
Showing posts from February, 2018

Better Understanding Cultural Marxism and Post Modernism...

Right wing conservatives have been pushing Cultural Marxism and Post Modernism as twin evils unleashed on western civilization by the left in its alleged desire to destroy western civilization. Following we present brief "teasers" followed with links to the full articles both. ' C ultural Marxism,' a conspiracy theory with an anti-Semitic twist, is being pushed by much of the American right. Television commentator Pat Buchanan says it is being used to "de-Christianize" America. Washington heavyweight William Lind claims it is turning U.S. college campuses into "ivy-covered North Koreas." Retired naval commander Gerald Atkinson fears it has invaded the nation's military academies. Immigration activist John Vinson suggests it aims "to distort and destroy" our country. "Cultural Marxism," described as a conspiratorial attempt to wreck American culture and morality, is the newest intellectual bugaboo on the radical right. S...

Transgender Female High School Athlete Wins Girls’ State Wrestling Title for Second Time...

I do not know for a fact the following is true. However, since it is published in the New York Post I shall assume that it is. I get the transgender thing, which is,  denoting or relating to a person whose sense of personal identity does not correspond with the gender assigned to them at birth . What I don't get is THIS : CYPRESS, Texas — For the second year in a row, a transgender wrestler has won the Texas girls’ Class 6A 110-pound division. Mack Beggs, an 18-year-old senior from Euless Trinity High School near Dallas, entered the tournament in Cypress outside of Houston with an undefeated record. He beat Chelsea Sanchez — who he beat for the title in 2017 — in the final match Saturday. Video posted online showed a mix of cheers and boos from the crowd following Beggs’ win. Beggs is in the process of transitioning from female to male and taking a low-dose of testosterone. It was his steroid therapy treatments while wrestling girls that stirred a fierce debate ...

It Is Time To Create A New Playbook To Control Firearms and Eliminate School Massacres......

Lets take a look at President Trump's White House listening session hosted Wednesday with students and families affected by the Parkland school shooting . Trump suggests arming teachers as an answer . Trump voiced support for the idea during an emotional White House meeting with students who survived the shooting and a parent whose child did not. “If you had a teacher ... who was adept at firearms, it could very well end the attack very quickly,” said Trump, who acknowledged the idea would be controversial. How about installing metal detectors at authorized entrances at schools and placing two trained individuals with concealed weapons at entry points Mr. President. This could be expanded to all after school activities and events as well. “If you had a teacher ... who was adept at firearms, it could very well end the attack very quickly,” said Trump, who acknowledged the idea would be controversial. Or, you could detect and confiscate before gunfire breaks out. Be creativ...

The Bob, Weave, and Dodge "President"...

Trump is the master of buls*it. He works for maximun distraction from the truth and is an accomplised and successful manipulatior. In short a man lacking integrity and not to be trusted. Every statement from his mouth, every action he takes, every consideration, no matter how small and insignificant, is guided by his narcissism as he make everthing about himself and his self perceived greatness. He will face his day of reckoning. We hope it comes sooner rather than later. For the sake of our beloved nation. From Raw Story : resident Donald Trump on Wednesday once again attacked his own attorney general and asked why he isn’t investigating former President Barack Obama for alleged Russian election meddling. Writing on Twitter, Trump told his followers to ask Attorney General Jeff Sessions — whose name the president misspelled as “Jeff Session” — why Democrats weren’t being investigated for “crimes” related to Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election. “Question: If...

America Under Attack By Russia, and, Indirectly by the American President...

America is, without a doubt, witnessing the most corrosive and destabilizing political environment since the War Between the States. Its magnitude is frightening, the potential for our nation completely fracturing is real. Extremes in the rightwing as well as extremes in the leftwing are the forces and drivers behind our present inability to unify as the diverse nation that we are and always have been. From the Mueller investigation to mass shootings and immigration we are facing difficult issues. At a time the nation is in great need of leadership capable of providing moral guidance, strength with empathy, and standing up to a very real threat and present danger from a hostile foreign government, we are saddled with a narcissistic president who has displayed none of the aforementioned qualities and strengths. For the purpose of this post we focus on the Russian threat to our democracy and its democratic principles. by turning to a most excellent analysis by  David Frum.  ...

