As The Nation Turns...
“A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude.”
Huxley harkens back to the idea of slaves loving their servitude. Once again, if they trade their freedom for stability and are vulnerable to the “mind manipulation” of their society, people quickly morph into slavery who are held to their servitude not by force, but by a love of their position and the stability it provides.
Our modern GOP...
During an interview with Sean Hannity on Fox News, the Majority Leader said that “everything” he does “during this, I’m coordinating with the White House counsel. There will be no difference between the president’s position and our position as to how to handle this, to the extent that we can.”
A pseudo- conservative dystopian society for America?
An example of your typical Trumpian cultist. Ripe for the plucking by Trump and the GOP.
AnonymousDecember 16, 2019 at 4:41 PM
Ivana Kickemindernutz said
My nam says it all. Every one of those filthy demobastards should be pinned down and stomped in the crotch with hobnail boots for what they're trying to do to our country.
I want bloodshed.
My nam says it all. Every one of those filthy demobastards should be pinned down and stomped in the crotch with hobnail boots for what they're trying to do to our country.
I want bloodshed.
ReplyDeleteNice quote BTW... glad to see you haven't died yet, fulfilling Franco grandest dreams.
This entire process is a mess. There are troubled GOP members who know Trump screwed up, but afraid to make waves. There are Dems who think maybe the party is over reaching, yet also afraid to make waves.
Then there are the folks like McConnell and the Dems who were indeed pushing for impeachment on Day 1.
Mix it all together and how do we move past it?
I wish I knew Dave.
DeletePersonally I cannot abide Trump's seriously flawed character, his incessant lying, his almost Goebbels like constant propaganda push, his glee in insulting and demeaning people (even a 16 year old autistic teenager), his lack of respect for our Constitution, and I could go on. But really, there's little point because the folks that need to recognize the dangers the man poses our republic have willingly chosen to ignore the dangers and support a man because they simply like his tough guy BS about making America great again. I shudder to imagine America 5 years from now if Trump actually wins reelection.
I do not like many of Trump's policies, any than rank and file democrats or the democratic elected officials do. But policy, implemented properly and within legal guidelines are not grounds for impeachment. I would NOT support Impeachment if Trump had acted ethically and honorably in all his actions. I'm relatively sure 99% of the democrats in congress feel similarly.
Leadership, and I mean at the presidential level, should exemplify the highest ethical and moral standards. Anything less will result in lowering the bar for presidents who follow after. Trump has loweed the bar so as to puit it in a trench.
It's done. D.J. Trump, the 3'rd president in our history impeached by the congress. And a fully justified action. Unfortunately all repubs again put party and personality ABOVE country and honesty. They are ALL human jackals