Trump Could Hurt GOP Chances With the Hispanic Vote...

Rational Nation USA
Purveyor of Truth

Irrespective of The Donald's own belief that Hispanics love him and will vote for him if nominated reality presents a different view.


  1. Trump's not gonna win, man! Nothing to worry about. There are millions of decent, God-fearing republicans in our fair land. Millions more who identify as republican that come from a moral upbringing.

    Trump is just a sideshow. The bearded lady.

    It doesn't really matter exactly who the republicans nominate. What matters is that it is not Trump. Have some faith. I hope the republicans have sense enough to nominate Fiorina. It's already thirty years too late. She might actually win.

    I mean, it's a given that Trump will never be president. Just like Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity will never be president. Like Pat Buchanan will never be president. Women do have the right to vote.

    1. I really have to give Carly a second look...

    2. Do I think Trump the Rump will get the nomination? No, without the Hispanic vote and women's vote he has no chance. So those who know he is selling snake oil should hope he continues to offend and alienate people.

      In a field of 17 there one would think there would be one qualified and motivational candidate, there isn't. Fiorina has got my interest, as has Kasisch and Paul. Behind them Perry . None really motivational and all with negatives.

      HRC is likely dead given her e-mail issue, and her abrasive and occasionally offensive personality. Her honesty and sincerity is in question by many. Sanders is gaining and he seems to be what HRC is not, honest and sincere. He sincere. His avowed socialism is a put off for millions.

      2016 is not going to be a good year (as it looks now) no matter who gets the nomination of either party. Maybe Biden would be good?

      You are more optimistic about the future than I Flying

    3. Carly just now spammed me asking for money.

      Spamming is real lowlife behavior. No politician has ever done that to me before. I will not be giving her a second look....

    4. That's what politicians from both parties do when running for national office and need money to survive. It is why we ought to go to a three month election cycle along with changing how campaign funding is approached. A subject that will get no serious traction.

      I guess you'll be giving Trump the multi billionaire the second look because he's so wealthy he doesn't need to spam? ;-)

    5. Lack of spam from a rump-hole dies not guarantee a second look at said billionaire rump-hole :)

      Oh, the Carly spam was in association with the Moonies. Eeech...

    6. Frankly I am not concerned with Fiorina's alleged spam or the Moonies, neither spam or the Moonies have relavancy to this post.

    7. Flying Junior: Trump's not gonna win, man! Nothing to worry about.
      RN: Do I think Trump the Trump will get the nomination? No...

      Via World Net Daily... Prediction: Donald Trump could win all 50 states...

      Admit it. Donald Trump is a volcano in a forest of Ronson lighters. You’re not going to stop him. He may carry all 50 states. The awareness of Trump’s invincibility is dawning slowly for several reasons. Nobody wants to be revealed as a fool if Trump flames out... The dreamers in the GOP are still reassuring one another that Trump’s domination is a “summertime thing,” and that come fall the public anger will be gone and the people will ask themselves, “Is this the kind of person we want in the Oval Office?” Dream on, Dear Establishment. People are already asking that question, and the answer is not just “Yes”; it’s “Hell, Yes!”

      RN: HRC is likely dead given her e-mail issue...

      What email issue? Because she used a private server the same as Bobby Jindal, Scott Walker, Jeb Bush and Rick Perry... she's "dead"? This is simply another Republican scamdal. Apparently RN has fallen for it.

      And Bernie Sanders avowed democratic socialism is a positive for millions.

      The question is - which of these two is going to take on Trump? Me, I'm hoping Sanders wins the nomination and the presidency... if not I think we're in big trouble. Democratic socialism is, IMO, what we desperately need.

    8. Ideology aside, Bernie Sanders is great campaigner, sincere, energetic, has a strong resume, and is fighting like the underdog.

      All in contrast to Hillary. I'm not counting out Dervish S' s hope at this point.. if Biden or someone else major doesn't jump in.

    9. RN: HRC is likely dead given her e-mail issue...

      What email issue? Because she used a private server the same as Bobby Jindal, Scott Walker, Jeb Bush and Rick Perry... she's "dead"? This is simply another Republican scamdal. Apparently RN has fallen for it.

      We'll just have to wait and see.

      No dEevish, Les has fallen for nothing.

      Have a good weekend.

    10. The "reporting" in the video you link to (featuring that tool Chuck Todd) is based on nothing more than the media's desire to keep this a horse race. The closer things are (or appear to be) the more interest (more eyeballs). Which is why the MSM is playing up this "scandal". There is no waiting and seeing... I can tell you right now that this will go absolutely nowhere. Trump is doing the same thing when he says Hillary's bigger concern is the (non-existent/baseless) criminal investigation. He's playing to his Hillary-hating base. Although he might be stupid enough to believe she could go to jail. I can't say definitively that it's an act.

