Obama and Presidential Golf...

Rational Nation USA
Purveyor of Truth

Caught an article today in the WASHIGTON Examiner that falls into the category of unimportant trivia. It had to do with how much golf President Obama has played since becoming president. As to why the author felt inclined to devote time to the President's link time shall be left to you to decide for yourself.

President Obama, fresh from his whirlwind spring break trip to Cuba and Argentina, hit the links for some R&R Saturday, playing his 281st round since becoming president. He was at Andrews for over five hours.

That is slightly more than three quarters of a year of days playing the presidential sport for Obama. The president typically plays for at least four hours, sometimes longer, putting his time at over 1,100 hours golfing, or at least 46 full 24-hour days.

After quickly reading the info I decided to have a bit of fun.

Days in Office - 2,622

Hours in Office - 62,928

Days Playing Golf - 46

Hours Playing Golf - 1,104

Rounds of Golf Played - 281

Hours per Round - 3.92

So, according to my calculations President Obama has played 1 day of golf in each 57 days (0.018%), he has played 281 rounds of golf in 2,622 days for an average 1 round every 9.331 days, he has averaged 25.206 min/day of golf, he has played 1,104 hours of golf in 62,928 in office (0.018%.

Given the President is on duty 24/7 in what is undoubtedly one of the highest pressure jobs in the world he certainly hasn't abused his use of golf for relaxation.

Some data on other presidents playing golf while in office. And a bit more.


  1. No word from the paper on Ike's more than 800 rounds of golf while he was in office, mostly at Augusta National in Georgia.

    Gotta wonder why this president warrants such scrutiny...

    Any thoughts?

  2. The professional whiners never run out of trivia about Mr. Obama to keep them in a perpetual state of outrage. It's their job, and it's their raison d'etre.

    These people are supporting Trump because he's sticking a finger in the country's eye and enraging The Establishment. We had an entire group of young people in the '60s doing the same thing. Now the same people who blame those counter-establishment groups for all our woes are behaving in exactly the same way, only this time, because they're supporting a wrecking ball like Trump, they're proud of their infantile candidate and their support for him.

    Their party and their party's ideology has failed them, so the reaction is to burn the place to the ground with Trump as their Arson in Chief.

    Trump will never be president, but it's interesting to see his unfortunate supporters (smart and otherwise) loose their minds over a flap-mouth pumpion.

  3. I'd like to think President Obama receives the scrutiny he does because those doing the scrutinizing are doing so based on something of substantial merit. Of course we know this is not true in many cases.

    Being very skeptical of Obama back in 2008 I found myself a major critic, based on what I perceived his philosophical and political agenda, if those are the correct words, would do to the USA. While I remain critical of some of his domestic agenda I have found through observation and study he has not been that which the most rightwing of the conservative/republican base continues to push.

    While I hesitate to make the broad brush claim the president's mixed race has something to do with such scrutiny Dave I am finding it exceedingly hard not to.

    I just perused a particular nasty rightwing weblog this morning and found myself wondering how so many folks that I considered in line with my politics and philosophy pre 2008 have become so offensive post 2008.

    Obama is not likely to go down in American history as one of the best USA presidents, but neither is he going to be considered among the worst. He has been a transitional president and there is little doubt about that.

  4. RN... To see people who disdain Lincoln fighting the Civil War chiding Obama for playing golf and not defending white people should give us some firm clues, despite what we may wish.

    Racism is indeed a major part of the response to Pres Obama...

  5. These people are supporting Trump because he's sticking a finger in the country's eye and enraging The Establishment. We had an entire group of young people in the '60s doing the same thing. Now the same people who blame those counter-establishment groups for all our woes are behaving in exactly the same way...

    Interesting isn't it Shaw? I suspect it has something to do with the Churchhillian adage that goes something like this... If you're not a liberal at 20 you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at 40 you have no brain.

    What gets me is the vast number of folks on the right, and left as well, that find their way into the lockstep mentality and then simply stop being curious, asking the right questions, and doing the research.

    Growing older does not require the mind to stop thinking and considering new data that leads one to making rational judgments. Judgements that can occasionally cause one to redesign the paradigms they have previously accepted.

    Rational and informed conservatism still has a place in society and our evolving culture. Unfortunately the conservatism of the TeaPublicans, the Evangelicals, The Drunpf supporters is not ational and informed at all. Which explains my break from present day conservatism, the present republican agenda, ad abhoence with the Drumpf and Cruz campaigns. Self inflicted stupidity is simply not, in my conservative/libertarisn view, an option.

  6. Racism is indeed a major part of the response to Pres Obama...

    Racism is ignorance Dave. So for those who fit the definition of a racist, well, they're ignorant and likely nothing will ever change them. Because in their own small minds they aren't racists at all.

  7. So... not proof that Obama is the "least hard working president"? As I recall, a commenter on this blog said Obama is an "exceptionally indolent and lazy man, who shows passion for few causes other than [things like] executive golf". That person (who has not yet commented) might disagree with this commentary. Anyway, President Obama is Black, and Black people are notoriously lazy. Or, that's how I took these past two comments... at the time (that racism was a factor).

  8. There is something to be said for hard work and dedication to achieving results, even when it means schmoozing with those you disagree with and compromising when necessary. Especially when you are the leader. President Ronald Reagan and President William Jefferson Clinton knew this. So have all other effective presidents.

    I wonder what President Barack Obama doesn't get about the hard work and all the other stuff as well...

    My commentary, as brief as it was, from my post you linked to.

    I get the point you're obviously attempting to make here Dervish. Unfortunately for you I will not take the bait.

    However, I will simply say things change. Or as some have said, possibly by even you, Obama is evolving. Suffice to say rational folkls don't fight evolution in the face of evidence.

    Have a good day Dervish./

    BTW, I do recognize you think you see a racist around every corner and behind every wall.

    1. RN: I do recognize you think you see a racist around every corner and behind every wall.

      Only recently. Prior to the Obama presidency I thought our country's problem with racism was less than what it has turned out to be. Perhaps due to my White privilege. Now I acknowledge the truth. A truth, given RN's mocking comment, I assume he denies. Odd coming from someone who regularly comments on Lisa's blog.

      btw, regarding Lisa's blog... did you happen to see this?

  9. "You think you see a racist around every corner and behind every wall" sounds like someone your friend Rusty the schmuck would say. Actually he has said it to me on several occasions.

    1. A) rusty shackelford is not my friend.
      B) You are right he has.

      So, C) You will hear it from me when there exists an implication that is false.


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