Just Because Post #2...

Assume a world wide shadow government Assume a rich America loving candidate who was never going to use their money or join their Bohemian Grove. He knew all the globalists, and paid them to play. One day, after some soul searching, he was "woke" to see the Spiritual as well as Cultural war. He sees his America leaderless, with whorish compromised Bohemian choices on both sides. America is lost, bankrupt, decimated militarily, in a race war, and divided. America has to fall. Assume Paula White or Franklin Graham opens his eyes to why Pelosi led the vetting of an unqualified racist pervert with sealed ID papers to usurp the seat of power. And didn´t this smooth operator destablize the Middle East and Europe in no time? Assume they said: "God has revealed you are the only one to beat back this truly demonic, last of the Age of Grace, parliament of whores. And Trump, age 72, rich and streetwise, teetotaler and drug free [doesn´t even get that sorcery], a "middle of th...

And The Carnage Continues...

The Left LOVES machineguns –– in the hands of terrorists, dissidents, pirates, thieves, and marauders of all kinds –– ANYONE who UPENDS GOOD ORDER and DESTABILIZES the STATUS QUO –– , but absolutely CAN'T STAND the idea that any decent, law-abiding Americn Citizen should have guns in his home to PROTECT HIMSELF and HIS FAMILY from ATTACK by those very fiends whom the Left so ADORES. FreeThinke 2/15/18 Yesterday another mass shooting occurred at a Broward County Florida High School. 17 studends lay dead, senselessly cut down before they had an opportunity to fulfill their promise, start a family, enjoy life, and grow old. America, alledgedly the greatest nation on earth also has approximately 350 million guns in circulation. Not surprising, the death rate due to firearms in the U.S. is nearly double the global average . In the aftermath of each and every terrible gun related tragedy the nation grieves, politicians offer their heartfelt condolences, then politicians debate the ...

Snippets From, and Links To, Some of Today's Most Interesting News...

A gunman opened fire at a Southern Florida high school today, leaving "numerous" people dead and sending students running for their lives, Broward County Public Schools superintendent Robert Runcie told a local ABC affiliate. At least 14 victims are being taken to hospitals from the incident at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, the Broward Sheriff's Office said, though their conditions were not immediately clear. The suspect is in custody but the scene is still active as SWAT teams clear the school, the sheriff's office said. The suspect is not a current student; he had attended the school but it is not clear when he left, the sheriff's office said. Florida high school shooting leaves 'numerous fatalities,' superintendent says; suspect in custody John Kasich’s brand is built around the idea of “ two paths ” for the Republican Party: one for center-right pragmatists like him, the other for flamethrowers like Donald Trump. But as the Ohio g...

Stand Up For America...


The Just Because Post

This is a Just Because post. If you're wondering what a Just Because post is we're about to tell ya. A Just Because post is one that is used to highlight the unfortunate and sad fact that there are a multitude intellectually dishonest people on the right. Mostly they are tRumpers . You know who they are. The folks that accept every one of the over 2,000 falsehoods tRump has uttered since soiling the Office of the Presidency. They be the same folks claiming to be devout upright Christians . You know them as well. Folks who have no problem with tRump's pussy grabbing proclivities, or that he was thrice married and cheated on each one of his wives (we assume multiple times), the guy who bragged that his Vietnam was fighting off STD's as he led his promiscuous lifestyle in the 80's and early 90's. Did we mention that the president they admire has had 16 women allege sexual misconduct (sexual predation) against him? That he strongly supported a man accused of ...

Americans, By a Whopping Majority, BelIeve the FBI Is More Credible Than the president...

Just In from The Hill : Two-thirds of Americans say they would side with the FBI in a disagreement with President Trump, according to a Marist poll released Friday. Sixty-six percent of Americans surveyed said they would take the side of the FBI if a schism were to arise between the bureau and Trump, while only 24 percent said they would side with the president. Seventy-one percent of respondents say they believe the FBI is trying to do its job and is not biased against the president, and 23 percent said they thought the bureau was biased against Trump. SKIP Trump and some Republicans have attacked the FBI and the Justice Department in recent months for their handling of the Moscow probe and the now-closed investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's private email server. The president has seized on on uncovered texts between FBI agent Peter Strzok and FBI attorney Lisa Page to depict the agency as prejudiced against him. Trump accused Strzok of ...

