A Bittersweet 4th of July...

As we celebrate Independence Day 2018 focusing on the following and fighting to preserve our freedoms and civil liberties has taken on a new urgency. With the election of Donald J. Trump our cherished freedoms and civil liberties face the greatest internal threat than at anytime during our modern history.

Trump and his conservative and Christian Evangelical allies wish to mold freedom and liberty to fit neatly into their belief system and world view. By legislation and conservative judicial fiat they hope to impose their world view and morals on all Americans. In short, they wish to roll a hundred and fifty plus years of social and economic progress back into the dark ages. We cannot allow an Orange Haired lying narcissistic authoritarian to facilitate such a horrendous change and reverse American progress.

The following is an excerpt from and article published in The Washington Post written by Dana Milbank.

Freedom from Trump’s constant attacks on women, immigrants, people of color, gay people and Muslims.
Freedom to work and live without discrimination, harassment and violence because of your gender, race or religion.
Freedom to get medical care when you or your children are sick.

Freedom from a rigged economy in which the top 1 percent own more than the bottom 90 percent combined.
Freedom to marry whom you choose.
Freedom to make decisions about your own body.
Freedom to send your kids to school without fear for their safety.
Freedom to breathe clean air, to drink clean water, to live on a habitable planet.
Freedom to elect your leaders without the rich, or foreign governments, choosing them for you.
And freedom to speak, to protest and to publish without the threat of violence.

Complete article HERE.


  1. If you want to invade and fuck up Lisa’s blog, then we we’ll do the same to your SHIT HOLE!!

  2. Well, well, well, what a surprise. The twin jackasses. Go for it bobsy boys. Frankly, after tRump successfully obliterating any and all respect for proper decorum or decency I don't GAF anymore.


  3. Macine Waters certainly gives a lot of credence to the evolution Theory, doesn't she?

    One spectacularly ugly, cheap ululating noisemaker like that could easily set the progress of Race Relations back a couple of hundred years. at least

    That stupid woman has done more to promote the cause of bigotry and intolerance than anyone since the days of Bull Connor, Huey Long, and Byron de la Beckwith.

    The worst thing about it is that It's so unfair to the growing number of Negroes like Dr. Carson and Condoleezza Rice and others less well known who've done a magnificent job of realizing their great human potential through honest hard work and great forebearance.

    1. We know it is VERY difficult for you, but, at least try to post your own thoughts, assuming you actually have one, instead of copy and pasting one of FT's comments left on other weblogs.

    2. "to the growing number of Negroes like Dr. Carson and Condoleezza Rice"

      And it is obvious that Jack's "Negro" like this IN THE MODERN ERA, while not as bad as the actual N-word, outs Jack as someone who has at least a mild hatred of black people.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Your comments TOM are never welcome here.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. Tom said: "This comment has been removed by a blog administrator."

      How unimaginative. Tom, can't you do better?

  6. Damn Leslie, you seem to be a well respected man

    1. Well, well, well, Klansman Shackelford, fancy seeing you here.

      We assure you, being a well respected man by you or your lot of degenerates is the last thing desired. Being despised and hated by your crew of degenerates IS a distinct HONOR.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hows it going for you today national Pricko!

    1. Very well! And thank you for asking FreeThinke.

    2. BTW, I see you are a members only website now FreeThinke. Explains your makeover and new public moniker. A softer you with the same rotten core.

      You aren't fooling anyone Bobo.

  10. Leslie, these new friends of yours are over crapping their useless dribble at Lisa's place

    1. Well Klansman Shackelford, that really is of no concern to me. However I suspect it is the exact opposite of what you allege to be true.

      Do have a sparkling day Mr. Klansman.

  11. Replies
    1. Not possible Jack-o-Boy. Unlike you I haven't worn diapers in over 64 years.

      Now, I suggest you entertain the raving lunatics over at WYD.

    2. I'm sure you do The Welfare Queen. Helping to create sewage as you folks on the unhinged right seem to enjoy doing is no doubt right up your alley. It's therefore only natural you would try to create it here with your usual crowd.

  12. Replies
    1. Thanks. We'll look forward to more of your pointless observations then.

  13. Well Leslie, looks like someone has a multitude of sock puppets

    1. Seems that way Klansman Shackelford.

    2. You should talk Rusty, your the one who has 5-10 phony , imitation accounts.

  14. Sorry to burst your bubble there Jacko but I only post as Rusty Shackelford a.k.a the man you wish you were

  15. Boy RN, You sure are getting lots of traffic these days.

  16. Blessed are those who shun mysticism and embrace reason.

    Blessed are the visionaries who break the stranglehold of tradition and fait.

    Blessed are the many who toil for progress and truth in the face of derision and scorn.

    Blessed are the humanists and all who stand for equal treatment under the law.

    Rejoice and know that knowledge, wisdom, reason, and light shall overcome the darkness and shackles that religion strives to lay upon you.

  17. Blessed are those who keep away fron ghis SHIT HOLE.

    1. “...fron ghis”
      That is the most intelligent part of this comment.

    2. Jerry, ... fron ghis is the most intelligent of any and all comment segments made by WYD sockies and flying monkeys.


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