
by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Purveyor of Truth

This is chilling. Another wake up call that the NRA (National Reactionary Arsenal)will ignore and claim this is why teachers, administrators, and all citizens walking the streets need to be armed with weapons.

Funny, when I was 15 years old (that would be 47 years ago) we didn't seem to have this problem. But then again the nation didn't have an NRA that was in bed with firearm manufacturers and saw their mission and primary purpose as the marketing arm for firearm manufactures firearm proliferation.

While I was at one time a hunter and a firearm enthusiast, as in target practice and sporting, I now fully agree with the argument that the present NRA and it's leadership is in reality criminal in it's reaction to the growing menace of firearms proliferation. The organizations resistance to any meaningful reform of our patchwork of firearm regulation and it's apparent support for open carry tells us ALL we need to know.

Read the full story BELOW THE FOLD.  Question... When will enough be enough? Perhaps never for those attempting to live in 1776.

 Via: Memeorandum


  1. You are 100% correct about the NRA. The NRA is a perfect example of the corrupting influence of big money on our legislative processes.

  2. There can't be that many US citizens that feel the need to strut around town with an AR-15 and bandolier, which where the NRA main support derives.

  3. True Jerry, and it ain't just the NRA.

    BB Idaho, I think you're right. However, there are many reserved types who buy the NRA rhetoric completely, IMO.

  4. My only beef here is that anybody who even remotely questions the wisdom, logic (banning guns strictly based on cosmetic reasons, for example) and efficacy of gun control automatically gets tarred with the NRA marker. I personally don't own a gun and I don't have a desire for a gun but it isn't necessarily a bad thing to look, not just at the desired effects (of gun control) but the unintended consequences as well.


    No one that I know or associate with is talking about banning firearms. but if the NRA, and the fuc*ing hair brained useful idiots don't wise up maybe someday it might just happen.

    False equivalencies is all the useful idiots offer in defense of their erroneous belief they should have the right to do whatever the f**k they want.

    It has taken a lot to get me pissed off over this issue. I have always been a supporter of the right to own and use firearms for sporting purposes and protection of your home against criminal intrusion. When the person is responsible, sane, and respects the right of others.

    Open carry, and all the other bullsh*t idiocy the 99 cents short of a $1 crowd clamors about as the solution is simply BULLSH*T.

    PS: If my wife, sons, daughter, grandson, granddaughter, niece, nephew, father, or any other loved one of mine is ever killed by a raving maniacal idiot using a firearm they better hope the cops get them behind bars before I find them. You can't even imagine what I might do to them.

    I am done with my rant and feel better. It is time to get serious about our problem, and we do have a National Problem, whether you or anyone else wants to admit it or not.

  6. You get no argument from me, RN. Freedom and responsibility ... a theme I have been arguing for a long time ... we can't have the former without the latter; yet we live in times of radical excessiveness.

  7. Agreed RN and (O)CT(O)PUS. But what we've gotten from the N.R.A. is Greeddom and irresponsibility.

  8. Right now I believe the NRA is working against reason and common sense. They may in the end actually be the very entity that unwittingly will be the cause and catalyst for rational action.

  9. Something is wrong when it takes multiple disasters and meaningless deaths to be the cause and catalyst for rational action.

    1. True Jerry. However, such has been the human propensity and condition throughout recorded history. Why would anyone think is is different now.

      Some cultures do seem to be more prone to be slow in recognizing the course of rational action.

  10. well, it's like I always say, when guns are outlawed America will no longer be afraid to wear clean underwear

  11. Yes. Look at how long this country tolerated the abuse, torture, and murder of African Americans in the Jim Crow south. "The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice." --MLK

    1. And the North was every bit as racist as the South was, Shaw. a) States like Indiana, Ohio, and Illinois and the Michigan territory made it practically impossible (vis a vis the racist black codes) for a black person to emigrate there. b) New Jersey didn't officially get ride of slavery until 1865 ("servants for life" they tried to dress it up as). c) More black people were killed by racist northerners in the New York City draft riots of 1863 than were murdered during any of the slave rebellions down South. d) Many blacks wanted to move North with the northern soldiers after Reconstruction but were told that they couldn't and it was this act (along of course with the brutal northern occupation of the South by radical Republicans, carpetbaggers, and the virulent Union League in which blacks and whites were constantly pitted against each other) as much as anything that created racial strife. e) It was actually a Princetonion (Woodrow Wilson whose father was from Ohio) who segregated the federal work force and the U.S. military and so why in the hell wouldn't the South try and replicate that? f) Wall Street and the northern business community fully supported slavery and even Lincoln himself wanted to codify it forever (I refer you, Shaw, to his first inaugural). g) Most northerners (including Lincoln until the day that he died) and even most of the abolitionists were fully behind the idea of colonization and virtually NONE of them were in favor of equal rights.......I mean, I know that you really like this whole notion of good guys and bad guys and all but on this particular subject you are full of it.

    2. Really, BB? And let me add also the fact that it was predominantly NORTHERN ships that brought the slaves to America and that some of them even continued to ship African slaves to South America and the Caribbean once it was illegal to bring them to the U.S. (Virginia being amongst the first states to outlaw the slave trade in America).......That, and it was a NORTHERN President, FDR, who refused to back a critical anti-lynching bill for fear of it costing him votes.

  12. a) The is a strong inverse correlation between right to carry laws and the murder rate (granted, a correlation doesn't equate to causation but you know that if it went in the opposite direction the anti-gun crowd would be doing back-flips). b) Virtually EVERY ONE of these multiple victims shooting sprees has taken place in a gun-free zone (that idiot in Colorado could have gone to any number of movie theaters including some that were closer and some that had far more potential victims but he went to the ONE that was a gun free environment - what a koinkydink). c) In Washington D.C., the murder rate went up after the hand gun ban and then it down after the ban was gotten rid of (another coincidence?). And d) we already have universal background checks for all dealers and this is even the case at gun shows.......And so what are we really looking at here; making Joe do a background check on his brother in law if he sells him a gun, banning certain weapons simply because they look scary, limiting the size of clips when it could easily be argued that smaller clips are better in that they don't get jammed? Sure, why not, knock yourselves out. Just don't expect the murder rate to lessen.

    1. Good point; if enough half-wit over-testosteroned gun owners accidently blow their balls off,
      they shrink their own gene pool.


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