
Showing posts from April, 2015

Bernie Sanders To Challenge Hillary Clinton...

"People should not underestimate me," Sanders told the AP. "I've run outside of the two-party system, defeating Democrats and Republicans, taking on big-money candidates and, you know, I think the message that has resonated in Vermont is a message that can resonate all over this country." Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth This site does not advocate for a socialist agenda or a socialist candidate. However we do believe it is healthy that Bernie Sanders is stepping up to challenge Hillary Rodham Clinton for the democratic nomination to be their standard bearer in 2016. Aside from the likelihood if Clinton's baggage were air balloons they could carry a airship around the globe Bernie Sanders is at least honest about who and what he is and that is at the very least, refreshing. Hopefully his entry into the field will encourage other qualified democratic pols to toss their hat in the ring and make a run for it. Sanders has already shown he’s not af...

Christian Religionists Threaten SCOTUS With Civil Disobedience...

Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth "We will not obey.” That’s the blunt warning a group of prominent religious leaders is sending to the Supreme Court of the United States as they consider same-sex marriage. “We respectfully warn the Supreme Court not to cross that line,” read a document titled, Pledge in Solidarity to Defend Marriage . “We stand united together in defense of marriage. Make no mistake about our resolve.” “While there are many things we can endure, redefining marriage is so fundamental to the natural order and the common good that this is the line we must draw and one we cannot and will not cross,” the pledge states. The signees are a who’s who of religious leaders including former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum, National Religious Broadcasters president Jerry Johnson, Pastor John Hagee, and Franklin Graham, president and CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan’s Purse. The pledge was craf...

Riots in Baltimore...

Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth Different takes on riots in Baltimore and potential root causes. What say you? TPM - Presidential candidate Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) weighed in on the turmoil in Baltimore on Tuesday, standing with police and blaming the violence on a lack of morals in America. "I came through the train on Baltimore (sic) last night, I'm glad the train didn't stop," he said, laughing, during an interview with conservative radio host Laura Ingraham. Railing against what he repeatedly called "thuggery and thievery" in the streets of Baltimore, Paul told Ingraham that talking about "root causes" was not appropriate in the middle of a riot. "The police have to do what they have to do, and I am very sympathetic to the plight of the police in this," he said. As for root causes, Paul listed some ideas of his own. "There are so many things we can talk about," the senator said, "the breakdown of t...

Conservatives, a Hard Lot to Figure Out...

Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth There was a time, 27 years past and beyond when being a conservative was meaningful and one could proudly claim he or she was a conservative. Conservatives held a clear set of principles, namely fiscal responsibility, limited yet effective government, they understood that as society and circumstances changed compromise was necessary to maintain a functioning government that leading a nation of 300 plus million is far more challenging than leading a nation of 6 million. Today the intellectuals of the early conservative movement have been replaced by the Limbaugh, Levin, Hannity, Ingram, Beck, O'Reilly, Coulter, Fox News. et all types and substance and truth is now trumped by innuendo, fabrication, and appearances . Talking points and hyperbole has taken the place of honest debate and discussion. Winning the talking points of the day is all that matters, whether they are truthful or not really is of little concern to the conservative camp th...

What's Wrong WithThis Picture?...

Rational Nation U S A   Purveyor of Truth Faith leaders demand that liberal justices sit out gay marriage case Well there you have it folks. The continuing efforts by the American religionist to force a Christian THEOCRACY on all by attempting to remove the brains of reason and seal the mouths of rational thinkers. Their motto should be " Equality Not, Reason to the Winds, and Mysticism Forever ". Tic Toc, Tic Toc, Tic Toc... the march to the American Christian Sharia . Via: Memeorandum Link Update : Americans United for Separation of Church and State is a nonpartisan educational organization dedicated to preserving the constitutional principle of church-state separation as the only way to ensure religious freedom for all Americans

The Clinton Uranium Connection...

Rational Nation USA Purveyor of Truth Hillary Rodham Clinton certainly has a bit of a baggage problem . Given the controversy around foreign money and the Clinton's various organizations one must acknowledge the controversy over, and skepticism about the Clinton's ethics is well founded. Benghazi and other issues aside this one may very well result in a complete unraveling of her campaign and thus presidential aspirations. Clips from The New Yorker . The Times sums it up this way: As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian records show, a flow of cash made its way to the Clinton Foundation. Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million … Other people with ties to the company made donations as well. SKIP 1. Was there a quid pro quo? Based on the Times reporting, there was certainly a lot of quid (millions in donations that made it to a Clinto...

