Better Understanding Cultural Marxism and Post Modernism...
Right wing conservatives have been pushing Cultural Marxism and Post Modernism as twin evils unleashed on western civilization by the left in its alleged desire to destroy western civilization. Following we present brief "teasers" followed with links to the full articles both. ' C ultural Marxism,' a conspiracy theory with an anti-Semitic twist, is being pushed by much of the American right. Television commentator Pat Buchanan says it is being used to "de-Christianize" America. Washington heavyweight William Lind claims it is turning U.S. college campuses into "ivy-covered North Koreas." Retired naval commander Gerald Atkinson fears it has invaded the nation's military academies. Immigration activist John Vinson suggests it aims "to distort and destroy" our country. "Cultural Marxism," described as a conspiratorial attempt to wreck American culture and morality, is the newest intellectual bugaboo on the radical right. S...