Clinton May Face Primary Challengers...

Rational Nation USA
Purveyor of Truth

For one hoping that several democratic candidates will emerge to duke it out for the opportunity to challenging whoever wins the GOP circus act this site is encouraged by Wasserman-Schultz's belief just such a thing will occur.

While thus far the democratic party seems short on substantive and dynamic candidates the GOP, with the possible exception of Marco Rubio, isn't all that impressive either.

BloombergPolitics - Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida, who doubles as chair of the Democratic National Committee, is so convinced that there will be a contested primary for the presidential nomination that she has begun planning for "a series of sanctioned debates that we expect our presidential candidates will participate in," she told C-SPAN's Newsmakers program on Friday. Referring to Bloomberg's poll showing that Democrats want a challenge to Clinton, Wasserman Schultz said, "I expect that voters who believe we should have a Democratic primary will get their wish."

Wasserman Schultz said she has been talking about the planned debate series with both official candidates (so far, there's only one) and potential entrants. She mentioned Vice President Joe Biden, former Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley, former Senator Jim Webb of Virginia, former Senator (and Governor) Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island and Senator Bernie Sanders—although she noted that Sanders, a Vermont independent, would have to change parties to qualify for a Democratic primary.

Via: Memeorandum


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