The Least Hard Working President... Among Other Things

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Purveyor of Truth

There is something to be said for hard work and dedication to achieving results, even when it means schmoozing with those you disagree with and compromising when necessary. Especially when you are the leader. President Ronald Reagan and President William Jefferson Clinton knew this. So have all other effective presidents.

I wonder what President Barack Obama doesn't get about the hard work and all the other stuff as well...

POLITICS - President Obama does his job less often than any commander-in-chief since Grover Cleveland, who held the office in the 19th century.

That’s according to Democratic National Committee chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who was interviewed on MSNBC Wednesday ahead of a Republican-backed measure to sue Obama for overstepping his executive authority, especially in his unilateral actions to implement Obamacare.

But in the interview, Wasserman Schultz, a US congresswoman from Florida, inadvertently agreed with a complaint levied most often by Republicans that Obama has not put much effort into his job.

“I’m going to go to the House floor and actually debate why we shouldn’t be voting for the first time in American history to sue the president of the United States for doing his job, and doing his job actually less often and at a rate that is lower than any other president since Grover Cleveland,” said Wasserman Schultz, while fingering Republicans who she claims “refuse to do anything.”

It is unclear why Wasserman Schultz compared Obama to Cleveland, who was president for two non-consecutive terms from 1885 to 1889 and from 1893 to 1897


According to an analysis by the New York Post, Obama has played golf 185 times since taking office in 2009. He has hit the links 81 times during his second term — more than doubling the rate of his first term.

Obama also spends a lot of time raising money for fellow Democrats. According to the Post, he has attended 75 fundraisers since the 2012 re-election.


Via: Memeorandum


  1. When one points out the facts of this exceptionally indolent and lazy man, who shows passion for few causes other than really nasty ones (like his attempt to abolish the secret ballot for union elections), his knee-jerk defenders invariably bring up Bush.

    Which has nothing to do with solving problems today.

    "Obama also spends a lot of time raising money for fellow Democrats."

    I have no doubt that this political activity is mostly funded by the taxpayers.

    Anyway, look at any poll of the problems facing the nation, and you will never find "not enough executive golf" and "a shortage of campaign funds" to be on the list. Very misplaced priorities.

  2. Cleveland was one of the most principled and courageous Presidents in U.S. history and so I personally take grave exception to Ms. Wasserman Schultz's moronic analogy.

  3. I'm surprised you fell for what was incorrectly reported. A friend of mine, Sheria Reid had this up on her blog, and it explains how Ms. Wasserman was taken out of context and how eagerly those on the right believed the dishonest reporting by Daily Caller:

    "Democratic National Committee chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz doesn't make any sort of admission about Obama's work ethic. She isn't even talking about Obama's work ethic. MSNBC interviewed Schultz about the Republican led effort to sue the President for abusing his power in the scope of and number of executive orders he has issued. Schultz made the following statement in defense of the President: “I’m going to go to the House floor and actually debate why we shouldn’t be voting for the first time in American history to sue the president of the United States for doing his job, and doing his job actually less often and at a rate that is lower than any other president since Grover Cleveland.” Cleveland is the last president to issue fewer executive orders than Obama.


    The Daily Caller has chosen to interpret Schultz' words as admitting that "President Obama does his job less often than any commander-in-chief since Grover Cleveland."

    Clearly Schultz is addressing the topic of the MSNBC interview--President Obama's use of executive orders and the GOP's decision to sue him for doing so. However, I just know that there is a whole slew of people with grits for brains who are gleefully sharing this story with friends and family of how President Obama is the most trifling, do-nothing President this country has ever had because even the DNC chair admitted it was so. I'm starting to think that there are some people who should not be allowed to participate in the free exchange of ideas that the Internet encourages." --Sheria Reid

  4. Perhaps Shaw, perhaps not. I personally might be more inclined to believe your defense of Obama as not being essentially a lazy executive. Except there are multiple sources who have made the same point.

    I continue in the attempt to get to the truth. But must say it isn't looking too promising, especially when one looks at his golfing activities, fundraising fervor, as well as his reliance on Valerie Jarret, Axelrod, and Plouffe as his primary advisers.

  5. "... fundraising fervor..."

    I believe this is a dereliction of duty by the President to waste their executive time on this. And yes, my criticism of this goes back to Bush and before and before...

    And it makes it even worse than the President is sticking the country with the bill for this purely partisan activity. here is one of countless news sources on this, and this shows him dishonestly tampering with the trip itinerary so he can screw the country even more with this trip.

    Yes, Bush did this too. It was bad then.


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