Do Christians Dehumanize with Promises of Peace?…

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The following excerpt is taken from patheosFor those with a questioning and actively curious mind consider it a teaser. A link to the complete article is provided following the excerpt.

Christians are well aware of the power of social isolation. That’s why one of their most powerful forms of retribution and retaliation is socially isolating their enemies. They call this cruel practice shunning or ostracism or disfellowshipping. In essence, they make those disagreeing with them into unknown aliens, weirdos that nobody understands or even wants to understand. Dissenters become people whose concerns make no sense at all.

People sitting out Christians’ Happy Pretendy Fun Time Game become dangerous; they rip away its context.

Thus, those enemies must go unacknowledged and ignored until they fall back into line with the group again. 

Atheists! Atheists! Barely Even Human!

Watch for how toxic Christians talk about their tribal enemies. You’d be well excused for thinking they’re discussing animals or small children. Christians treat their enemies like inferior subhumans who merit nothing more than disdain and contempt! Oh, but they’re so compassionate that they’ll take it upon themselves to provide the parenting that their enemies unfortunately missed growing up!

Most sales-minded Christians wrap their religion’s supernatural claims all up and in and around the human experience. That’s what their testimonies really are, after all: anecdotes about their experiences. The Christians who loved testimonies expect their handcrafted stories to resonate with others so strongly that they buy into the second-act miracle claim and the third act of vast improvement without much questioning the first act’s recounting of misery.

And that’s what a lot of their marketing promises really are as well.

A Promise They Can’t Deliver On.

Christian salespeople promise that humans can’t feel real love without also believing in their imaginary friend. The truest happiness only comes from Jesus-ing like our judge-of-the-moment does.

In the same way, they insist, non-Christians can’t feel peace without sharing Christians’ belief in their god.

Link to Article

When I finally sorted it all out and came to grips with the truth de-converting came natural and without the least bit of guilt. It was probably the most liberating experience of my lifetime.

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