Herr Drumpf Shocks The World, and, Real Americans...

Rational Nation USA
Purveyor of Truth

Russia's Putin pleased as Trump win shocks world

This comes as no surprise, and we know those who worship authoritarian leadership, the type Herr Drumpf is comfortable with, must be estatic that ex KGB operative Putin is pleasesd with the outcome of our election. Putin undrestands Herr Drumpf by far better than his blind supporters.

Good Night America. From this day forth it shall be known as Amerika.

Click the above link to read article.

UPDATE:  11/10/16  12:15 pm

HRC has surpassed Herr Drumpf in popular vote tallying. America will, once again be led by a pResident with a minority vote.

The Amerikan people who voted for a narcissistic authoritarian whose only interest is in his brand. A vike individual who successfully lied to the American people and a large enough segment of the Amerikan people believed him to enable him to secure an EC victory. And so, he was elected to the most powerful job in the world.

Think about THAT, and, good luck.


  1. So it looks like even with ALL of the skewed polls, the bought and paid for media, and rigged vote, from Dead people and illegals she STILL couldn’t pull off a win! Nothing could have saved Hillary Clinton from becoming the laughing stock of America. But in the end, Donald Trump was more than graciousthsn the Hilderbeast... According to Trump, Hillary did congratulate him and he thanked her in return for her service to the country during a late night phone call. Could it e that she was too drunk to call earlier. And that was the reason why she didn't come out personally to talk to her supporters???

  2. Les, let me get this straight. In your opinion the 60 million Trump voters aren't "real americans?"

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Luke is also bombarding my blog with his gloating comments. This from a "Liberal". He said. Although he also said "I'm rooting for Trump". I published my exhaustive commentary that shows (very conclusively, IMO) that Luke is behind the Steve and TOM trolls. That REALLY got him riled up. The coward is currently restricting commenting to "team members".

  7. Shame on the DNC for running the Democratic Party campaign in such a rigged/biased fashion, to the point where they got the candidate they wanted: someone so weak a game-show buffoon could beat them.

    1. The super delegate game cost democrats the election and foisted Herr Drumpf on AAmerica.

    2. Is who I am the topic?
      It was the liberal hacks who had the comments turned off. Dervish, Shaw, Dog, and the other crybabies.
      Dervish will not accept trump as the president. Just like Trump wouldn't accept Hillary as the president. proving Dervish is like Trump. Dervish is Trump. Dervish is Sue. You crybabies have fun now!

    3. Go home, TOM, you're drunk.

    4. Implied in my comment, Les, is that I think Bernie might have beat Trump. Conpared to HRC: No baggage, running on merit instead of gender, much more energetic, and more.

    5. Agreed dmarks. Although HCR was eminently more qualified than Herr Drumpf.

      Bernie was more honest than either.

    6. I was withholding my criticism of Hillary until after the election. Because I wanted her to win.

    7. Could Bernie have beaten Trump? Perhaps. But what if Comey had not sabotaged her by illegally interfering with the election days before voting? And then saying "nothing new here, original assessment stands". A deliberate move intended to throw the election to Trump, IMO. Now that scumbag co-conspirator Rudy Giuliani is going to be AG? I don't know if it's true or not, but I heard Joe Arpaio might be director of homeland security? He's still a birther, as far as I know. Trump will have his revenge. I expect a repeal of the ACA. Which will hurt his voters because they'll lose their subsidies (and the Republicans will replace it with nothing). The wall won't be built. How long until the Trump voters find out they were duped? Unfortunately we will be stuck with one party rule until at least the midterms (the elections where turnout is a lot lower). "Suckers built this", but we're all going to suffer.

    8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    9. I'm not feeling like conjecture right now. Maybe Comey did, mabey he didn't.

      Rudy as AG? Possibly. Time will tell.

      Sheriff Joe HS? Ha!

      Repeal of ACA without replacing it something more workable and affordable? Suicide.

      Time will tell. One thing we know for sure, Herr Drumpf is a loose cannon. Hopefully more rational heads will influence him.

