Charlie Chaplin... Freedom - Equality

from: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Purveyor of Truth

We are individuals with all the natural and human rights our very existence bestows on each of us. Yet we live in a world of many cultures with many languages, religions, and traditions. And we all, regardless of culture, language, tradition, and religion, have the same basic needs and share a desire to be free from fear and want.

Charlie Chaplin's final speech in the film the great dictator, with a splash of modern imagery. Song: Window by The Album Leaf

What say You?


  1. In 1952, that sort of talk got Mr. Chaplin blackilisted by Joe McCarthy's HUAC Committee.

  2. Yes, I know, the Red Scare and all. Precisely why I ran this. There are today many with the same dangerous mentality as old Joseph McC.

    1952, the year I popped out of the oven.

  3. Along those lines, we note an unusual take on the problem of income inequality from a zillionaire.

    1. BB: Income equality matters little compared to the existence of poverty, IMHO.

    2. Poverty exists BECAUSE of income inequality.


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