Exposing Right Wing Idiocy and Rampant Hyperbole...

Rational Nation USA Purveyor of Truth Found today on what appears to be one of the right's most pompous, self righteous, judgmental, and incorrect weblogs trafficking in right wing blogistan. The Award for THE WITTIEST EXCHANGE of the DAY goes to EMILIO De LISLE: Jus Askin : Is that a Picture of a Rectum or a Virgina? Emilio de Lisle : What a stupid question! Anyone with half a brain should be able to see it's Hillary Clinton's mouth before she puts in her dentures and puts on her lipstick ! { FreeThinke } - BRAVO, Emilio! You may come back and visit us anytime. For the record, Hilary Rodham Clinton should be scrutinized closely and her record both in the senate and as Secretary of State open to intense scrutiny. As should the record of all presidential candidates of both parties, as well as third party candidates. Mrs. Clinton, as well as all candidates of the republican party, must answer for their public record candidly and with open truthfulness. They m...

War Of Any Kind Has Unintended and Unfortunate Consequences...

Rational Nation USA Purveyor of Truth A predator drone in Afghanistan in 2010 .  Credit Massoud Hossaini/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images The only way to avoid war casualties, collateral or otherwise is to avoid war altogether. That of course is not always possible because as history amply indicates there is always bad guys out to get you. Of course one ought to question why a nation would engage in warfare as the USA did in Vietnam and Iraq, unless the threat from another nation is actually real. Which in both the aforementioned there was no threat to our national security. But I digress. President Obama's thought process in deciding to escalate the use of drones to combat terrorist groups and target ranking members is logical and sound. While it reduces American casualties because ground troops are not deployed crone technology is not perfect and the risk of what just occurred is always present.Unfortunately even if it were perfect the risk remains. The New York Ti...

Police Authority Run Amuck...

Rational Nation USA Purveyor of Truth The following video is graphic and it is disturbing. This incident occurred in 2013. Similar incidents continue to occur. Excessive use of unnecessary force by those sworn to uphold the law. When you add dishonesty and corruption to the mix what do we have? Where are we headed? I shudder to think. PALM BEACH COUNTY, Fla. - Exclusively-obtained dash-cam video shows Dontrell Stephens, 20, talking on a cellphone while riding his bike on a Friday morning in September 2013. He can be seen turning onto Norma Elaine Road near Haverhill Road and Okeechobee Boulevard as PBSO deputy Adams Lin trails him. Moments later, Stephens realizes he’s being followed. He pulls over, gets off his bike with a cellphone in his right hand and walks toward the deputy. For approximately four seconds Stephens is out of frame only to be seen again when being shot four times. Stephens, who is black and has a criminal record for possessing cocaine, is seen runn...

Steve King Again Showing His Radicalism...

Rational Nation USA Purveyor of Truth Congressman Steve King released the following statement after introducing his bill “Restrain the Judges on Marriage Act of 2015.” This bill strips federal courts of jurisdiction to hear cases related to marriage. The effect of the bill would prevent federal courts from hearing marriage cases, leaving the issue to the States where it properly belongs. […] “My bill strips Article III courts of jurisdiction, and the Supreme Court of appellate jurisdiction, ‘to hear or decide any question pertaining to the interpretation of, or the validity under the Constitution of, any type of marriage.’” As republican religionists continue to find creative ways to introduce legislation that is firmly rooted in their religious beliefs. One can't help but wonder how far off a Christian Theocracy might be. At times it seems republicans and Islamism have some things in common. They believe in the arraignment of Church and State methinks. More : Skip Wh...

Loretta Lynch Finally Confirmed As AG 56-43...

Rational Nation USA Purveyor of Truth It took long enough, but at the end of the day 10 republican senators voted for confirmation of Loretta Lynch to Attorney General of the United States, the nation's highest law enforcement position. Ms. Lynch's qualifications were never in question in republicans ranks, however, that did not stop the feet dragging over the fact she defended Presidents Obama's perfectly constitutional executive actions on immigration. Below excerpt is taken from The New York Times . Ms. Lynch, the United States attorney for the Eastern District of New York, was confirmed 56 to 43, with 10 Republicans voting for her. Her confirmation took longer than that for all but two other nominees for the office: Edwin Meese III, who was nominated by President Ronald Reagan, and A. Mitchell Palmer, who was picked by President Woodrow Wilson, according to the Congressional Research Service. Republicans have found themselves in a quandary for months. They lo...