From FOX ... US Olympians: "Darker, Gayer, Different"

This dufus is obviously trying to curry favor with our xenophobic and bigoted president. Fox News Executive Vice President John Moody making a fool of himself and his very pro Trump network. Unless it’s changed overnight, the motto of the Olympics, since 1894, has been “Faster, Higher, Stronger.” It appears the U.S. Olympic Committee would like to change that to “Darker, Gayer, Different.” If your goal is to win medals, that won’t work. A USOC official was quoted this week expressing pride (what else?) about taking the most diverse U.S. squad ever to the Winter Olympics. That was followed by a, frankly, embarrassing laundry list of how many African-Americans, Asians and openly gay athletes are on this year’s U.S. team. No sport that we are aware of awards points – or medals – for skin color or sexual orientation. For the current USOC, a dream team should look more like the general population. So, while uncomfortable, the question probably needs to be asked: were our Olympi...

Some in the GOP Have Character and Integrity, Unlike Trump...

It needed to be said, by a member of the GOP. So, Flake said it. Not that tRump will listen to Flake, he makes too much sense. More likely the presnit will lash out Flake, again. UPDATED - Relevant and related, from The New Yorker . I sometimes joke that growing up in the Soviet Union prepared me for working as a journalist in the United States. That joke has become less funny now that the President is positioning applause as a central issue of American politics. On Monday, before a crowd at a manufacturing plant, in Ohio, Donald Trump criticized Democrats who did not applaud during his first State of the Union address. “They were like death and un-American,” he said. “Un-American. Somebody said treasonous. I mean, yeah, I guess, why not? Can we call that treason? Why not?” In Soviet politics, too, applause was a central issue—sometimes, it seemed, the central issue. Whenever the Politburo or the Central Committee of the Supreme Soviet or the Party Congress had a session, the...

President trump Would LOVE To See a Shutdown...

President Donald Trump at a White House meeting on immigration in January. Photo: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images If we don't change it let's have a shutdown ... and it's worth it for our country. I'd love to see a shutdown if we don't get this stuff taken care of. Gosh, what a president. trump would love a shutdown if he doesn't get his own way . There is definitely something wrong with this man and his values. trump is not what should be considered Great. He barely approaches M ediocre.

Republicans Addiction to Debt and Spending...

The U.S. government is set to borrow nearly $1 trillion this year, an 84 percent jump from last year Some highlights: Here are the exact figures: The U.S. Treasury expects to borrow $955 billion this fiscal year, according to a documents released Wednesday. It's the highest amount of borrowing in six years , and a big jump from the $519 billion the federal government borrowed last year. Treasury mainly attributed the increase to the “fiscal outlook.” The Congressional Budget Office was more blunt. In a report this week, the CBO said tax receipts are going to be lower because of the new tax law . SKIP What's particularly jarring is this is the first time borrowing has jumped this much (as a share of GDP) in a non-recession time since Ronald Reagan was president, says Ernie Tedeschi, a former senior adviser to the U.S. Treasury who is now head of fiscal analysis at Evercore ISI. Under Reagan, borrowing spiked because of a buildup in the military , something Trump is ad...

Trump's Long Game Of Slowiy Eroding Our Institutions...

Assuming the Russia scandal will follow the same arc as Watergate ignores the dismissals that have already happened, and the way the president is eroding Justice Department independence instead of firing people. It can never be said that Donald J. Trump is anything less than smart. Smart in a crafty yet disingenuous sort of way. He has been able to succeed in moving his agenda. Which is to say he is slowly dismantling the Obama legacy, he has removed regulatory oversight, without regard to public safety, he has appointed conservative judges, he has worked to undermine the credibility of the free press, and he has methodically undermined our institutions of justice. His crafty methodology also has the affect of obstructing justice in the Russia investigation without causing harm to himself. At least thus far. Trump is, without a single doubt, a crafty and dishonest leader. One who has little concern for the people of this nation (other than the 30-40% who adore him) or the institutio...