And The Carnage Continues...
The Left LOVES machineguns –– in the hands of terrorists, dissidents, pirates, thieves, and marauders of all kinds –– ANYONE who UPENDS GOOD ORDER and DESTABILIZES the STATUS QUO –– , but absolutely CAN'T STAND the idea that any decent, law-abiding Americn Citizen should have guns in his home to PROTECT HIMSELF and HIS FAMILY from ATTACK by those very fiends whom the Left so ADORES.
Yesterday another mass shooting occurred at a Broward County Florida High School. 17 studends lay dead, senselessly cut down before they had an opportunity to fulfill their promise, start a family, enjoy life, and grow old. America, alledgedly the greatest nation on earth also has approximately 350 million guns in circulation. Not surprising, the death rate due to firearms in the U.S. is nearly double the global average.
In the aftermath of each and every terrible gun related tragedy the nation grieves, politicians offer their heartfelt condolences, then politicians debate the cause and what to do. America's NRA continues to influence politicians with donations and advocate for more guns while shouting Second Amendment Rights, media reports the data, and the politicization continues. Soon thereafter the tragedy if forgotten, things return to "normal', until... the violence erupts again and we repeat the cycle.
One would think a responsible, civil, caring society could, if not completely solve its problem with firerm violence at least identify and implement ways to reduce the severity. It takes the heart and the will to force change. I chose to believe the majority of American do. Perhaps were it not for folks like the "gentleman" qouted above, the criminal NRA, and the politicians beholding to the NRA and the firearms industry we could get it done.
The quote in red above is horrible and false.
ReplyDeleteTrump rescinded a regulation President Obama signed that would make it more difficult for people with mental health problems to purchase a gun. Trump rescinded that regulation last February. Today he yapped about mentally ill people while giving a talk about the recent school massacre. Trump is either a demented old crank who can't remember anything he does or a galloping hypocrite and liar. I think he's both. And possibly his supporters are as well.
The quote in red above is a slander, a lie, and easily disproved. We have to live with the depressing fact that one third of the voting population is so deranged that they cannot see the truth of what Trump is doing and has done to this country. There's nothing to be done with people who believe such things as quoted above. They are irredeemably lost and no longer believe in America, only in being a part of a cult of the damned.
DeleteYuppers, TRUTH hurts. Doesn't it Anonyass?
DeleteNo, it’s just SHAW that I can’t stand to see, read, or even hear about!
DeleteThen explain your apparent fixation with Shaw and her posts.
DeleteWe import the ravages and corruption although we have plenty of home-grown corruption due to the Lefties/Marxist/liberal white guilt over colonialism and slavery. For everyone we allow to immigrate to the USA we should export one Marxist/liberal white guilt-ridden family to the nation the immigrants are coming from. That should help solve some of the problems.
DeleteThanks for the BS FreeStinke's sock puppet.
DeleteI wonder how much longer FreeThinke will be blogging? Based on what he writes (175 comments on the latest WYD post, and at least a third of them are his), I think a relative could successfully argue for a court-appointed conservatorship and stuff him in an old folks home.
DeleteAttacking individuals instead of working to fix the problem, is the problem. You simply add to the problem. Something I would expect from one of WYD's most frequent commentators.
ReplyDeleteFly on back to WYD. There us no one there attempting to fix the problem,they want status quo and to even to proliferate the problem.
DeleteI have offered many times suggestions to help fix the problem. Reasonable and rational suggestions. So have others. The WTD crowd and other conservatives have merely scoffed at them and attacked those presenting them personally and called us commies.
So, I personally am not interested in what you say.
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DeleteOf course you are not interested in what anyone says, you are only interested in insulting people. That is obvious by your comments at WYD and here. Continue building the hate, you are good at that and that is why we have so much senseless killing in our society. YOU are the cause.
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DeleteEither you're very stupid or and asshole, probably both. You are bannished for you lying constant lying BS. YOU WILL be deleted every time you attempt to post..
