As the Nuge Back Peddles... Or Did He?

Ted "the degenerate" Nugent apologized today for calling the President "a sub-human mongrel." Or did he. Watch the clip below and you be the judge.

Since Nugent is hoping to learn from better men than himself the game of politics could this mean he is planing a run for Congress? The Senate?

This nation can only hope that if he is he never makes it past the primaries.

Now, for Tea Party favorite Senator Ted "Green Eggs and Ham" Cruz on Nugent's remark.

Hm, did I miss something or did Cruz do a nice side shuffle?

Texas republican Attorney General Greg Abbott and likely gubernatorial nominee when pressed on why he he selected Nugent to campaign with him to bolster his 2'nd amendment right credentials (not that Abbot needed bolstering) refused to answer.

Sometime not answering speaks volumes about the person being questioned. Texas sure does breed em big and dumb.

Finally outgoing Governor Rick Perry on the Nugent remark.

Well congratulations to Governor Rick Perry for acknowledging that Nugent's remark was inappropriate. It is unfortunate however that the Governor didn't have the b**ls to not only severely criticize Nugent but to send the message to people that individuals like Nugent do not represent the republican party... But that would likely be a lie as apparently they do.

Find the article BELOW THE FOLD.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. First Amendment fall out, I guess.

  2. Yeah, I guess. The dude has every right to say stupid stuff. What I don't understand is why republicans aren't critical of his BS. Don't they get he hurts their party more than he helps it?

    I'll fight for his right to be an idiot and then enjoy excercising my right to call him a degenerate, an idiot, a boil on humanity, and stupid.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. When the GOP has its leaders embracing this jerk, no one can say Nugent appeals to ONLY the "fringe" Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich, Ted Cruz, and Greg Abbott, among others, associated with him in order to ingratiate themselves with the Tea Party base. Why would it be so difficult to distance themselves from someone like him? The answer, I think, is that GOPers need that fringe base, and Nugent is the epitome of it.

    The GOP owns the guy who is known for a song about wanting to rape a 13-year old girl, and who called the President of the United States of America a "subhuman mongrel," a Nazi slur used against Jews to make it easier to hate and kill.

    Don't they teach history in our schools anymore? Remember when Sarah Palin used the term "blood libel," in defending herself after the Gabby Giffords shooting? Don't these people read? I guess I've answered my own question.

  5. I left a comment at Progressive Eruptions that I think addresses your comment here. It was rather lengthy so I won't reproduce here. Suffice it to say it is challenging to argue your points.

  6. So, Shaw, the GOP should disassociate itself completely with someone who thinks people he doesn't like are not really human, or like dogs?

  7. Given The Nuge's remarkable history of questionable behavior, asinine, stupid, and bigoted comments, combined with his personal life philosophy and experiences with a blittle girl, etc. it seems quite sensible for a mainstream republican leader to want to dissociate themselves from the Nuge. In other call the idiot out on the BS and idiocy and continue a rational debate on the 2'ns amendment.

    The idiot has a right to be stupid. However, the GOP and TP leadership ought be be thinking a bit more clearly IMNHO dmarks.

  8. dmarks, the term Nugent used to describe the president of the United States, "subhuman mongrel" is EXACTLY the same term the Nazis used to describe the Jews so that they would be seen as less than human and more easily exterminated.

    If Nugent doesn't like the president or his policies, Why didn't he come up with another way to express himself? Perhaps he's just too stupid to be original in his slander, so it's a good bet that he learned that term from some white supremacist group. I doubt very much Nugent did any reading on the history of the Holocaust or anything, for that matter.

    And I know the left has its flame-throwers (but they're not as active as the TPers these days) as well, but Nugent hit a particularly abhorrent new low with "subhuman mongrel."

    1. And Shaw, while I agree with what you said about Nugent, I will point out that a Democratic Party backer who gave the Obama campaign a million dollars has in the past equated an entire group of human beings with sub-humans, dogs (which, as you said, is Nazi-type terminology... and in this case, it was about a group the Nazis killed off before they got to the Jews). This happened exactly two years ago (the giving of the check): Obama has not returned the check given to his campaign.

      And while I agree that Palin's use of "blood libel" is very bad, I don't think it is quite as bad as the massive amount of smear involved with the very common and entirely unwarranted connection of Sarah Palin to the Gifford shooting.

      And that's why none of this drives me toward the Dems, even if it makes me condemn Ted Nugent.

    2. dmarks: "And that's why none of this drives me toward the Dems,..."

      dmarks, just so you know, I'm not broken-hearted over that.

  9. I agree with you Shaw. Stuff like this pushes me away from the GOP. But not toward the dems.

  10. I remember when I worked in the auto industry, used to travel to Detroit, and there was this big Nugent radio show billboard, and I listened to his show. It was dumb and lowbrow. Occasionally you'd get a chuckle, but most of it was stupid. Whatever. The man knows his audience. I guess all the cons lined up near him know their audience too.

    I'm not some anti-Nugent guy either. I used to see him live and learned his guitar when I was young. I really got into his music (I know his music is dumb and lowbrow too, but I like loud stupid rock and roll). So, a part of me will always like him, though not the part that thinks about politics.


    1. Jersey: Thanks for your balanced view of Nugent. Not unlike the rare (but balanced) view I have about Michael Moore.

      I guess one thing that makes Nugent stand out is that he is out there, full of energy, and outspoken. Apparently has quite a sharp mind, even if we don't like where it cuts. Perhaps this has to do with his avoiding brain-damaging drugs, which have surely taken a major toll on many of his rock contemporaries.

      "but I like loud stupid rock and roll"

      Well, Jersey, remember what Duke Ellington said:

      "if it sounds good, it IS good

  11. I never got into his music either, never impressed me.

  12. The man created some of the most noxious music of the 1970s and for that alone he should be condemned.

  13. Oh c'mon guys! Wango Tango is right up there with Handel's Messiah!


  14. "Subhuman mongrel" is "street fighter" language... I wonder how many ignorant Righties that garbage mollified. What "the Nuge" said was not an apology. BTW, I know to whom Dennis is referring with his dead horse kicking comment clearly intended to bait me. But Dennis is vague on purpose, so if I take the bait he can deny he was baiting and attack me. But this time I won't take Dennis' bait, except to say that I stand by my previous comments about the person Dennis refers to. The Democrats should not disassociate themselves from this person, as he never said what Dennis imagines he said.

  15. The only dead horse here is Mr. Sanders lying about what Maher said on video, which I accurately described, and is indeed comparable to what Nugent said. Mr. Dervish' claim its only comparable to someone denying Nugent said what he really said. The rest of us here have integrity and don't make stuff up.

    1. And with this, I recommend anyone interested to seek out the Bill Maher video clip. I've made my point on this angle of the subject. Keep calm and canard on, Swervo: back to you.

  16. Not sure what you mean, Shaw... but it is just one vote.


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