The Fingers of God...

Rational Nation USA
Purveyor of Truth

As he’s made abundantly clear by now, famed neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson believes God will talk to him about running for president in 2016. As we draw closer to primary season, it appears as though those vague whispers have turned into physical contact.

In a sit-down interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network’s David Brody, Carson suggested God has been gently touching him with his heavenly fingers.

Okie Dokie then. We'll be watching those debates, Should prove to be entertaining at the very least.

Find full article BELOW THE FOLD.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. With apologies to Omar Khayyam:

    The Fickle Finger of fate having poked
    Doctor Ben, moves on to poke
    another who has neither Piety nor Wit

  2. Also, I'm burning to know exactly where God's heavenly fingers have been touching the good doctor.

    Bad Shaw! Bad! Bad!

  3. I too have felt the finger of God.........and,dig this, he ate the booger when he was done.

  4. Behold! Ben, I am giving you the finger from on high. (?)

  5. I don't think coming across like Oral Roberts is in his best interest.

  6. He's a good and impressive man but obviously not ready for political prime-time, that's for sure.......Not that that's necessarily an awful thing, mind you.

    1. "...not ready for political prime-time, that's for sure.......Not that that's necessarily an awful thing, mind you."

      Except that a chorus of people who opposed Mr. Obama's candidacy said that not being ready (i.e. having executive or political experience) was a huge liability for him. I've read many bloggers who are enamoured of Carson and who blithely ignore the fact that he has NO executive/political experience (at least Obama had served in his state legislature and was elected to the U.S. Senate), but in his case, that's a good thing. Can someone explain how that was a liability for Obama, but an asset for Carson? And please do it without twisting logic into a pretzel in order to reconcile the difference.

    2. Because they like his views... it's like Sen Cruz... born in another country with a non US father, yet somehow he's qualified and candidate Obama, in the extremists scenario, literally equal in circumstance, was not.

      Go figure.

    3. Les, you're fond of saying both sides do it and on some things, you know i agree, but riddle me this...

      Can you think of another situation in your lifetime, where the lefties, claimed a person elected to the Presidency was ineligible for the office and as such, was to be opposed at every turn because he was, in his person and position, disobeying the Constitution?

    4. Pouring the both sides do meme over my stated positions is IMO an honor. Im shall leave it to anyone to decide for themselves what yjat means to them.

      Have you read me stating that lefties have ever claimed a person elected to the presidency was ineligible? Have you read me stating they opposed him at every turn because he was disobeying the Constitution? If you have Dave direct me to the post, or posts, and I'll do a full review and if so I will write a clarification or retraction, whichever is appropriate.

    5. RN... I am not saying you ever said anything, apart from a persistent "both sides do it' which you say is an honor. I have no problem with that... usually.

      But I am wondering, or perhaps looking for a time where you might say NO!, Both sides do not do it. Is my example one of those times? Or, would you say both sides have actively said a person is DQ'ed from the presidency?

    6. Pouring the both sides do meme over my stated positions is IMO an honor. Im shall leave it to anyone to decide for themselves what yjat means to them.

      Have you read me stating that lefties have ever claimed a person elected to the presidency was ineligible? Have you read me stating they opposed him at every turn because he was disobeying the Constitution? If you have Dave direct me to the post, or posts, and I'll do a full review and if so I will write a clarification or retraction, whichever is appropriate.

      No, I will never be a present day progressive nor will I be a present day conservative. My meaning of "both sides do it" is clear to me. It is also clear that because they do there shall never be an end to what we have in the USA today.

      I feel no need to explain further because if I did it would no doubt spoil the fun both the left and the right has labeling me based on preconceived and often erroneous idea's or notions.

  7. I too find fingers a bit suspect. Now, voice, that's another matter. Last night while I was sound asleep, the voice of God came to me and said: "There's other intelligent life in the Universe."

    "Why haven't they contacted us," I asked?

    "Because they're intelligent," He replied.

    1. "There's other intelligent life in the Universe"

      Which begs the question.... "Other" implies there was a form of intelligent life that the sentence is comparing the situation to, in the first place.


    2. Dmarks,
      Here is a partial list of extra-terrestrial creatures whose abilities far surpass those of humanoids (listed in alphamedical disorder):
      Amoeboid Zingatularians
      Blagulon Kappans
      Brontitallians (evolved into birds to render shoe shops obsolete)
      Dolphins (above humans but below mice in intelligence)
      G'Gugvuntts and Vl'hurgs
      Hingefreel (invented spaceships powered by bad news - the only thing that travels faster than light)
      Hrarf-Hrarfy (only known race whose life spans flow backwards in time - known to actually to enjoy hangovers)
      Mice (the most intelligent life form on Earth)
      Silastic Armourfiends of Striterax
      Strangulous Stilettans of Jajazikstak
      Strenuous Garfighters of Stug

    3. I assume the inhabitants of the mattress planet are on that list, too.

    4. About an hour after my sleep was unceremoniously interrupted by God, I admonished the mattress upon whom I was sleeping:

      You people are nothing more than havens for dander and body lice!

      Suddenly, the normally docile and dimwitted Zem turned insurgent and globbered:

      Vogonci. Ne bi ni prstom makli _ak ni da spase vlastitu baku od pro_rdljive bubozdrobne zvijeri s Traaala bez nare enja u tri primjerka, preporu_eno poslanih s povratnicom, poslanih natrag, tra_enih, izgubljenih, prona_enih, podnesenih na javnu raspravu, ponovno izgubljenih i kona no pokopanih u mekom mo varnom tlu i recikliranih kao upalja!

      Of course, I had no alternative but to threaten the impudently insolent Sqornshellous with certain fumigation. What else could I do? Sing him a MoonBat Serenade?

    5. ha, funny. i HAVE heard there is intelligent life in Minnesota.....but you can't tell my talking to any of those that live there.

    6. Okjimm,
      This is serious business, a matter of us versus Zem. And there’s only one way to deal with these obstreperous mattress people who don’t know how to hold their Temper-Pedic. You gotta be FIRM.

  8. Octo...yupperz, dis is serious......see, the way I feel it, most of Zem has noz idea who they are.....and no interest what so ever in who WE all are. Makes me think that, yes, I do need a new mattress, before it all matteeresses less.

    1. Okjimm,
      Today, on Thanksgiving Day, I find myself retracting some of my earlier remarks concerning the mattress people. All of us are guilty of mood swings from time to time, and punditry has its good days and bad days. I attribute today’s change of attitude to sensitivity training and a willingness to see things from the perspective of a mattress. Imagine having slumbering creatures flop on you, insomniacs twist and turn on you, snore on you, and copulate on you. Oh, the indignities! So, on Thanksgiving Day, I decided to cut them some slack and change the sheets.

    2. boy&howdy.....I guess that settles that.....time to put the topic...... to bed.

  9. Vooba, vooba, vooba.... ding. What...

    Vooba, vooba, vooba... WHAT, Whose there?

    It's the Lord Noah.



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