DeleteAnonymousFri Feb 16, 12:15:00 PM EST
ReplyDeleteNo, it’s just SHAW that I can’t stand to see, read, or even hear about!
Than why do these "Anonymous" trolls come to my blog every day and follow me here? If they don't like me, don't read what I write. It's simple, even for their simple minds!
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DeleteNo Anonymous I an NOT INTERESTED falsehoods, BS, and folks that refuse to stay on topic, present their case backed up by credible facts. If that be you go for it. If not, don't let the door hit ya in the ass.
You Anonyass have just defined yourself and your brethren quite well. I suspect you may be TOM, although you may not be. However, given your character seems one in the same future comments will likely be deleted.
DeleteBTW, FreeStinke is likely to love your views. Take them over there.
RN, can Trump continue to say that the Russian thing is a hoax and fake after today? He has done absolutely NOTHING to secure the 2018 elections from Russian interference and that may be because he's the recipient of Russian interference in the 2016 election that made him president.
ReplyDeleteThis is YUUUUUGE. Also, the trogs over at the usual far right blogs have been saying there's nothing to the Russian investigation. What are they saying today?
Yes tRump can, and just might for awhile. Frankly I don't think tRump and his supporters are even remotely connected to reality.
DeletetRump creates his own reality and his surrogates, lackeys, and the rest of the 30% adoring fans lap it up, without even questioning anything he puts out there.
If tRump is impeached, tossed out of office, indicted, sent to prison, whatever, the far right blogs will just blame it on, 1) Satan, 2) Liberal commies, 3) Hillary, 4) Obama, or 5) some combination if the 4.
"RN, can Trump continue to say that the Russian thing is a hoax and fake after today? He has done absolutely NOTHING to secure the 2018 elections from Russian interference and that may be because he's the recipient of Russian interference in the 2016 election that made him president.
DeleteThis is YUUUUUGE. Also, the trogs over at the usual far right blogs have been saying there's nothing to the Russian investigation. What are they saying today?"
I think it's freaking hilarious. Apparently they're only arresting Russians who interfered to promote Trump..but none of those who interfered to promote Hillary Clinton
Go pound sand Shaw, if they had any thing on Trump they would have announced it
DeleteWe suggest YOU go pound sand. You haven't a damn thing to say that is worth a plug nickel.
DeleteWe'll see FBl when it's all over. Maybe you're right, and maybe you are not. As they say, it ain't over until the fat lady sings.
DeleteShaw: ...can Trump continue to say that the Russian thing is a hoax and fake after today?
DeleteActually, he never said that. Trump has ALWAYS acknowledged that the Russians meddled in our elections. The hoax is that he colluded with them. Previously I would have agreed with you Shaw, but Rusty and Thersites set me straight.
I forgot. With the terrible tragedy in Parkland, Florida, and now this indictman, no one's talking about the latest Trump sex scandal -- the Playboy bunny who he was shagging (while he was shagging the porn star?) just after Melania gave birth to their son. His supporters in the Evangelical far right have been quiet on that as well.
ReplyDeleteLike Bill Clinton, and John Kennedy did?
DeleteDidn't approve of that either. But in case you haven't noticed neither are president and 1 is dead.
DeleteThat aside, tRump's bragging about it all the more egregious.
Notice the reply from the trumper? Amazing sh*t isn't it.
DeleteIt's apparently okay because JFK and WJC did it too.
"Like Bill Clinton, and John Kennedy did?"
DeleteClinton was impeached but found not guilty for his lying to the FBI. He paid a price for his misdeeds. The government kept JFK's infidelities a secret, that was how things were done in those days.
But the Democrats never pretended that they were the guardians of America's morals and family values as the Republican Party did and does. The Republicans were always the ones who claimed character is everything, except, of course, when they elect as their leaders men of no character at all, such as Trump.
The Evangelical Christian GOPers have lost all credibility on that matter and have become objects of ridicule for making excuses for the immoral pig who currently defiles the White House.
There was a man with impeccable family values in the White House from January 20, 2009 to January 20, 2017, and the GOPer and their Christian army of scolds denigrated and slandered him, his wife, and daughters.