    10. Hannity, Propagandist Extraordinaire and Rudy Juliani (:-) Shrieking Nutcase of NYC are kibbitzing about the AG possibility on Faux News. Scary Shyte.

    11. Dr Ben angling for spot crafting ACA replacement after repeal. If it indeed happens.

    12. Herr Drumpf is going to drain the swamp. Hm? A swamp he actively participated in paying to play in.

  8. @ Luke... Is who I am the topic?


  9. Les,

    Congratulation for keeping your blog active. Several liberal site are hiding in the corner with their ears plugged. I will have to assume if the criminal won they would be all into insults and shouting.

    In the 2008 election there was outrage that the right said they need to prevent BHO from another term. Of course the MSM insisted that to mean they would not cooperate with him and that seemed to be the mantra.

    Contrast BHO and DJT. BHO had experience in community organizing, whatever that is, but no political experience. He didn't know how to manage anything because he had never had a job other than in the public sector. DJT has no political experience but he has created companies and negotiated contracts. Yes, some of his companies have failed but when you have as many as he has managed all of them are not going to be successes.
    He was not my choice as a candidate as -H- was not yours but he is now the President and we need to give him a chance. After the last eight years of the special interest administration he can't do any worse. His past has been financial conservative and social liberal which will be a change.

    The DNC screwed up eight years ago by promising -H- the nomination if she backs BHO. They just paid the price for taking sides and not offering the same support to Bernie as they did -H-.

    1. A) Thanks
      B) I am a classical liberal, not a 21 century liberal; as well as fiercely independent.
      C) The DNC screwed up with the entire super delegate BS and throwing their weight behind the symbol of the ESTABLISHMENT. Even given that HRC was far superior and much more qualified than Herr Drumpf the narcisistic suthoritarian.
      D) I do not expect, nor do I care, if you or anyone else "gets" who and what I am.

      Thanks for stoping by.

      BTW, my son, who works for a Boston institution of higher learning as a top fund raiser was recently in NYC with a very, very, very, wealthy donor who knows and has worked with Herr Drumpf. His comment with regards to Herr Drumpf? The most vile human being he has ever met.

  10. I have never said I understood the thinking of a liberal. I was one in the 60's when they stood for less government and leave me alone but that has shifted to far left for me. They are divided into three categories, on the public dole, drive their limo to their jet to be against global warming or need to have a feel good moment by giving away something others worked for.

    I have no doubt DJT is a total AH, you don't amass that kind of wealth by being elected Mr congeniality. I have a relative who retired from the FBI who has much the same to say about -H- only she treats everyone below her "status" like dirt.

    We are living in interesting times.

    1. I haven't the time nor inclination to discuss like versus respect, being equitable (fair) versus a cheat, honesty versus dishonesty, nor the degree to which Herr Drumpf lacks character. We now must live with whatever the 'F' Herr Drumof tries to foist upon us and whatever civil liberties he take away from us.

      Good night America, Hello Amerika.

    2. Skud forgot to mention the fourth liberal bastion. 6 % of scientists
      admit to being Republican. And we ponder of that six percent, the percentage that voted for a
      rich real estate developer.

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Sorry Luke, off topic. Bye Bye.

    2. For someone whose side won, the Legion of Luke sure is petulant and whiny isn't he / aren't they?

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. "Congratulation for keeping your blog active. Several liberal site are hiding in the corner with their ears plugged."

    Skud. I don't know if you have a wife or daughter or granddaughter, but if you do, you'd not want to subject them to reading the filthy comments from Lisa and her degenerate buddies, or from TOM and Luke and various "anonymouses" that were on my comment moderation the day after the election. I am under no obligation to allow sick people to use my blog as a toilet for their crap. Les is far more tolerant of boiled-brained maggot pies like Luke than I am.

