The Donald Likes Playing Both Sides...

Rational Nation USA
Purveyor of Truth

It comes as really no surprise that The Donald would know how important it is to grease the wheels of government through personal relationships with government officials. After all, knowing when and how to butter both sides of your proverbial bread is important in business as well as politics. Given The Donald's wealth you can almost consider him a special interest.

Yet we wonder why American politics and government is so GD screwed up. A small hint, looking into the mirror (collectively and thinking long and hard should give a clue.

POLITICO - Donald Trump jumped into the crowded and rowdy Republican presidential field on Tuesday, but the business magnate has astutely played both sides of the aisle for years, and has been especially cozy — financially and personally — with Hillary Clinton.

Clinton, the Democratic front-runner and former New York senator who had some say over policy that could have impacted Trump’s vast business dealings, received donations from both him and son Donald Trump Jr. on separate occasions in 2002, 2005, 2006 and 2007, according to state and federal disclosure records

Trump has also been generous with the Clinton Foundation, donating at least $100,000, according to the non-profit.

In another sign of their closeness, Clinton attended Trump’s 2005 wedding to current wife Melania Knauss at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Florida, along with the likes of Katie Couric, Billy Joel and then-“American Idol” judge Simon Cowell. (According to People, Clinton had front-pew seating. Though Bill missed the ceremony itself, he did show up to the reception.)

She wasn’t the only Democratic beneficiary of Trump’s wealth. Trump donated $5,000 to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and $20,000 to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee in the 2006 cycle, effectively buoying the election prospects of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, respectively.

Just $1,000 of Trump’s money in the 2006 cycle went to the National Republican Senatorial Committee.

The last time Trump considered a White House run in 2011, reporters seized upon the fact that he has given most of his money to Democrats and Democratic causes, according to records.

Trump defended his donations to New York Democrats in an interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity that April, proclaiming that in the state, “everyone is Democratic” and implying that to donate otherwise would be waste of his money.

“So, what am I going to do, contribute to Republicans? Am I going to contribute to, I mean, one thing I’m not stupid. Am I going to contribute to a Republican for my whole life when they get, they run against some Democrat. And the most they can get is one percent of the vote,” he said, noting his “good relationship” with and donations to Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.). Trump last donated to Schumer directly in 2010, though he had made donations ranging from $250 to $2,000 since 1996.


Beginning with the 2012 cycle, however, financial disclosures show that Trump has donated exclusively to Republican candidates and groups.

Be certain The Donald's contribution were made with his special interests in mind (nothing really wrong with that per se), what would be damaging is if there were to be a quid pro quo arrangement hidden somewhere. Not saying there is, but ya just never know these days.

Full story BELOW THE FOLD.

Via: Memeorandum0


"He is not a serious Republican candidate."

Al serious folks realize the above about The Donald. But the real estate and entertainment mogul (and megalomaniac) will if nothing else keep serious people laughing as he makes a fool of himself.

Click link above to read article.


  1. Hmm, Dems must be loving The Donald's entry into the GOP race for the nomination. He's likely going to eat his republican competition new ones.

  2. I would say "yes" to your observation about Dems loving his entry into the race, but who knows how long it will last. There won't much to love unless he gets into a debate. I'd like to see him argue his free trade position in a debate. I guess he can continue beating up on the other GOP prez hopefuls until then... And that might be amusing. Jon Stewart is certainly overjoyed.


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