      Re "wait and see"... what about the investigations into the crimes of Christie, Kasich, Perry, and Walker? I think it more likely that one (or more) of these corrupt candidates will go to jail than Hillary.

      I'm not saying that I think any potus candidate is going to jail, btw. Only that with the GOP contenders we are talking about real crimes... as opposed to imagined ones.

    11. Chill man, enjoy the weekend. We 'll know soon enough.

      I wouldn't trust HRC any further than I can throw an elephant.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Trump is saying what a large portion of constituents of FOX News and the Republican party think. He is far less politically popular on the Left. Contrary to Flying Junior, who apparently lives on a cloud and was born yesterday, plenty of "...decent, God-fearing republicans in our fair land.... who identify as republican that come from a moral upbringing...." support Trump. That's because many "...decent, God-fearing republicans in our fair land.... who identify as republican that come from a moral upbringing...." are idiots. The others are just selfish.


    1. Jersey, so you mistake this forum for that of the Stench Trench, FreeThinke, or any of a myriad of reactionary far right wing sites or any number of far left wing sites?

      Not everyone who disagrees with you is an idiot. Many are not. Trump supporters are frightened and gullible for the most part but that does not make them idiots.

    2. LOL! I'm making a "Stench Trench" but Trump's support is just of the "frightened and gullible," never mind their blatant racism, majoritarianism, and xenophobia. A refined gentlemen would call Trump's supporters slovenly assholes.


    3. A refined gentleman would say slovenly connards .

      Please review commenting guidelines Jersey.

    4. Haha! "Slovenly Connards" sounds like a great name for a alt-rock band!


  4. The guy who said what is quoted below is very influential in conservative circles, especially in Iowa. How did the RNC react to his insane suggestion? I haven't seen any push-back from any influential conservative on this stupid idea. And stupid is a perfect word for an idea (in this case, the person, too) that suggests we make undocumented human beings slaves. Did Mikelson suggest this to draw attention to himself or do many of his conservative listeners in Iowa and else think this is a viable idea?

    At some point we have to have the courage to label "stupid" really stupid ideas, and, sadly, the people who accept those ideas as sane.

    Here's Mikelson:

    “If you are here without our permission, and we have given you two months to leave, and you’re still here, and we find that you’re still here after we we’ve given you the deadline to leave, then you become property of the State of Iowa,” he argued. “And we have a job for you. And we start using compelled labor, the people who are here illegally would therefore be owned by the state and become an asset of the state rather than a liability and we start inventing jobs for them to do.”

    Mickelson insisted his idea was justified even after a caller said it “sounds an awful lot like slavery.”

    “Well, what’s wrong with slavery?” he asked the caller.

    Donald Trump's major immigration idea is to build a 2,000 mile wall and make Mexico pay for it. Is this a brilliant solution to our immigration problems or just a stupid idea? And what about the people who, after hearing Trump propose this, still believe he'd make a terrific, smart president? Have we ever heard such harebrained ideas in our lives coming from a person who's running for the US presidency?

    1. He sounds like America's Pol Pot...

    2. (The above comment referring to Mikelson's very statist quote)

  5. Trump is all about Trump. Here's how I see it. Trump is a real estate developer and as president he wants to develop the 2,000 mile southern border and views a barrier wall as rivaling the Great Wall of China, certain to ensure his place in world history.

    He likely believes with a secure southern border more folks will move south closer to Mexico because of enhanced safety the wall offers. Of course this would create opportunity for developers and he is probably looking 8 - 10 years down the road (maybe sooner) and figuring he could build casinos and hotels. This would also create jobs for Americans do it is a win win situation. :-)

    Mikelson's idea sounds an awful lot like totalitarian communism, where individual liberty is a mere inconvenience for the state to quash through extreme repressive and oppressive government, which is of course a form of slavery. Quite troubling, especially coming from a party faithful who no doubt loves to talk about liberty and freedom. Guess it depends on who he is talking about.

    In all seriousness Shaw the country does have to come to grips with our illegal alien problem and do it sensibly and justly. Trumps "plan" is no plan at all and sensible people in the GOP realize it.

    I can hardly wait to see how the American electorate speaks in 2016.

  6. Agreed. We need real solutions to the immigration problems. One solution was the Dream Act, which would have been a small step in addressing the thousands of children and young adults who were brought here as babies and toddlers by their undocumented parents. The D.A. spelled out very specific conditions that the young adults would have to conform to in order to earn citizenship. IIRC, they had to have stayed in school, graduated, not have a police record, among other requirements. These young adults know no other country but this one to which they were brought and where they grew up. They are culturally American, and Congress should have made the small step in granting them citizenship if they fulfilled all the requirements set out in the Act. Congress abandoned them, and now they are still in limbo, facing an uncertain future. What does it say about our political system that we can't solve our man-made problems?

  7. Dream Act sounds like a good idea to me.

  8. Hope you are doing ok there, RN!

  9. I am doing just fine here. Thanks.


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