one, dearly hope that the woman ex fighter pilot in Kentucky beats him and
    he returns to his old Kentucky home and reflects on the damage he, Trump, Scalia and Nunes
    have done to this country. As for the faithful 40%, they ought to be in serious therapy.
    (that felt sort of good)


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