Blacks Excluded @ 2 to 3 Times Higher Rate From Jury's In South...

Rational Nation USA
Purveyor of Truth

The Confederate Veterans Memorial in front of the Caddo Parish Courthouse in Shreveport, La.CreditBrandon Thibodeaux for The New York Times

In Louisiana’s Caddo Parish, where Shreveport is the parish seat, a study to be released Monday has found that prosecutors used peremptory challenges three times as often to strike black potential jurors as others during the last decade.

That is consistent with patterns researchers found earlier in Alabama, Louisiana and North Carolina, where prosecutors struck black jurors at double or triple the rates of others.

In Georgia, prosecutors excluded every black prospective juror in a death penalty case against a black defendant, which the Supreme Court has agreed to review this fall.

Such patterns tell a story, and it isn't a pretty one.


Via: Memeorandum


  1. Do you think that the story is that there is a full-scale war on black people in which white racists/rednecks (wearing sheets and carrying the Confederate banner) are going around shooting them en masse?

    1. Of course not. But you already knew that. I bring it up because someone you know thinks you do. Apparently. It's how the sh*t went down, he says.

    2. I concern myself not with what "someone I may know" may or may not think. Hearsay is, irrelevant on this thread.

    3. That's fine. Except I said absolutely nothing about someone you may know or relate any hearsay.

  2. // full-scale war on black people in which white racists/rednecks (wearing sheets and carrying the Confederate banner) are going around shooting them en masse?//

    kinda....Ferguson, Baltimore,Madison.......hmmmmmmm racist cops....sans flag shit.

  3. "In Louisiana's Caddo Parish, where Shreveport is the parish seat, a study to be released Monday has found that prosecutors used peremptory challenges three times as often to strike black potential jurors as others during the last decade.

    That is consistent with patterns researchers found earlier in Alabama, Louisiana and North Carolina, where prosecutors struck black jurors at double or triple the rates of others.

    In Georgia, prosecutors excluded every black prospective juror in a death penalty case against a black defendant, which the Supreme Court has agreed to review this fall."

    Interesting. But when President Obama talks about race and this country's racial problems, certain people on the right blame him for being "divisive" and making racial problems worse. That's like blaming a doctor for the serious illness he or she has just diagnosed in a patient.

    1. It all depends on if the "doctor" is a responsible practitioner. Or more like a demagogue'ing quack in the mold of Oz or Phil.

    2. Oz is not a quack, Phil is. It takes a lot more than acknowledging the validity of alternative medicine and the importance of diet and nutrition to qualify a Dr. as a quack. Irrespective of what big Pharmaceuticals and their henchmen or lobbyists claim.

      I get what you're driving at. I Think. So, would I be correct in saying you would call GWB a quack also?

    3. I used to think that Oz was fine, but evidence piled up otherwise

      and this worst of all

      If the antivaxxer duck quacks like a duck....

      As for your question, if GWB pretended to be a doctor, then he'd be a quack.

    4. About Doctor Oz... or should I say "Doctor Strange, Master of the Mystic Arts"

      "Communicating with the dead to reduce stress

      Oz has brought several self-proclaimed "spiritual mediums" on the show, where they've done everything from psychic readings to telling audience members how their loved ones actually passed (one of Oz' guests told an audience member that his son, who had died in a car accident, had actually committed suicide, the Los Angeles Times reports), and giving advice.

      Connecting with the dead, Oz has said, can help lower stress levels by helping people make peace with their deceased loved ones.

      More recently, he's even shown the audience before-and-after brain scans to show them that psychics attain a "different type of consciousness" when they "connect with the other side." Never mind that these scans could literally show anything. They're done with an EEG, which simply shows relative activity in different areas of the brain, and taken once before and again during the readings. That means the "results" (meaning the difference in before and after scans) could simply show something like elevated anxiety. The images are so unclear, however, it's hard to even determine this type of result. "


      What next, the validity of tarot medicine and astrology?

      I never thought you liked superstition much in any form, RN...

    5. Correction: I took the question about GWB literally, about being a quack doctor. I think you meant about him being a "quack" instead of a doctor to diagnose race problems, right?

      Yes, I would. In such areas, as Obama is, GWB was a ham-handed idealogue for the most part. I don't think major politicians are good at such things.

    6. Oz is under attack by those who place great interest in continuing to grow big Pharmaceuticals as they screw folks big time.

      I know that alternative medicine and proper diet and nutrition can and does control certain things improving well being. My wife is a living example.

      Your remark about me believing in mysticism in any for is correct. Provide credible sources for your statements please. I haven't the time to go a looking.

      Now, was this thread about Dr. Oz? No. So I will thank you to not continue to bring up extraneous discussion. It is party my fault as I took the bait. It ends here.

  4. If there were a way to have jury selection to be entirely color blind....

    1. There is. Jury's to be made up based on the percentage of the total population that particular race is. Specific to region.

      There... done.

    2. That's not color blind, but I think it is an improvement. Probably a big one.


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