Need I say more?
indictment, NOT "indictman. Sorry
ReplyDeleteThose folks, if one can refer to them as such, know only intellectual dishonesty. They set the morality bar very, very, VERY low for their "Make America Great Again" bigot, xenophobe, misogynist, sexual predator, adulterer, and racist present.
DeleteThere is no understanding their mentality.
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ReplyDeleteThe MSM continues to stay silent about the fact the UK interfered with our Election. It's only 'RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA!' 24/7. But not the British spy Christopher Steele, the Real Foreign Influence In the Election, who had a YUUUUUGE hand in trying to influence our Election as well.
ReplyDeleteCOT, follow your leader. As for those who identified tRump as a fake, liar, and jackass based on the TRUTH, well, it is what it is.
DeleteNow, back to the post content. Ya got anything on that COT?
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ReplyDeleteDear President Dotard,
ReplyDeleteHow's that "The Russia Thing Is A Hoax" working out for you? You had to eat your words about President Obama not being an American citizen, something you pushed for 5 years, now shove your "witch hunt" and "FAKE" words about the Russia investigation in your flappy maw, chew well, and swallow.
Yours sincerely,
etc. & etc. & etc.
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DeleteWe have a two-fer. Human carnage, the result of lax, in consistent, and ineffective firearm law on the one hand. The attempted, and possibly effective attack on our institutions of our democracy by a foreign and hostile government.
ReplyDeleteAll the while tRump FIDDLES.
If that’s all they have on this supposed scandal, the American people should feel scammed and cheated with the fake news, not only from the media, but worse, promoted by US law enforcement, which leaked information (by Comey) to get this investigation started by a special counsel.
ReplyDeleteToday’s indictment announcement was a disappointment to many Americans, and a cause to further the distrust in our federal law enforcement. How could our law enforcement find it OK to announce an investigation into our President without a shred of evidence of wrongdoing? When in doubt and without evidence, at least try to find evidence first before announcing to the world that Trump is being investigated for treason. Our law enforcement, instead, put the horse before the carriage and rushed into horrific accusations and a fake crisis from day one since the president took took office. That is worse for the country than any meddling by Russia.
Over a year of nonstop spin, obsessive endless discussion by a media that was getting leaks from Comey, who admitted he leaked for the purpose of starting a special counsel investigation of our president.
Spoken like a died in the wool True Red Trumper. When you base your argument on the absence of facts using only tRump's Twitter Feed and FAUX News your credibility sinks to the level of tRump, FAUX News, and other non credible sources.
DeleteThis is America, you are free to believe and espouse whatever you like. But, may the gods of Mr. Olympus help us all if tRump and his ilk ever fully have their way.
“If that’s all they have on this supposed scandal”
DeleteIt is NOT all that they have! Why would you think that it is? I think that it is more like YOU HOPE that it is all that they have. Rest assured, it is not. Wait for Part 3. It is just going to get better and better! Mueller is showing the path to the top.
dyed in the wool, not died.
DeleteHow could our law enforcement find it OK to announce an investigation into our President without a shred of evidence of wrongdoing?
ReplyDeleteA.T.L.S.A.D. sounds exactly like a Russian troll that would be sent around to blogs to promote doubt and confusion about the Mueller investigation on the Russian scandal and the Trump administration.
There is evidence from two people who are/were extremely close to Trump during his 2016 campaign: His son DJT, Jr., who admitted meeting with Russian agents who promised emails and dirt on Hillary Clinton. Junior lied at first about the nature of the meeting and who was present. Then, little by little, he "remembered" that more than one Russian agent was there, and instead of discussing adoption policies, he remembered he wrote "I love it" in an email when offered dirt on Hillary by the Russians. Steve Bannon, who served as Trump's strategic advisor in the West Wing, called that meeting "treasonous" and that there was "zero chance" that Trump didn't know about it.
That example and the firing of Comey after admitting on national tv that he did so to end the ongoing Russia probe is why the FBI and other law enforcement agencies were compelled to open an investigate on the Trump campaign and its ties to Russia.
