Is the Mueller Investigation Increasingly Worrisome for the POTUS?...

Donald Trump has been obsessed with talking about the absence of any collusion between his campaign and the Russian government. We're no expert here but people that find it necessary to repeatedly, and often, defend themselves against allegations sound like they're trying to convince themselves. Which creates the thought in others that they indeed have something to worry about, and, if possible hide.

From The Washington Post:

You know how if you repeat a word over and over, eventually it starts to sound strange to your ear, like merely a random collection of sounds? That is apparently what President Trump is doing with the word “collusion.” Say it often enough, and perhaps it will lose all meaning.

That’s just one of the things that comes through in this bizarre and disturbing interview Trump conducted at the Trump International Golf Club with Michael Schmidt of the New York Times, apparently on the spur of the moment and with no aides there to protect him. As we’ve almost come to expect by now, when Trump speaks at length without a script, he skitters back and forth along the line that divides the comical from the terrifying, telling one obvious lie after another, making endless digressions that devolve into incomprehensible word salad, and generally sounding like someone with only the most tenuous grip on his faculties.

But there’s one thing he’s very clear about wanting everyone to know: He and his campaign did not collude with Russia during 2016. In fact, without being prompted he returned again and again to the topic, repeating the word “collusion” no fewer than 23 times:

“Frankly there is absolutely no collusion…Virtually every Democrat has said there is no collusion. There is no collusion…I think it’s been proven that there is no collusion…I can only tell you that there is absolutely no collusion…There’s been no collusion…There was no collusion. None whatsoever…everybody knows that there was no collusion. I saw Dianne Feinstein the other day on television saying there is no collusion [note: not true]…The Republicans, in terms of the House committees, they come out, they’re so angry because there is no collusion…there was collusion on behalf of the Democrats. There was collusion with the Russians and the Democrats. A lot of collusion…There was tremendous collusion on behalf of the Russians and the Democrats. There was no collusion with respect to my campaign…But there is tremendous collusion with the Russians and with the Democratic Party…I watched Alan Dershowitz the other day, he said, No. 1, there is no collusion, No. 2, collusion is not a crime, but even if it was a crime, there was no collusion. And he said that very strongly. He said there was no collusion…There is no collusion, and even if there was, it’s not a crime. But there’s no collusion…when you look at all of the tremendous, ah, real problems [Democrats] had, not made-up problems like Russian collusion.“

It should go without saying that no Democrats have said there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians. Some have said that we don’t yet have definitive proof that there was a conspiracy at work, but none have proclaimed Trump exonerated in the way he’s claiming. And Trump’s claim that Democrats were the ones colluding with Russia is simply nonsensical, likely plucked from an attempt Republicans and the conservative media made a couple of months ago to execute an “I know you are but what am I” strategy on this scandal that was so ludicrous it isn’t worth revisiting in any detail (you can read about it here if you care).

This is one of those moments when you are reminded that the president has the majestic resources of the U.S. government at his disposal, yet prefers to learn the truth of what’s going on in the world from the trio manning the couch on “Fox & Friends.” So perhaps it’s unsurprising that he thinks he can convince America of his innocence by merely repeating the words “There was no collusion” again and again. What is blindingly obvious is that Trump is very, very concerned that people might be thinking he and his campaign colluded with the Russians.

Maybe Trump and his campaign didn't collude with Russian authorities and maybe he and his campaign did. At this point no one knows for certain one way or the other. Which is why the Mueller investigation must proceed to its conclusion. Whatever way it turns out.



  1. "Maybe Trump and his campaign didn't collude with Russian authorities and maybe he and his campaign did."

    Well, we do know some facts. From the Washington Post:

    Despite denials from the campaign and the White House, it is now clear that members of the Trump campaign interacted with Russians at least 31 times throughout the campaign. (There are at least 19 known meetings.) Knowledge of these communications went to the highest levels of Donald Trump’s operation — both Corey Lewandowski and Paul Manafort, two of the campaign’s three managers, were aware of it.

    What we don't yet know is whether or not these meetings had anything to do with helping Trump win the election. What we do know is that Trump says "No Collusion!" so often that it makes one wonder.

  2. Maybe the sun won’t rise tomorrow morning and maybe it will.

    1. The investigation is e pronged, 1) cyber attacks, 2) obstruction, and 3) collusion.

      With respect to collusion reputable dems say it best, they've seen no evidence as yet of collusion.

    2. "Maybe the sun won’t rise tomorrow morning and maybe it will."

      Trump tweeted that the sun rises in the west. 68% of Republicans defend the statement.

    3. So true, dmarks! Trump is their god. If he says it, it is true. End of story.

  3. Maybe everyone around Trump was in contact with the Russians and he knew nothing about it. It is possible. The people around him were not seasoned politicos. His kids are like little Fredos running around trying to please the old man.

    But... even if all that is true, it does indeed look as if after the fact he has been part of the plan to cover up and hide his family's and lieutenant's wrong doings. They've lied numerous times to investigators, probably for fear of damaging the presidency of Trump. And as a loyal guy, he's trying to protect them, not seeing the danger until it was too late.

    So... a cover up. And lies. And misleading statements. And a presidency seemingly unhinged.

    We'll see where this is headed, but I doubt a conclusion before the 2018 elections. And then if the Dems capture the House and the power of the subpoena, watch out as they will looking to inflict maximum damage on Trump.

    And... if they capture the Senate, even more fun as Trump will get exactly no judicial nominees passed for the remaining two years of his term.

    Partisanship... gotta love it. This stuff makes Mexican politics, where they have their own White House scandal, look bush league.

    1. America needs the truth Dave, but I suspect you right, a conclusion prior to the 2018 is unlikely. For obvious and good reason IMNHO.

      However, if the goal of democrats should they flip congress is simply to inflict maximum damage on Trump then we have another problem, again IMNHO.

      The ONLY goal should be finding the truth whatever it may be, reacting accordingly, and moving on.

      I'm doubtful that Mexican government is any less tainted than the USA government. From what I've read and heard it is much more corrupt. But I realize my info may be fake :)

    2. Given the president we have and the quality of his appointees, I would say that we are at least on par with the most corrupt governments in the world.

    3. I'd be more inclined to be concerned with the American electorate as it is after all at the root of the problem.

      Of course an argument can be made that our overall sub-standard educational system bears some responsibility.

      Not to overlook the reality that many folks are so busy just making ends meet they don't spend much time on staying informed about the people they elect Or the issues.

      Than there's just plain old apathy.

      So yeah, America is fertile ground for political corruption and graft. My guess is it gets worse before it gets better.

    4. Happy Days are here again
      The Who’s You’re Daddy Blog has returned!

    5. Everybody needs a place to take a shit.

    6. LOL!

      That's a fact Jerry. And not a fake one ;)

    7. Or a bias one? 🤔 Happy New Year!

  4. Replies
    1. I thought this comment,

      “Trump is right when he says this isn't collusion. It's conspiracy and that, my friends is a crime.”

      is very interesting.


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