GOP Favorability at 32%, Dem Favorable Beats GOP's by 16%...

Rational Nation USA
Purveyor of Truth

Given the GOP's position on many issues important to the American people it is understandable why they are viewed as unfavorably as they are. If the Grand Old Party (which is really no longer all that Grand)doesn't address the issues the American electorate is concerned about and put forward clear, honest, and realistic solutions the current negative trajectory will continue on it's present course.

The Republican Party’s image has grown more negative over the first half of this year. Currently, 32% have a favorable impression of the Republican Party, while 60% have an unfavorable view. Favorable views of the GOP have fallen nine percentage points since January. The Democratic Party continues to have mixed ratings (48% favorable, 47% unfavorable).

The Democratic Party has often held an edge over the GOP in favorability in recent years, but its advantage had narrowed following the Republicans’ midterm victory last fall. Today, the gap is as wide as it has been in more than two years.

Republicans, in particular, are now more critical of their own party than they were a few months ago. About two-thirds (68%) express a favorable opinion of their party, the lowest share in more than two years. Six months ago, 86% of Republicans viewed the GOP positively.

The latest national survey by the Pew Research Center, conducted July 14-20, 2015 among 2,002 adults, finds little change in more specific perceptions of the two parties.

As has been the case over the past four years, the Republican Party is viewed as more extreme in its positions than the Democratic Party. Currently, 52% say the GOP is more extreme, compared with 35% who say this better describes the Democratic Party.

The Democratic Party continues to hold wide advantages over the Republicans on empathy and honesty. By 53% to 31%, the Democratic Party is viewed as “more concerned with the needs of people like me.” And the Democrats hold a 16-point lead on governing in an honest and ethical way (45% to 29%).

Neither party has an edge in perceptions about which could better manage the federal government: 40% say the Republican Party, while an identical percentage prefers the Democrats.

While the democratic party is viewed more favorably in many categories congress has a favorability rating of only 25% with an unfavorably rating of 69%.

The full Pew Research Poll taken on 7/14/15

Via: Memeorandum


  1. Anyone who's still thinking Rep/Dem is missing the point, I'm afraid. It's all been sown up. Soon you'll have Crony Capitalism w/o Democracy.

    I'd go Bernie but whether he could take on the Oligarchy, now deeply entrenched, is another matter. The others (Jebton) will only do the bidding of the plantation owners.

    I think 'you the People' are going to do this yourselves, somehow.

    Ditto Europe, of course...

    Never thought we'd get to this point in history. Still, enjoy your iStuff while it lasts! ;-)

  2. I'd sure like Bernie a lot better if his solutions consistently involved devolution. decentralization of power instead of centralizing it in a different way. Surely there is another way besides big govt or big corps.

  3. If it wasn't for gerrymandering, the GOP would be a minority at the federal level across the board, and it's been that way for some years now. They'd as well be a leaner presence at the state level. The GOP as it is now is being propped up, and horribly, by interests who don't seem the least bit concerned with the ramifications of their manipulation. Trump - I call him FOXenstein's Monster - walked into a moral and intellectual vacuum, and his 25% popularity shows just how bad things have gotten for the GOP, and for conservatism in general in America today. The Right is in disarray.


    1. JMJ,

      You don't seriously believe Clinton would be any less a puppet of Big Corp than any old GOPer, do you?

      Voting for any of these vultures is voting for the status quo. Voting to have your job 'outsourced' to China/Vietnam/East Asia etc.Good luck with that!

  4. Some folks in the conservative/libertarian voting group would challenge your "FOXenstein's Monster description of Trump. Go read some of the more radical news and blog sites to see that they're blaming Hillary Clinton and the "Clinton Crime Family" for Donald Trump's popularity with the GOP.

    BTW, Trump's threat to run as an independent is not new. He did the same thing in 2011.

    All of this carnival around Trump this past week obscured John Kasich's candidacy announcement. Kasich is one of those rare GOP candidates who isn't trolling for the bottom-feeders' votes. But he isn't clownish enough for the GOP base. As long as the media fall for Trump's antics, serious candidates like Kasich will never be heard.

  5. All of this carnival around Trump this past week obscured John Kasich's candidacy announcement. Kasich is one of those rare GOP candidates who isn't trolling for the bottom-feeders' votes. But he isn't clownish enough for the GOP base. As long as the media fall for Trump's antics, serious candidates like Kasich will never be heard.

    Agreed Shaw. In my view Kasich on the republican side and Webb on the democratic side are the kind of presidential candidates we ought to be interested in. But of course it is the big money saturated candidates that get the play. The system is rigged and Gert's comment is most assuredly correct.

    Ner comes the oligarchy/plutocracy.

    1. Web is a former Republican. Now he's pretending to be a Democrat. This is why "fiscal Conservatives" like Les and Will Hart like him.

    2. Mere conjecture Dervish, your specialty.

  6. and Gert's comment is most assuredly correct.

    The Big Question is: what will make people, on both sides, vote in their OWN economic interest, and not Banksters/Big Corp interests?

    When I look at the public political discourse in the Good ole'USA, I see nothing but blindness and deep disdain from both 'sides'. This makes being ruled by 'They, the Billionaires' so much easier. Very sad, IMHO.

    A very decent blog, BTW.

  7. The Big Question is: what will make people, on both sides, vote in their OWN economic interest, and not Banksters/Big Corp interests?.

    Well Gert I will not pretend to know the answer to that question. Hypothetically? Perhaps the Bankster/Corporate interests have merely succeeded in convincing a sleeping public that BIG is always better. Of course the bigger and fewer the competitors the greater wealth concentration. Perhaps one day the "biggest shark" will devour the smaller sharks and there will be no competition. AND NO FREE MARKET as well. just sayin.

    It is reasonable to assume the USA is approaching the era of the oligarchs/plutocrats. Our public has taken the bait and swallowing it hook, line, and sinker. Unfortunately the philosophical vision of Ayn Rand (rational long term self interest has been lived in the most destructive way. But that is a subject for another day and while related a bit off topic.

    Thank you Gert, it is nice to ever so often hear positive feedback.

  8. The ‘issues of conscience’ are the great distraction for both sides here. The Billionaire Class doesn’t give a damn about gay marriage, abortion or guns, as long as their tax breaks aren’t in jeopardy. Now it’s a 'welfare state' with benefit checks for the already filthy rich. Companies are as companies do: pursue profit at any cost. Without restrictions they'll end up owning the earth and you and me.


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