Republican Racial Stereotyping, or Legitimate Concern?...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Purveyor of Truth

This ad from the National Republican Campaign Committee used the case of convicted killer Nikko Jenkins to show alleged negligence by Democrat Brad Ashford, who is running against Rep. Terry Lee (R) in Nebraska's 2nd district. (NRCC via YouTube)
The Washington Post (excerpt) - The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee blasted the ad on Friday afternoon, accusing the ad of "race-baiting" and demanding that it be taken down.

“Republicans should be ashamed that they have resorted to divisive rhetoric, playing up racial stereotypes and fear-mongering to save their sinking candidate," said DCCC Deputy National Press Secretary Ashley Lewis.

Full story BELOW THE FOLD.

Are the democrats allegations of racial stereotyping grounded in reality or is the ad really addressing legitimate concerns over what appears to be a weak law and the democratic candidate that supports the "good time" law.

Obviously an argument can be made both ways and to a degree both arguments have merit. Having said this, there certainly are better ways to demonstrate the argument against "the good time" law without running into a hornets nest.

It is most probable the ads intent is to demonstrate the weakness of the "good time" law, but really, republicans should have seen this coming. While not stated this ad certainly gave democrats the opportunity to claim racial stereotyping or "race baiting" by the republicans.

Sometimes it makes a great deal of sense to be aware of the possible implications of an act and find a better more appropriate way to make the point.

Unless maybe you are aware and just don't care.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. Or it is simply red meat is for their base.

  2. There is not enough information in the source article to get my tentacles around. Ostensibly, the purpose of a "good time" law is to reduce overall prison populations and address draconian drug sentencing laws, an issue often raised by Rand Paul. Much has been written about our criminal justice system as being more "punishment" oriented and less "rehabilitative." Perhaps the Nebraska law was flawed in failing to exempt capital murder cases. Did the law have bipartisan support in the state legislature? An answer to this question would tell me whether or not the race baiting charge is justified. Too many loose ends ... not enough detail.

  3. Nebraska Lawmakers Say Good-time Law Not Factor in Prison Crowding
    July 22, 2014

    Sioux City Journal

    LINCOLN, Neb. – In the effort to find solutions to Nebraska’s crowded prisons, the chairman of the Legislature’s Judiciary Committee says the good-time law should not be at the center of the debate.

    Omaha Sen. Brad Ashford said Gov. Dave Heineman has thrown the good-time law into the middle of the discussions over prison crowding, as well as high-profile incidents by discharged and furloughed inmates and botched prisoner release dates.

    Heineman has said inmates should have to earn reductions in prison sentences, not receive them automatically.

    “The public has a misconception of what caused these problems. It’s not good time,” said Ashford, who is a Democratic candidate for Congress in Nebraska’s 2nd District.

    Sen. Ernie Chambers, a longtime Judiciary Committee member, agreed the good-time law needs no alterations.

    “That’s the easy thing for people to jump on, especially politicians who haven’t followed all of these issues and developments,” Chambers said.

    The state Department of Correctional Services has plenty of latitude to keep inmates in prison for a long time for major crimes, Ashford said.

    Three tools can be used for managing inmate sentences, Ashford said. They are good time, administrative sanctions and parole eligibility. Changing the good time law to require inmates to earn reductions in sentences would increase crowding in the state’s prisons, he said.

    The prison population has grown significantly over the past dozen years. The prisons went from 164 percent of capacity to 133 percent after the 960-bed Tecumseh prison opened in 2001.

    Appears prison population is one of the primary reasons for the "good time" law.

    Rest of the article HERE.


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