We Got It Huck... Filed It Under BS...


  1. It sometimes seems that the socon world is in a different dimension.

  2. Note to all potential male GOP candidates - DO NOT USE THE WORD LIBIDO, ESPECIALLY when it comes to the opposite sex. a) You're going to look like a fool and b) you're gonna get totally hammered. Think, for God's sakes.

  3. I hear he's attempting to fund raise off of this. But he "signed state legislation in 2005 that required all health insurance plans providing prescription drug coverage to cover contraceptive drugs and devices as well. According to the Arkansas Times, Huckabee's exemption for religious organizations was actually narrower than the exemption in the Affordable Care Act" [link]... so he was to the Left of Will Hart when governor.

    You really got to wonder what he's thinking. Changed his mind? A hypocrite who ignored his strong religious convictions for the sake of political expediency (when he was governor and signed that legislation)? Lying now and only said it because it would enable him to raise some cash and/or (idiotically) believes this is a winning issue for the Repubs? Sabotaging the Republicans?

    1. Way to distort my position. No, I don't think that Catholic affiliated organizations should be made to pay for birth-control (forgive me but I will side with The Little Sisters of the Poor over some pandering, oily politician any day) but I have also consistently said that I have zero problem with the government itself supplying birth control to poor families if needed. I mean, I know that you need to at all cost continue to foster this moronic left versus right dichotomy 'cause it comforts you but I'll be damned if I'll let you drag me into the gutter/crawl-space with you.

    2. Will said: "this moronic left versus right dichotomy"

      More and more i believe that this perception of dichotomy is so destructive. There are many "tells" or litmus tests for it. One is when a person thinks that one of the pair of Fox News and MSNBC is fundamentally different or better than the other. I used to be one of those. No more. Not at all.

  4. Us wymmins are looking to youse menfolks becuz we don't have a clue on how to control our out-of-control libidos. Should we just give ourselves some Ritalin? Becuz we're climbing the wallz!

    1. Yes, Huckabee's an idiot, Shaw, but I believe that his point was that this is how DEMOCRATS view women; that they are weak and incapable of fending for themselves. Clearly he got a little too graphic and, yes, if you have to explain yourself for 48 hours straight, you more than likely blew it but I also believe that there was in fact an actual point in there somewhere.

    2. Will: "but I believe that his point was that this is how DEMOCRATS view women"

      The problem with such statements is that they often aren't true,and the person raising them ends up perpetuating negative ideas on their OWN. And it looks like projection. Like the MSNBC guy bringing up the idea that Hermain Cain was a typical Black sexual predator, with a weak attempt to project it on others (it was simply his own partisan attempt to attack Cain by any means necessary).

    3. Jersey: An MSNBC guy did what?

      See here for an explanation (and the truth) regarding what Dennis is talking about. I won't say anything beyond that except that to point out that this is one of those dead horse topics Dennis likes to beat on regularly.

    4. I despise Huckabee for two reasons.......first,its because of him Obama is sitting in the White Hose..During the 2008 Republican campaign Huckabee was running a losing campaign yet refused to quit the Florida primary and even half assed endorsed McCain.Needless to say he took enough Romney votes giving the primary to McCain by the smallest of margins along with the nomination.......McCain went on to run one of the worst presidential campaigns in recent history and lose to a guy who's resume cold have been written on a cocktail napkin.

      Secondly.....while governor of Arkansas Huckabee pardoned a convicted murderer who a few years later killed four policeman in the Seattle.

      Yea ,in my opinion Huckabee is a POS and all that crap he preaches is just that....crap.

    5. Can always count on you Rusty to NOT stay on topic.

      Hell, what am I thinking? Most f the time you don't even START on topic.

  5. "...this is how DEMOCRATS view women..."

    Now let's not get too goofy on interpreting facts: A very huge majority of African-Americans supported Mr. Obama in the last election. The knee-jerk reaction to that by many conservatives is that the A.A. community are too stupid to see that the Democrats are keeping them in bondage to the Democratic Party. A very large majority of WOMEN supported Mr. Obama in the last election (as did a large majority of Latino, Hispanic, Asians, and the LGBT community.

