Go Get Em John! ...



  1. I wouldn't be surprised if he's the nominee in the end.


  2. I would be actually. He's way too sane for the current tea-publican base. Hell, even Jeb, the once assumed certain nominee can't get any traction.

    It is the more right-wing primary voters who will turn out in droves that will ultimately ďecige the parties nominee.

  3. I like Kasich too. He is even too sane for the far left progressives who support Sanders and the Hillary supporters who only want to see a woman get in,regardless that she is just another lying ignoramus

    1. "...just another lying ignoramus." Writes the woman who believes in "false facts," and hosts boys on her blog who refer to Mr and Mrs Obama in the most sickening racist teams. Then she calls libruls racist ? Jeebus! How does anyone who supports racist scum like RRand RS deserve anything other than contempt for her disgusting support of KKK racism? Possibly she's not aware of her boyfriends' bigotry? Nah. She lets their fetid hatred of African Americans ( only if they're liberals) onto her blog because she agrees with their slime. She is the Queen of Porn and racist grung after all Racism for libruls = Good, but not good for Kindly Dr Ben Goofy.

    2. Lisa is not one for facts and specifics seem difficult for her. It is far easier for her to simply bark ignoramus than to outline what it is that leads her to
      believe so. Your judgement of her weblog content and
      the character of some of her regular low life visitors is spot on. Lisa, for whatever the reason refuses to recognize how her providing a platform and support for them reflects on her.

  4. Lisa is appreciative of one of the GOP candidates pointing out how Looney the other candidates are? As for Dems wanting a woman to get in even if she's a lying ignoramus... Democrats will not vote for Carly Fiorina!

    1. And democrats would vote for Hillary over Kasich.

  5. He has no chance because he makes to much sense. You do give the fringe right (tparty) too much credit for carrying the party. Neither the tparty or the fringe left (progressives) will decide the election. It is the independent voter who will carry the water. Unfortunately their choice will be hillary and who ever the GOP sanctifies. I am waiting for a chance to vote for someone instead of against the other. That hasn't happened in decades.

    1. Yes, independents hold the key. They usually do and generally they use their head to vote as they lack the partisan ideological lockbox mentality of the tea-publicans and some establishment GOP.

      Dems have their problems as well. But at this juncture in our history the repubs present the greatest threat to our freedom and civil liberties. IMEO.

    2. Yes, independents hold the key.

      Untrue. According to the nonpartisan Center for Politics, "research by political scientists on the American electorate has consistently found that the large majority of self-identified independents are 'closet partisans' who think and vote much like other partisans. Independent Democrats and independent Republicans have little in common. Moreover, independents with no party preference have a lower rate of turnout than those who lean toward a party and typically make up less than 10% of the electorate. Finally, independents don’t necessarily determine the outcomes of presidential elections; in fact, in all three closely contested presidential elections since 1972, the candidate backed by most independent voters lost".

    3. Interesting study. Rather pointless because if the research is valid nuttin is gonna change and we all might as well have a beer and read the comic strips.

  6. I would not disagree that both sides come at what is good for the nation from different approaches.
    There are extremists on both sides as there always has been. There are also smart reasonable people on both sides and they have difficulty raising above the roar.
    If you look at the candidates in both parties. Every one of the candidates on the GOP side preached creating jobs and providing opportunities. Both the candidates on the democrat side preach give away's . Sanders is in the race so he can bring the democrat nominee further left.

    With the robust economy created by the current administration, are you really ready for a continuation of the same. I would like to see my kids prosper and not live off the labor of others.
    If threat to freedom means gutting obamacare and giving people a chance to advance there lives, I guess I have to lean that way.

    1. I look at empirical data in full over the past 50 years and republican claims do not align with reality. The economy and the middle class does better under democratic oversight. Not an opinion but fact.

      Opportunity is created when there is demand for goods and services. Jobs provide the means to secure desired goods and services. So yes, good paying jobs are definitely a necessary. Hint, tax breaks for the wealthy and multi billion dollar companies does not result in job creation, contrary to popular myth.