Is America Approaching Neo Fuedalism?...

Rational Nation USA Purveyor of Truth Tell us this, Mr Senator: when will all federal contractors be paid a living wage? Photograph: Jason Reed/Reuters Does anyone take issue with the following? Is it reasonable to expect that when working 70 hours a week, as the gentleman who wrote the following does, a person is able to provide for the basic needs for their family and themselves without needing government assistant? Is it acceptable that government contractors make healthy profits and yet not provide decent wages for their employees? Is it ethical, moral? What, if anything should be done to rectify the unfairness, if that is what it really is? As we continue to see more economic stratification (rich/working poor) are you concerned about the long range negative and potentially volatile societal consequences that may occur? If so why, and if not why not? American voters should ask themselves: if presidential candidates won’t help the workers who serve them every day, will the...

An Example Of Reactionary Right Thinking Passed Off As Conserative and or Libertarian Thinking...

Rational Nation USA Purveyor of Truth Who's Your Daddy The real question is, how were they allowed to harass people like this and do they really believe this will help the cause? Who's Your Daddy , is a supposedly conservative libertarian weblog with a fair amount of  right wing reactionaries as well as sorting an ample number of  sock puppets   that truly demonstrate the deception that is prevalent in the internet. Anonymity gives voice to all sorts of wacko birds and crazy activity. You'll find a remarkable number of characters that fit the definition on right wing weblogs such as Who's Your Daddy . Unfortunately the number of wacko birds on the right outweigh the number of rational and reasonable conservatives. At least that's the way it appears given the comment section of sites like Who's Your Daddy. Aside from the usual wacko delusional drivel this site is also well known for it's occasional smut content as well as a abundance of raci...

Sometimes the Left Overreacts...

Rational Nation USA Purveyor of Truth Police in Washington, D.C ., have been referred materials for a possible investigation into two Republican congressmen who posed for a picture with an assault rifle in a House office building. Rep. Ken Buck (R-Colo.) last week tweeted a picture of himself and Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), the leader of the House's Benghazi investigation, holding an AR-15. Having the AR-15 in the District could be a violation of the city’s strict gun laws, and the city attorney general’s office has referred the matter to police, a spokesman told The Hill. "The matter has been referred to the Metropolitan Police Department for further investigation,” he said. Buck said in the tweet the assault rifle is his and the picture was taken after Gowdy “stopped by.” Buck told The Hill the rifle is “inoperable” and that he received approval from U.S. Capitol Police to bring it to his office, where it is on display in a locked case. “I have a very patrioti...

Open Season On Wacko Birds...

Rational Nation USA Purveyor of Truth There actually exists nut jobs and publications that will publish their rubbish. Would anyone be surprised to see this headline in the spring or summer of 2016: “Obama orders U.S. military attack on Israel / blocks Israeli strike at Iran / Iran grateful“? Like it or not, there is an increasing likelihood we will see that kind of headline before Obama leaves office. Why should we worry about that? Does water flow downhill? President Obama’s treasonous sellout to the Iran nuclear program is only the latest chapter in his betrayals of America and our allies in the face of Iran’s Islamist ambitions. A U.S. military attack on Israel would have been unthinkable under any other president, but it is now quite conceivable. There are two reasons we need to take that possibility seriously. First, it is entirely consistent with Obama’s pattern of pro-Iran policies and actions. Secondly, there is no one standing in his way. SKIP Whatever Obama...

Koch Brothers Waltzing With Scott Walker...

Rational Nation USA Purveyor of Truth Charles G. and David H. Koch, the influential and big-spending conservative donors, have a favorite in the race for the Republican nomination: Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin. On Monday, at a fund-raising event in Manhattan for the New York State Republican Party, David Koch told donors that he and his brother, who oversee one of the biggest private political organizations in the country, believed that Mr. Walker was the Republican Party’s best hope for recapturing the White House. “We will support whoever the candidate is,” said Mr. Koch, according to two people who attended the event. “But it should be Scott Walker.” It comes as no surprise really, but now we know for absolute certain that Koch central has bought Walker. Isn't comforting to know that a potential President is firmly in the back pocket of billionaires. If that thought does not cause wholesale consternation within the American electorate we are indeed well on the ...

Special Interests and Corruption, The Road to Oligarchy and Neo Feudalism...