“The emails are simply put damning as a legal matter,” explains Ryan Goodman, a former Defense Department special counsel and current editor of the legal site Just Security. “The text of the emails provide very clear evidence of participation in a scheme to involve the Russian government in federal election interference, in a form that is prohibited by federal criminal law.”
For more than a year, we've heard the POTUS deny, deny, deny that this Russian investigation has any merit. It's a hoax! It's fake! It's a witch hunt. Trump repeated again and again. Yesterday Robert Muller put the lie to that claim. What was set out in the indictment is only one piece of the puzzle. There will be more in the months to come.
An innocent person would have welcomed the investigation and would have been enraged to know the Russians disrupted our democracy. Trump has not asked any of the government agencies to look into preventing another cyber attack on our elections. He is the only president I know of who, when given hard evidence of an attack on America by a hostile foreign government, did nothing. There's probably a reason for his reluctance to confront Russia and punish it. Robert Mueller will eventually tell the country what that reason is.
Ask your Roll Model, Hillary
DeleteBy far better than Your Roll Model, tRump The Immoral One.
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Yup. Just as I said And, YOU write crap.
DeleteNotice, RN, that not one of the WYD trolls refutes anything I've written. Their response to my post? Nyah! Nyah! Nyah! They never rise above schoolyard taunts, therefore, the deserve to be ridiculed and ignored. Sadly, they are typical of Trump supporters. Unimaginative little trolls.
ReplyDeleteOf course they don’t refute what you say, Shaw. What you say is the truth. They are not smart enough nor imaginative enough to come up with some false narrative to refute what you say. They only can fall back to third grade name calling. They have nothing else.
DeleteThat’s because no one wants to even get into a conversation with a DOG
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DeleteWe agree Anonymous, you are a dog. And no one wants to converse with you or those of your ilk
DeleteRN, a dog?? Please don't insult the fine canine species by comparing Anonymous to a dog.
DeletePerhaps you could call him a dog's breakfast instead.
RN, your comment section has some 7-year olds trolling it.
ReplyDeleteBTW, RN, who knew Trump had a "leaking kitchen sink?" It that what the kids are calling it these days? ;-)
7-year old? Who knew? I was guessing 5-year olds.
DeleteI completely agree Anonymous! No one with any sense wants to engage in conversation with you.
ReplyDeletepShaw sure can write s long comment that is as worthless as A Bull with Tits.
ReplyDeleteYou mean as worthless as a trumper bull without balls and without morals don't you?
Delete"pShaw sure can write s long comment that is as worthless as A Bull with Tits."
ReplyDelete"The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about." --Oscar Wilde
We only talk about people who are doing something in their lives, good or bad. If someone is living a plain boring life with no activity, we dont have anything to discuss. No gossip. So, only an unnoticed, uneventful life is not worth discussing.
So, what Wilde means here is that if there is nothing to talk about you, chances are you are living a boring, unworthy life that nobody thinks is interesting enough to talk about.
PS. We have nothing to say about Stromboli, except we know in Italy it's a kind of sandwich stuffed with baloney.
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ReplyDeleteThe First step is to round up all the miserable liberals, and especially those who want to kill US, as shown in the youtube videos, and export them to China. Once all the wretched people are gone, then the rest of US can be happy and there will be no need for guns anymore..
ReplyDeleteYour ignorant depraved comment IMHO deserves no response. Further attempts by you slobbering bullshit like the one above WILL be DELETED.
DeleteRN, while we disagree on many things, we do agree it would be nice to find a way to get the youth to stop resorting to killing off their classmates. What would be your top 10 ways to help curb bringing any kind of weapon to school such as knives, guns, numbchucks and anything else you can think of?
ReplyDeleteFirst mystere, we very likely agree on absolutely nothing. Second, I refuse to be baited on my weblog, which is precisely what you are doing.
DeleteSo, here is how we play the game, I will give you one suggestion and then you respond with one and so on. That's the game. Take it or leave it.