    If the knee-jerk reaction to those facts is always that the Democrats keep these communities in bondage or see them as "weak and incapable of fending for themselves," as you put it, Will, then what conservatives suggest is that those millions and millions of voters voted for Mr. Obama because they're weak and stupid.

    Those communities who read such absurd analyses of why huge portions of the electorate went for Mr. Obama instead of the GOP candidate will continue to stay away from the GOP. They don't like being insulted and patronized.

    We women do NOT think the Democrats view us as weak or incapable. And apparently lots of Republican and Independent women agree with us, since Democratic women weren't the only ones who voted for President Obama for a second term.

    You and other conservative thinkers have to stop telling people what you insist are the reasons these various demographic groups voted overwhelmingly for Mr. Obama. And if, BTW, your fellow travelers really believe we're all stupid and want to be kept weak and dependent, why would the GOP try to "win the women's vote?"

    We women saw what GOP governors wanted to do us "weak and dependent" women once they took over their states' governorships and legislatures.

    1. Shaw, read what I said. I said that that was HIS point (though, yes, I do agree that the Democrats - and to a certain extent the Republicans - are very good at constituency politics and pandering).

    2. And why do you always have to throw Republican malfeasance in my face? I'm not a Republican. I'm an Independent who hasn't voted Republican for President since 1988 (yes, I voted for the first George Bush over that fellow in the tank - sue me), and I voted for Obama in 2008 (and I still consider myself to the left of him on marriage equality, pot legalization, and even immigration). I mean, yes, I do in fact have a much more market-oriented approach to energy, healthcare, and the economy than do the progressives who seemingly want to solve everything via giving the keys to the Caddy to some bureaucratic dullard or an oily politician whose solitary interest is to enrich himself. But come on, Shaw, do we want to solve the problems here or do we not want to solve the problems here?

  6. RN: You missed an opportunity for a Huck Dynasty blog post title. Though I am sure Sir Hucklebuckle will give you more chances to post about him in the future.

  7. I have now watched Huck's remarks several times as well as listening to his explanation both on Megyn Kelly and on the Huckabee show.

    I accept his explanation that his remarks were a push back on the democrats meme that republicans are fighting a war on women.

    Indeed listening CLOSELY to his actual words one does come to the conclusion that Huckabee meant the opposite of what democrats are saying he meant.

    My appology to Huck for jumping on before I fully listen to an analyzed his remark.

    I still disagree with most of Huckabee's positions.

  8. Another one of those instances where one has to read or listen closely, huh? I don't see it, RN. And I doubt I am alone in not seeing that "his remarks were a push back on the democrats meme that republicans are fighting a war on women". How is it a "meme" for the Democrats to point out the truth of Republican misogyny? Hucksterbee didn't mean "the opposite"; he meant exactly what he said... and what he said was insulting to women as well as complete BS. You had it right initially.

  9. May the narrative be with you Mr. Sanders and give you comfort.

  10. I had already linked previously and directly to a clip from MSNBC in which Cain was bashed for being black (something which I tied to this subject). I didn't feel it necessary to link to it again, let alone link to the content of Mr. Sanders' dead horse stable that had little do so with what actually happened on MSNBC.

    The narrative is strong in this one, my son.

  11. My criticisms of Libertarianism are substantive, while RN and Dennis only offer ridicule in regards to MMT. I therefore believe I am infinitely more justified in saying they don't understand the theory (what RN ALWAYS says when I critique his ideology). In regards to this clip that Dennis "already linked previously"... I never saw it/this is the first I'm hearing of it. I'm guessing this is another deflection like the dodge "Google for the lazy" he tried to use on Octo (who wasn't having any of it). And the "narrative" is ridiculously strong in Dennis... as evidenced by his comment above. RN offers up a narrative of me being a troll and narratives giving me comfort, and Dennis responds with a huge butt-kiss (as is his practice/It's something he does frequently on Will's blog).

  12. Substantive and wd are 2 words that should never, ever, be used in the same sentence.

    1. An unsubstantiated claim, but useful advice for those who traffic in ad hominem. I can't make the same claim about Will, however, as he usually "substantiates", even if the sources he gets his info from are wrong.

  13. Huckabee has climbed to the top of the polls for 2016. Women can't control their libidos...and GOP
    voters can't control their common sense.


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