Rational Nation USA Purveyor of Truth The net affect of the money machine — lobbyists, fund raisers, and campaign consultants — is to severely narrow the field of those who can compete for office, especially national office. If the national presidency were to pass back and forth between two or three families in any Latin American nation we would call it an oligarchy. But if those families can use carefully built political networks to raise a billion, or perhaps it is now multiple billions, of dollars to seek the presidency, what hope is there for the new voice, the fresh ideas, the innovative policies to address new 21st century realities? If the corruption of our Republic by interests groups and their money, governance by a Court of rotating insiders, and fresh blood strangled from the political process is the ultimate product of a deck stacked against the Country, we are in for a precarious time in American history. We will have created a political system and some form of ...

Clinton May Face Primary Challengers...

Rational Nation USA Purveyor of Truth For one hoping that several democratic candidates will emerge to duke it out for the opportunity to challenging whoever wins the GOP circus act this site is encouraged by Wasserman-Schultz's belief just such a thing will occur. While thus far the democratic party seems short on substantive and dynamic candidates the GOP, with the possible exception of Marco Rubio, isn't all that impressive either. BloombergPolitics - Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida, who doubles as chair of the Democratic National Committee, is so convinced that there will be a contested primary for the presidential nomination that she has begun planning for "a series of sanctioned debates that we expect our presidential candidates will participate in," she told C-SPAN's Newsmakers program on Friday. Referring to Bloomberg's poll showing that Democrats want a challenge to Clinton , Wasserman Schultz said, "I expect that voters who b...

Nugent Pops Off About Shooting Hary Reid At NRA Gathering...

Rational Nation USA Purveyor of Truth "If your child is dying and there's only one way to get to the doctor, would you get on Harry Reid's boat to get there?" Nugent said. After a pause, he continued: "Then your child's dead. I'd get on the boat, I'd get there and then I'd shoot him." Ted Nugent   Simply unbelievable! Even if he was 'just joking'. When mentality like Nugent stared having sway in the NRA is when the membership got dropped. Nugent, hell, the whole damn NRA organization needs a serious house cleaning. Nugent, who is on the NRA's board of directors, made the comment while responding to an audience member who asked why the NRA "endorsed Harry Reid to serve as the front man of Osama Obama." In video flagged by Media Matters , the conservative darling called Reid a "lying prick" after doing a bizarre impression of the senator. He then posed a hypothetical situation in which the audience memb...

A Women Shouldn't Be President; According to the Bible...

Rational Nation USA Purveyor of Truth From out of Texas, complete with a biblical reference. Why should this surprise anyone ? Thump, thump, thump... DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) – “A female shouldn’t be President,” is a direct quote from a Dallas woman’s Facebook page. As you might imagine, the post has attracted quite a bit of attention from people across the country. CBS 11’s Steve Pickett caught up with Cheryl Rios, the CEO of Go Ape Marketing, and asked her to explain the comment. “I believe in what I said,” she told Pickett. “There’s an old biblical sound reasoning why a woman shouldn’t be President.”  (emphasis mine) Here’s the full text of her post: “If this happens – I am moving to Canada. There is NO need for her as she is not the right person to run our country – but more importantly a female shouldn’t be president. Let the haters begin . . . but with the hormones we have there is no way we should be able to start a war. Yes I run my own business and I love it a...

Deeply Troubling...

Rational Nation USA Purveyor of Truth Here we are, held spell bound by the nuttery and irrationality of a Tea Party and Evangelical favorite. If this is even remotely representative of the intelligence and mentality of a large number on the right this nation is in deep doo-doo should it ever get control of all three branches of government. Think a Christian Theocracy, one every bit as dangerous to individual liberty and religious freedom as any theocracy anywhere on the globe. These people are a serious threat to the enlightened principals and ideals this democratic republic was founded on. Read MORE HERE .

"Gays are like ‘murderers and rapists’... Says Texan Steve Hotze

Rational Nation USA Purveyor of Truth Agenda is clear, base secular law on religious dogma regardless of the obvious discriminatory bias against the gay and lesbian community. Steve Hotze, president of Conservative Republicans of Texas, testifies against same-sex marriage during a meeting of the Texas House State Affairs Committee on April 7, 2015. Discrimination is unconstitutional as well as immoral. Ones sexual orientation is of no threat to society and certainly is not a crime. Laws preventing the union of same sex couples are unconscionable and should be overturned by the secular courts. RAW STORY - Testifying before a Texas House Committee over a bill that prohibits state or local funds from being used to issue a same-sex marriage licenses, an anti-gay activist compared gays to murderers and rapists who also, in his words, commit “immoral acts.” In audio recorded by the Texas Freedom Network , Dr. Steven Hotze, head of Conservative Republicans of Texas, engaged i...

