Right Wing Shrink and His Un-American Ideas...

Rational Nation USA
Purveyor of Truth

The following is not America. It is not our founding principles and were it possible our Classical Liberal Founding Fathers would be rolling over in their graves.

Make NO mistake, Dr. Keith Ablow is a dangerous man. While free speech and exchange of ideas is a everyone's right we can only hope rational networks and rational people will soundly denounce this nitwit and his ideas.

TPM - Conservative psychiatrist Dr. Keith Ablow, the biggest race-hustler on Fox News, issued a fatwa on Tuesday in a column for the channel's website calling for "an American jihad" and "war or struggle against unbelievers."

"An American jihad would embrace the correct belief that if every nation on earth were governed by freely elected leaders and by our Constitution, the world would be a far better place," the Fox contributor wrote.

Ablow's American Caliphate would wipe out the "psychological plague" brought on by the reign of Barack Obama, from the President's "apology tour" onward.

The screed demanded that America pressure countries, including allies such as Germany, Sweden and Italy, to "adopt laws similar to our own." Ablow even suggested U.S. politicians obtain dual citizenship so they may run for office in other nations.

"We might even fund our leaders' campaigns for office in these other nations," he wrote.

Ablow admitted that you can't have a crusade without war: "We would accept the fact that an American jihad could mean boots on the ground in many places in the world where human rights are being denigrated and horrors are unfolding," he wrote.

"[W]e have a God-given right to intervene," he added.

Ablow appeared on "Fox & Friends" on Wednesday morning to further discuss his proposal for "jihad."

"I looked it up, to make sure I was being consistent with the spirit of the word, which is a struggle against nonbelievers," he told co-host Steve Doocey.

"We need to again embrace the fact that we have Manifest Destiny as this country, as Americans," Ablow said, "to not only remain American — fundamentally, in our own national character — but to spread our national character to other nations."

Co-host Brian Kilmeade thanked Ablow for the interview and said the idea deserves to be discussed.

Ablow smiled. "What's to discuss?"

View the video HERE.

Dangerous indeed.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. Is that what you get when you cross a Dr. Oz with a Dr. Mengele?

  2. Talk about endless war. If you decide to start a crusade against all perceived imperfection....

  3. Didn't realize he was a shrink, aka psychiatrist.

  4. And when you think that the Right is cornering the market on insane fringe ideas, we get a reminder on this blog of dangerous ideas from the Left such as having the federal government nationalize the banks.

  5. Sounds like a good idea. Better than the bad idea of allowing the banking system to collapse and the nation to sink into a depression. Talk about insane!

  6. There are better ideas than the feds seizing absolute control/ownership of the banks... and taxpayers funding multi million dollar bonuses at Goldman Sachs/etc.

    One needs to shed the agenda, think outside the box.

  7. Nationalizing the banks was outside the box. Nobody considered it. BTW, the only "agenda" I believe in is an agenda that benefits The People.

  8. Benefits the People as YOU determine they ought to be benefitted no doubt. Eh, Dervish?

  9. There's outside the box... and then there's out of your mind.


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