    As I wrote on my blog, which is Les's topic, re: Trump and the Ruskies:

    The Trumpublicans who screamed their throats raw calling Mr. Obama a Commie during his entire scandal-free and dignified presidency now have to contend with the fact that their president-elect Trump had contact with a foreign government, whose leader was once the head of the Communist KGB and whose President Putin is pleased that Trump will be his useful idiot.

    Everything the Trumpublicans called Mr. Obama and his wife and children will turn out to actually be about the narcissistic fraud soon to occupy and besmirch our White House. That is, after he testifies in court in his racketeering lawsuit.

    But thank Darwin he doesn't have to deal with those pesky child rape allegations. So the folks who voted for this disaster have THAT to be proud of!

    1. Do we really know he will be a disaster or is that just you hope. I do have a daughter and had her on suicide watch after DJT won but she is recovering. She did have some colorful language to spew against DJT but she is better.

      If I recall Russia is going back 20 years and living in the past, according to obama vs romney debate. I think DJT said he would try to work with Putin and wouldn't you rather have a strong leader to work with than a weak one, on second thought maybe you wouldn't.

      Just look at how much hate you will have to post on your blog and have a chorus of way to go's backing you up. I guess giving DJT a chance to see what he can do is to much to hope for. Maybe he will be the next Reagan and do great things for Everyone not just a few.

    2. If Herr Drumpf does as good of a job as President Obama did given the constant obstruction of republicans I will call him great. He will need to earn it however, just as Obama had to do.

    3. I hope he is no Reagan: Broke the unions, began the decline of the middle class, pissed off all of
      S. America for decades, tripled the national debt, skewered the taxes in favor of the rich, beginning the accumulating trend towards the 1% with 90%/90% with 1%, the Black Monday crash of 1987
      which wiped out 23% of the market, Ollie N. running the unconstitutional Iran-Contra deal...and finally appointing Antonine Scalia to SCOTUS to make sure the slime would continue. So, yup, Skud,
      I'm keeping an open mind and thinking maybe, just maybe, Trump is the practical moderate he has always been.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. Sorry Luke, off topic. Bye Bye.

    6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. Will someone let me know when America is great again?

    1. BB: It is great as long as you, Dave Miller, and others keep commenting.

  15. Yeah and Hillary would have been baited into a war with Russia. I guess she would rather give away secrets to China and N Korea

    1. Trump was baited into war with a Miss America contestant and a Gold Star father. Putin is far more
      clever, but Trump is the same....

    2. He was just responding to Hillary's pathetic games .She is the one who makes a mockery of people by "using" them for political gain

    3. Credible proof please Lisa. Thr more the merrier. I'll be patient.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. FYI-That is "Mr Trump" to you

    1. No Lisa, it's Mr. Trump to you. It is Herr Drumpf to me.

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  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. A rather extreme example of Godwin's law above.

    2. To be expected from Luke. He is both ignorant and extremely ill .

  19. skud: "I guess giving DJT a chance to see what he can do is to much to hope for."

    Let's look at that little gem from skud:

    Give Trump a chance? You mean like your folks, the GOP, gave President Obama a chance? What a convenient little memory you have. Before Mr. Obama was even inaugurated, conservative talk radio and their brainless followers said they hoped Mr. Obama would fail. On the night of Mr. Obama's inauguration, the GOP plotted to stall, obstruct, and sabotage anything the new president proposed.

    Then there was the unrelenting attack on Mr. Obama's citizenship, led by none other than Trump!, based on nothing but the his and GOP's rancid racism, and which slander the current Preznit-elect kept alive up until a month or so ago. Racism at its worst! Less than 3 months into Mr. Obama's presidency and before he had even filled cabinet posts, the TeaPublicans took to the streets screaming "I WANT MY COUNTRY BACK!" Then came the endless images of Mr. Obama and his family as dehumanized apes, effigies with ropes around their necks, and claims that Mr. Obama was a secret Muslim.

    I think the liberals/Democrats will afford Trump the same "chance" they gave President Obama. Afterall, it is THEY who showed America the proper way to behave when an opponent wins the presidency.