Hillary Announces...

Rational Nation USA Purveyor of Truth Drama ended today. As if there really was any doubt, despite the signature coyness and occasional denials from the former First Lady, New York Senator, and Secretary of State. Certainly the credentials are there to be a viable presidential candidate. Perhaps the only question is will her baggage (as well as hubby Bill's) be the detriments that will sink the Clinton aspiration for dynasty . Given the lack of strong viable alternatives in the democratic party and the dismal array of potential republican candidates it is likely Hillary Rodham Clinton will be the next president Of the USA. Yes, you can accept that as my 23016 prediction. That's just how BAD the republican field really is. Meanwhile I for one am hoping against all hope for a strong dynamic third party candidate to emerge to challenge the light weights that now populate the major parties. The New York Times - Ending two years of speculation and coy denials, Hillary ...

A What If From the Conspiracy Crazed Far Right...

Rational Nation USA Purveyor of Truth Is it possible to explain delusions such as the following? Undoubtedly fear is a positive motivator, when it is rational. On the other hand irrational fear and fear mongering is a very dangerous. What you read in the following possibly ranks among the most irrational fear mongering published in some time. Who among us thinks that, like the generation fresh from the triumphs of the last World War, our current self-serving politicos have the experience, moral probity and courage to face that choice of evils? Who is honestly sure that they aren’t already preparing an exit strategy that leaves their own factional power intact, even if America is no longer free? What if Obama isn’t looking to his “legacy”? What if the threat of nuclear devastation he helps to arm with this agreement (an America-hating Iran with nuclear bombs) is to be brandished, along with a related threat from ongoing terrorist uprisings on U.S. soil, to create the exigent cir...

Dr. Ben Carson and Christian Rights...

Rational Nation USA Purveyor of Truth Tidbits from potential republican 2016 presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson. “I would like to see as much emphasis on the rights of Christians and people who are members of the faith community as to some of the other groups.” “It seems to be a topic, a person’s sexual orientation, that is of a fair amount of concern to you.” “I respect the LGBT community.” “I respect the traditional marriage community.” “Because a lot of people go into prison straight and when they come out, they’re gay.” On Thursday, Carson also declined to condemn “conversion therapy," the highly controversial practice of trying to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity through therapy. “My position is that that kind of thing should be left to therapists and individuals.” Full article HERE . Via: Memeorandum

Rick Santorum Visits Iowa, Is He Going To Run in 2016?...

Rational Nation USA Purveyor of Truth It looks as if Rick (Frothy) Santorum is seriously considering tossing his hat in the republican circus ring for the 2016 republican presidential nomination. As one would expect Mr. Santorum, in a recent appearance in Iowa , focused on his conservative religious credentials and strength to stand up in support of conservative religious values and lead the social conservative fight. Presumably this includes an anti gay and lesbian agenda, especially with respect to marriage. While Santorum was critical of theocracies he seems to miss the the point that RFRA's in states mentioned are in all reality the attempt to legislate law based on theocratic beliefs. Law that would allow for discrimination against certain communities. In other words institutionalized bigotry and discrimination. Santorum, like most religious and social conservatives simply want to impose their brand of "religious freedom" upon the rest of American society. ...

Death Penalty too Humane for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev...

Rational Nation USA Purveyor of Truth Justice served, the Boston Marathon bomber found guilty on all 30 counts he faced for the killing of 200 innocent souls. For his crimes this degenerate sick pathetic excuse for a human being should not be executed as some advocate . Senator Elizabeth Warren is right, this evil bast*rd should die in prison. 30 individual 100 year life sentences (for a total of 3,000 years) without the possibility of parole is most appropriate. Death is too good for this bast*rd, he should be made to suffer every single remaining day of his miserable pathetic existence until he dies. In fact a most appropriate sentence should include in addition to the above life in solitary confinement without a moment worth of contact with another human being (other than a doctor to ensure his misery is extended as long as possible), freedom of movement should BE restricted to a 10'x 12' foot cubicle with padded walls, A bunk, toilet, and food should be slid under t...