This Is What It Has Come To...

Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth Some call this free protected political speech. The rest of us call it moronic, over the top, inflammatory, dangerous, and indicative of what the NRA and rightwing idiots work hard at convincing other idiots that it represents patriotism. They are very sick indeed. A Florida gun shop owner who made news last year when he banned Muslims from his store is now selling targets at his location and online featuring the faces of President Barack Obama and 2016 Democratic presidential nomination rivals Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton. Last July, Florida Gun Supply owner Andy Hallinan announced on YouTube that he would refuse service to anyone he suspected of being a Muslim who entered his store. “I have a moral and legal responsibility to ensure the safety of all patriots in my community, and so effective immediately, I’m declaring Florida Gun Supply as a Muslim-free zone,” he said before adding. “I will not arm and train those who wish t...