Criticism Of Obama's Pick To Serve As Ebola Czar Has Begun...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Purveyor of Truth

Video via You Tube:
WASHINGTON (CBSDC/AP) — President Barack Obama on Friday turned to a trusted adviser to lead the nation’s Ebola response as efforts to clamp down on any possible route of infection from three Texas cases expanded, reaching a cruise ship at sea and multiple airline flights.

Facing renewed criticism of his handling of the Ebola risk, Obama will make Ron Klain, a former chief of staff to Vice President Joe Biden, his point man on fighting Ebola at home and in West Africa. Klain will report to national security adviser Susan Rice and to homeland security adviser Lisa Monaco, the White House said.

Klain does not have a medical or a health care background.

Rep. Andy Harris, R-Md., slammed the decision on Twitter.

“Worst ebola epidemic in world history and Pres. Obama puts a government bureaucrat with no healthcare experience in charge. Is he serious?” Harris tweeted.

Hold it right here. Klain's function as I understand it will be managerial and administrative, to coordinate efforts and manage responses in the most efficient, productive, and effective manner. He brings to the table the strengths to make important and tough decision, after listening to and considering input from the HEALTH CARE PROFFESIONALS, LIKE REASEARCH SCIENTSTS AND DOCTORS IN THE FELD. Sometimes there is just no understanding individuals like Harris.

Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., praised Obama’s decision.

“I’ve known Ron Klain for over twenty years. He is smart, aggressive, and levelheaded; exactly the qualities we need in a czar to steer our response to Ebola. He is an excellent choice,” Schumer told CBS News in a statement.

Full story BELOW THE FOLD.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. Rep. Andy Harris, R-Md., slammed the decision on Twitter.

    “Worst ebola epidemic in world history and Pres. Obama puts a government bureaucrat with no healthcare experience in charge. Is he serious?” Harris tweeted."

    Of course he slammed the choice. That's their job: Slam everything the president does, even when it doesn't deserve slamming. It's the dreary "If you have a hammer, everything's a nail" syndrome.

    Or: "Give a small boy a hammer, and he will find that everything he encounters needs pounding."

    1. If it ain't broke break it. If it's broke don't fix it. Brilliant strategy eh?

    2. RN: Exactly. No different from what the next Republican president will experience. Well, there will be a difference. The slammers will be (D) next, and the knee-jerk defenders of the President will be all (D)... and there will be precious few who rise above the mindless hum of the party line.

  2. Some of my acquaintances in medical academia are a bit miffed. My guess, they have had problems dealing with non-medical administrative types. But sometimes it takes an outsider, especially one that
    is familiar with the ins and outs of high end politics.

    1. As a manager I knew I had responsibility to make decisions on complex issues. Realizing I would never know or have all the answers I surrounded myself with good advisors, listened, considered, and made the decision. I think that will work in this case as well.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. (The below comment was deleted from above, because I mixed up the R and the D in it. Which actually fits in with the point of the comment...)

    RN: Exactly. No different from what the next Republican president will experience. Well, there will be a difference. The slammers will be (D) next, and the knee-jerk defenders of the President will be all (R)... and there will be precious few who rise above the mindless hum of the party line.

  5. Sorry, but this choice has kind of a "Brownie" feel to it (i.e., a choice that seems to be based more on politics than expertise) and I'm thinking that the fellow's number one priority (not to mention, the President's) will probably be damage control (and, yes, I hope to be wrong here).

    1. Will: Thank you for referring to "damage control", which of course refers entirely to our left-wing President and his administration and their own actions.

  6. We are a cynical nation. Nowhere is it more evident than in politics America. It is unfortunate that one has to hope to be wrong. Something about "nattering nabobs of negativity", or, something like that.

  7. I'm more interested in Ron Klain's connection to the Solyndra corporate welfare scandal than I am as to whether or not he has an MD.

  8. Solyndra!?! I'm surprised you did not say Benghazi!

    1. Different scandal, Jerry. Blame for the very real Benghazi scandal where it is due, but it is not with this man.

  9. "Damage Control" meaning tamping down hysteria created by the Right? If that's what Will meant, then yes, I agree with him on that half of his comment.

    As for the "Solyndra corporate welfare scandal"... how is a loan (in which the money is expected to be paid back) welfare? Also, I did a Google search on Ron Klain's connection to the "scandal" and lots of Rightwing Nooz sites popped up. I guess the real news doesn't think much of this "connection"?

    1. A half a billion dollar gift by the Obama administration to a corporation, that is never paid back, is hardly a "loan"

      Anyway, if you want to find some links; perhaps you might start by learning to spell "news". ;-)

    2. Your link connects to a story that correctly describes the money in question as a loan. Not sure how you found it, as you apparently spell "loan" as G-I-F-T. ;-) Anyway, the important thing to note here is that "the default rate on the $16.1 billion Energy Department loan portfolio is less than 3.6 percent [while] the White House planned for defaults of as much as 12.85 percent for loans to solar, wind and bio-energy projects". (note: quoted text is also from Bloomberg.

      Even private sector banks have to deal with loan defaults. Would you term those "gifts" as well?

      FYI, the former president appointed a Bird Flu Czar who previously served as general counsel for Amtrak (did not have a public health or medical background). BTW, the link is to Media Matters, but that does not change the fact that this ACTUALLY HAPPENED.

  10. I would have preferred someone with a "public health" background, but the Sturgeon (fishy, isn't it!) General nomination has been held up in the Senate for a year. It appears some causes of death are unworthy of study, at least according to the NRA.

    1. I have to agree with you on this one, (O)ct. Hold the hearings tomorrow, and have a vote Wed or Thurs. It is irresponsible for the Senate to shirk its duty.

  11. An epidemiologist or infection control nurse with an administrative background would have been ideal but short of that what about a General Barry McCaffrey or a General Jim Jones? I could have lived with either of those guys.


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