A President With Difficulty Recognizing a REAL Crisis......


  1. And an Idiot like you knows better than him?

  2. RN... there's no emergency that a few million dollars spent on getting a hundred asylum judges situated on the border for a few weeks won't solve.

    I'm sure the Dems would appropriate that money in a heartbeat if Trump acted like he really wanted to solve, or otherwise deal with this humanitarian crises.

    And REAL... yes, on this issue I do know more than Pres Trump. I've lived and worked around the border and across Mexico for the last 30 years. I know the issues, through the economics to the pain of family separation and the desperation that drives a man, or a woman to seek a better life for their children.

    And I've listened... to people on all sides of this issue, and issue everyone I've talked to wants to see solved.

    Bottom line... few support a wall and even fewer believe it will help.

    1. Investing money in increased border Patrol Officers, increase use of technology (drones for example), overhaul immigration procedures to streamline process, and as you point out increased presence of asylum judges.

      A steel slat barrier would likely reduce crossings. However the impact would likely be marginal.

      Trump wants the wall for personal reasons IMO. Not having anything to do with border security.

  3. RN... I see you're back on moderation. Sorry to see that but I get it.

    Peace amigo.

    1. Yes Dave. It isn't what I prefer to do, but, it controls (blocks if necessary) the flying trumpanzees from WYD and other rightwing sites.

  4. It's a simple solution to the longest government shutdown in American history. Re-open the government; pay the federal workers; and negotiate with the Democrats, who have been willing to give billions for the wall in exchange for DACA. That's called negotiating a compromise. What Trump is doing is NOT. He's acting like a dictator who wants everything he asks for and will give nothing in return.

    1. AB-SO-LUTE-LY! But it's possible Trump has dug his heels in so deep, and he is such a stubborn childish manchild that at this point he may be beyond negotiating and compromise.

  5. The loonier Trump gets, the more his supporter's blogs drift from sanity. McConnell is the lynchpin, an enabler..another sycophant: they fear who knows what and endanger our 230 year experiment of government by the people. A blog comment
    elsewhere suggested that all democrats should be banned to Mexico (probably dozens like it) so that American can be what they think it was. They have no idea of what it was, and should be in therapy. IMO, of course.

    1. I fully concur with your opinion BB Idaho. And so will everyone else who has the capacity and ability to reason.

  6. Shaw... the popular criticism out there now is that Dems were once willing to give 30 billion for the wall, but are being unreasonable themsleves now by being against what they once favored.

    If that's a reasonable stance, perhaps the GOP can explain why they were for, and even proposed essentially ObamaCare before but opposed it once pres Obama embraced it?

    But that's beside the point. The Dems offered 30 billion in conjunction with a DACA/Dreamers fix. I bet the Dems would still make that deal today if Trump would sign it, as he once said he'd do.

    Heck, Congress could probably override his veto tomorrow if the Senate would just pass again the legislation they offered in the closing days of the last Congress to open almost all of the government for now while they sort out the wall. But the Republican I was for it before a Dem proposed it gene kicked in once again.

    The whole darn lot are a bunch of babies.

  7. The problem is that the Republicans in Congress are mostly abject cowards. They're afraid of Trump's voting base. They'd rather spend billions on a wall they know is pointless, and let the planetary climate go to hell, than risk antagonizing the knuckle-dragging Deliverance mutants in the boondocks.

    Unless Mueller's report is so damning that they can't ignore it, they'll never stand up to Trump until the Republican base turns against him. They don't have the guts.

    1. EGG-ZACK-LY Infidel!!

      The 30%'ers are more interested in division and rolling back social progress than doing the right thing IMO.

  8. By the way, did you get the e-mail I sent on Wednesday?

    1. I'm not sure whether or not this is directed to me Infidel. If it is I didn't see the e-mail. I get so many junk e-mails if it was I might have deleted it.

      If it was intended for me please resend.

    2. I had been using the e-mail address in your Blogger profile, which apparently isn't current. I re-sent it to the address you wrote to me from.

      Sorry this is turning out to be a big deal. I was just trying to inform you of something I thought you might want to know.

    3. My primary e-mail address is lcarpenter@rationalnationusa.com. My other 2 email addresses are mapped to dump to my primary.


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