    That you can come here on your high horse and tell us that we need to give Trump a chance is just more evidence of what I perceive as white privilege. The rich white guy president-elect deserves a chance, but not the dignified black guy president-elect. That's what you're demanding, skud.

    Trump has not earned my respect. I, along with millions of other Americans, don't need to give Trump a chance. He had his entire 16+ months of campaigning to give us an insight into who he really is, and we saw a nightmare of bigotry, sexism, bullying, whining, and ignorance. The presidency and the immense power it bestows will only make those horrid attributes worse. Don't believe me? Just read his first tweet as president-elect to confirm it.

    Meanwhile, America's foremost terrorist organization, the KKK, is planning a victory march in South Carolina to celebrate the new TiC*. Those are your values, not mine. Will I be watching the inauguration of this disaster? Not. A. Chance.

    *Tweeter in Chief.

    Maybe he will be the next Reagan and do great things for Everyone not just a few.

  20. To be right is more important than being vindictive.

    All who have observed the past eight years with honesty and maintained a rational non emotional perspective knows President Obama against great (and planned) odds did a remarkably good job.

    Let the honest and rational not repeat the efforts of republicans. Hypocrisy does not wear well.

    Herr Drumpf should be offered the opportunity without obstruction to fail on his own. Or succeed if he be right. Which of course we know he isn't.

  21. There's a quote from the book that the Christian right need to understand:

    "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." (Matthew 7:12 NCV, see also Luke 6:31).

  22. Whether Christian or no the absolute rational basis and absolute truth of the quote is, or should be, self evident.

    In short:

    A) Two wrongs a right does not make.

    B) Rise above it. President Obama has.

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  24. Re Shaw mentioning the Bible's book of Luke above... The blog troll Luke the Puke also quoted the book of Luke (as "TOM" on his old blog, Stay A While) in an Easter post from 4/24/2011. I wonder if that is how he came up with his new name. "Coincidently", TOM also blogged about the Norman Rockwell painting "Freedom of Speech" (which is currently Luke's avatar) in a 8/4/2009 Stay A While post. Previously Luke used a canine picture as his avatar (the same as Steve). Steve would be the name previously attached to the Luke account, as Shaw Kenawe noted on her blog (in a 7/5/2016 post). (See here for more evidence that TOM, Steve and Luke are all the same blog troll. A LOT more evidence).

    1. Off topic, but, I'll allow it. Luke/TOM/Steve/(whoever), having insisted on making himself a pesky shyte pile deserves to be exposed for whatever you can expose him of. It is obvious Luke/TOM/Steve/(whoever) is not going to go softly. Hence comment moderation is back in full force.

      Note to Luke/TOM/Steve/(whoever), please slip and fall headlong into your pile of SH*T.

  25. Here is another one that I just ran across.

    On 3/16/2010 TOM wrote "I am part Native American on my father's side. I think I will go to my local tribal chapter and get on the list as a member of the community". (commentary from his Stay A While blog).

    On 11/9/2016 Luke wrote "I am not a white male". (comment from the "daddy" blog).

    So, did Luke write that he's not a White male because he considers himself to be a Native American (or "mixed race", a term TOM uses later in his commentary)? I say YES.

  26. One wonders at what point DJT, Mr. Division himself, will unite the nation.

    Don't hold your breath.

  27. Free Stinker, perhaps not atypical Trump supporter but certainly one of its most fanatical devotees, now shows his true colours (once again), by declaring himself not in favour of democracy (over at his, his gloatpost):

    I must take exception, however to the false notion that these United States were ever intended to be a DEMOCRACY. The Founders had a healthy –– and thoroughly justified –– fear of ever having to abide by "The Whim of the Vulgar Populace," as Alexander Hamilton called it.

    That 'commie-slayer' and virulent antisemite would, had he been German at that time, have voted for Hitler, I'm sure of it!

    1. For someone who claims to admire the Founding Fathers, "Free Col. Klinker" sure despises so much of the Constitution


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