      The "give away meme" is growing old and tiresome. But if you are talking about corporatism, crony capitalism, lobbyist influence, special subsidies, corporate welfare I agree. Time to put a stop to it.

      Gut Obamacare, something I did not support, and replace it with what? A return to the old broken system? What? How about some ideas skudrunner.

      The plutocrats and oligarchs, often in cahoots have been very successful in duping loads and loads of Americans. CU was of great help to them. As are the Super Pacs.

  7. According to some, democrats 50 years ago weren't really democrats so who do we credit?

    How about opening up health insurance across state lines and providing subsidies for premiums for the poor. Tort reform to reduce the cost associated with healthcare. Allowing small businesses to provide assistance to their employees paying for healthcare insurance instead of making it impossible. Tax deductible health savings accounts to offset medical costs, of course you would have to work to do this.

    The leftist talk about tax breaks for the wealthy is growing old and tired. BTW, how many jobs are going to be created if taxes on the "rich" is raised? The burdensome tax system makes it beneficial for the wealthy because they can shelter income and investments. How about tax reform, a consistent buzz word with no action. Agree with corporate cronyism and lobbyist but BHO is not going to allow lobbyist so that problem is taken care of.

    What we need are more degrees in transgender relations paid for by the taxpayer and fewer machinists. This is the democrat idea that is resonating with their supporters.

    1. OMG, skud has a health plan ... with subsidies for the poor ... and "free stuff" too ... OMG!

      How many jobs will be created if taxes on the rich are raised? Lots and lots because then the goobermint will ... finally ... be able to balance the books while lowering taxes on the middle class which will boost discretionary consumer spending. Hot diggity!

  8. May the Great and Mighty Cthulhu shed His grace on thee and and drown these hoods for the common good ... from sea to shining sea!

  9. So no ideas either, got it. Seems to be the democrat mantra.
    More government, raise taxes,provide no new ideas and remember more Free Stuff.
    Like legs said, democrats are the same from sea to shining sea

    1. You should write a book skudrunner. Maybe you could interest Lisa in being a co-author. You could title it "How To Be a Proud Tea Party Stalwart.... All Bull All the Time".

  10. Skud... To change the insurance laws in this country to sell across state lines would take congress passing a law that usurps states rights.

    How do you see that happening? The Dems might actually support, but would the GOP? Of course not...

    How do you see that getting through the house?

  11. Very good question Dave. I looked but cannot find the democrat support for selling across state lines but there are several articles with republicans supporting it. Could you post a link to the democrat support.
    I was asked to give ideas by les and I did. His response was to chide me, not unusual for a yellow dog democrat, but I didn't catch his or your ideas.
    If you have no answer, insult, call them racist or silly but, like your candidate, never answer a question.

    BTW RN, if Lisa wants to co-author a book, I am all in although that is not a catchy title so it would need work.


  12. skudrunner & Dave - Link to NAIC that addresses the issue of interstate insurance from one perspective. It is likely why skudrunner couldn't find democrats who support interstate health insurance.

  13. What would you expect a lobbing group to say? Your reference is an article put out by the lobbyists for insurance commissioners trying to protect their job. You know you can do better and this still does not address Dave's question or my response.

  14. The "selling across state lines" thing is a ploy by the insurance companies who all want to move to the state with the least restrictions. It's about escaping regulation, not about lowering prices. We need to start with a public option and eventually transition to single payer.

  15. I looked but cannot find the democrat support for selling across state lines but there are several articles with republicans supporting it.

    My link was simply to suggest why you didn't find dems supporting your unsubstantiated claim. i am sure you can do a better job scudrunner.

    There is a myriad of articles on the subject if one wishes to research the issue. You're more than welcome to do so and get back to us skudrunner, preferably with specific and verifiable data on why this is a good idea. You may use special interest groups or lobbyists if you choose and provide a link. Otherwise STFU.


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