All schools, elementary through post secondary, will have metal detectors at all points of entry and be monitored by individuals with FBI background checks, will be fully trained in firearm safety and use, and will carry a concealed weapon at all times.
Do I like it, no. Would I like the added cost to taxpayer it would incur, no. But in light of conservatives and republicans having done nothing it would be a great improvement towards safe guarding children in school.
Go mystere...
I actually agree with you on this one between 99 to 100%. I will say it's sad that we have to have metal detectors, but it's become some sad thing we have to do. I will add to this: I believe we will also have to vet those folks monitoring the students with a state background check as well as the Federal checks, in case something is reported to 1 agency but not the other. I also believe it would be wise to make sure that the ones applying to be a monitor have no criminal past including misdemeanors, sealed records and juvenile records. It is better to be safe than sorry.
DeleteNext, I believe educators and parents will need to work together to start teaching kids the serious consequences of causing problems in the first place, at an early age. I have several friends who are former teachers in the Los Angeles Unified School District who had problem kids in their High School classes. Some of my friends have said that some of the trouble makers could have been better kids had they been taught early about the consequences of breaking laws and instigating trouble for a cheap thrill.
The ball is back in your court…
I am amazed actually, that we agree on this 1'st point. My only additional point is that there should be one central data base that all info relative to background checks etc is fed into and maintained. As we'll there should be one bureau making decision on granting permits with offices in all 50 states to expedite review and approval/denial.
DeleteI agree, parents carry totally responsibility for teaching their children respect for themselves, others, and the law. Teachers have less, much IMO less direct responsibility, for what I think are obvious reasons.
I don't want to get diverted into the sociological psychological woods right yet. Although at some point that will be inevitable.
Point 2... As a strong supporter of the 2'nd Amendment I wish to make it clear I do NOT support banning all firearms or abolishing the 2'nd Amendment.
Having said that, assault style weapons, bump stocks, high capacity drums and magazines are not required for legitimate sporting or hunting activities.
Therefore they should be phased out over a 3 year period in which the government buys back such weapons and hardware. Manufacture of assault style weapons and high capacity carrying devices should be brought to a halt immediately.
It appears mystere has ran out of creative ideas. Not terribly unexpected really.
ReplyDeleteCurrent Conservative thought draws from a very shallow well.
...a well which doubles as a latrine.
DeleteHey, I'm back after being a bit busy for a few days. It takes time to look at what's happening and look for some ideas to see what can be done. I kept an eye out to see what others were offering up as ideas. As I was doing some research, I happened to see an episode of the reality show Pawnstars, and in this episode, someone had an old cannon he wanted to sell. Now it might seem thag I'm going down some crazy trail, but I am not. The back story about this cannon gave me some ideas. First thing, the ATF ordered the manufacturing of this particular cannon be stopped, decades ago. I agree with the ATF; that was a good call on their part. On a side note, this cannon, as long as it stays in the hands of an honest soul, will not be used to kill anyone. If anything, I would hope some future buyer would buy it to be placed in a museum, under guarded lock and key. After the ATF banned the manufacturing of this particular cannon, they made sure the ammunition for it became restricted. I'm fine with a restriction on the sales of certain kinds of ammunition used in assault rifles and making home manufacturing of parts to convert a common rifle into an assault rifle a felony serious enough to make the convict face a life term. In fact, in states with the death penalty, I would hope lawmakers can make manfacturing gun parts to turn a rifle into an illegal assault rifles a crime eligible for the death penalty even if no one gets shot or killed in the committing of murder. Someone needs to be made an example out of this in order to instill fear upon those who break the law.
DeleteRN, I'm taking my time to think things through, so it will probably be a few days before I'm back, but I will be back. We do agree this is a serious matter that requires serious brainstorming.
BTW, I am not a supporter of the death penalty except in extreme cases. It has historically been meted out unfairly and I do not approve of the state committing murder.
ReplyDeleteTake your time. No hurry. Ain't nothing going to happen (change) anyway. At least not anytime soon.