As the Liberal/Progressive Media and Blogosphere Attempt To Destroy Governor Chris Christie...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Purveyor of Truth

As the liberal/progressive media and bloggers attempt to trash Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey over the George Washington Bridge lane closings, ostensibly because he is a formidable threat to their darling would be 2016 democratic presidential nominee Hillary Rodham Clinton, there remains NO EVIDENCE he had any involvement or was aware of the actions by his underlings. If Governor Christie indeed had no involvement in the closings, and at this point is is prudent to assume he didn't, the valid question is... should he have known? If we believe an executive sets the tone and culture for his administration then indeed the actions of his loyal staff at least become somewhat understandable. Wrong, but understandable.


Nothing in the approximately 2,000 documents released on Friday by the Assembly committee investigating the matter suggest that Christie knew of the lane-closure scheme beforehand. And they shed little new light on whether administration officials targeted the Democratic mayor of Fort Lee because he did not endorse Christie.

It is now time to prepare to watch the New England Patriots kick the ever lovin beJesus out of the Indianapolis Colts!

More on the above story under the fold.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. .

    "As the liberal/progressive media and bloggers attempt to trash Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey over the George Washington Bridge lane closings, ..."

    Oh pla...ese. Every one knows there were no George Washington Bridge lane closings. It never happened; ever. This is all an attempt by Obummer to distract the sheeple from the absolute total utter failure of ACA and Ben Gazi, Ben Gazi, and Ben Gazi. Any hard evidence of NJ politicians abusing their government power has been faked, just like the 'birth certificate' of the muslim usurper in the Whit House.

    Liberal/progressive media and bloggers do not have to do anything to trash Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey. Liberal/progressive media and bloggers just have to let Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey trash himself over the George Washington Bridge lane closings.

    Just keep saying Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey did nothing wrong. Deny, deny, deny, resign. Good political strategy. The "You didn't build that..." delusion tactic worked out so well for you and the Republicant Party.

    Ema Nymton

    1. You're just SO cute Ema. Now go twaddle elsewhere pla...ese!

    2. Youk now, of course don't you Les, that we have a COUNTERFEIT Ema in our midst. The impersonator has been so clever as to steal Ms. Nymton's avatar. The real Ema may be disagreeable much of the time to those right of center, but she is always coherent. The "Ema" you have here sounds like a parody of the real thing. Unfortunately,one can take NOTHING for granted on the internet, except the ubiquitous presence of childish rudeness, deceit, trickery and aggressive individuals with a "persecutorial" mentality.

      Our friend, Miss Shaw, did considerable electronic research that proved conclusively that "Ema Nymton" is not always Ema Nymton.

    3. Yes FT, I am aware of this fake Ema. Kudos to Shaw for the work she did in exposing her/him/it. I received a couple more visits from the fake Ema. of course they went the way of spam.

      As I commented to Shaw, this is an undisciplined, unruly, rude childlike individual. Or an person whose body grew big but the mind remained small.

      Fake Ema will get no audience here.

  2. It's embarrassing for Christie that he had the kind of people who would do things like that close to him. But other than that? Eh.


  3. I disagree with your characterization of the liberal media and blogsphere trying to "destroy" Chris Christie. It was HIS closest aides who planned and carried out this ill-conceived political payback, therefore, the blame for this fiasco lies not with the media or blogs, but with his close aides and political appointees.

    Whenever a conservative pol gets into trouble by his or her own doing [see Sarah Palin, Rick Perry, and Herman Cain for example] and his or her political future is in doubt, why do people blame the media for reporting on it?

    And it is curious that when Mr. Obama was in hot water over the Benghazi and IRS controversy and the conservative media and blogsphere were like dogs on a bone over it, I didn't read that they were out to "destroy" Mr. Obama's presidency.

    Christie is a big important political figure, and therefore, everything from now on will be reported on this. After all, what his own people closest to him did was not a "prank," as the right is saying it is.

    1. Well yes, certainly the "rub" goes both ways.

    2. I did read one critique that got me thinking about this... Imagine if these idiotic malefactors made it to the White House with Christie!


    3. Actually, pretty well stated, Shaw. As RN says, the rub goes both ways.

      I hope you are, or will be consistent at not saying or agreeing yourself that those who report on actual ObamaCo malfeasances and scandals aren't out to "destroy" him, also.

    4. Shaw?

      When you have an "actual" one, let us know.


    5. There's been plenty. But someone is wearing partisan-colored glasses and filters them out.

    6. If you guys had anything, dmarks, Obama would have long since been impeached. For Christ's sake, the sleazy idiots you cons put in congress just a generation ago voted to impeach a President for lying at a state deposition about an unrelated blow job. Like unpleasant children. Now they're insane and unpleasant. If they had anything, he'd be out by now.


    7. Talk about going overboard, Jersey. Malfeasance simply means wrongdoing. It doesn't mean impeachable offenses.

      And about Clinton? Way to twist history and lie about it. The blow job wasn't at the heart of it: it was his sexual harassment of one of his employees. Even in your defense of him, you imply that the felony known as perjury is all OK. But while this is off topic, it shows how you are 'sleazy' and spin things.

      Anyway, most Presidents have malfeasances. Impeachment is quite quite rare. No connection. There's plenty on Obama, but that has nothing to do with impeachment

    8. It's all okay of your're a democrat is what jmj means dmarks, it pretty much gets a pass. Republican, not nearly so much.

      But in next breathe, Did you see the story Libertarian is running about the Obama's possible break up and an alleged lesbian relationship Michelle had at one time? Some con/libertarian sites are quite the sensationalist.

    9. Of course, RN.The same crap sites make a big deal over Obama being a Muslim. He's not but if he were so what. If Michelle is bisexual so what too (not that I buy into what that site says)

    10. RN: Dervish Sanders has faked Will and others in an attempt to get around my blocking his comments...and he boasted of doing this and said he would keep doing it. If he has done this on my blog, he surely does it on others. Even though he is on Shaw's side politically, he is cut from the same cloth as her harasser.

    11. Some progressives never do either jmj...

    12. "Some progressives never do either jmj..."

      Well, if anyone never learns, it is a rock-solid partisan on one side who says that those on the other side never learn.

  4. Hey's a news have worse in the White House right now.

    This Christie dust up is because one of the last Gallop polls had him up 48 to 46 over Hillary,if he had been polling at 5% not a word would have been mentioned about this silly incident.

    Anyone posing a threat to The Princess of Pantsuits is going to get hammered. Like Chris said "it aint bean bags."

    1. You just keep worrying about pantsuits, Rusty. You wouldn't want to get too bogged down in important matters.,


  5. Yeah. It's always a nefarious plot "to get the GOPer!" It's never the fact that his own people hatched a stupid, dangerous political payback revenge. Noooooo! It's Hillary's fault that Christie's nasty aides and friends closest to him came up with the idea to eff up traffic for FOUR DAYS on America's most busy bridge for commuter traffic. Hillary made them do that so that she could advance in the polls.

    This is exactly the sort of scrambled thinking that made the GOPers blame everyone but Sarah Palin for her monumental FAIL in 2008 and the GOPers other hero, Mitt Romney. Remember how Obama made Mitt denigrate half the country and call them "takers?"

    Christie is in trouble because he surrounded himself with vengeful, petty, bullying asshats who probably reflected his own character.

    Hillary did not make them do what they did.

  6. Poor Christie; it used to be his friends on the right that gave him a hard time.

    1. BB: Limbaugh used to tear into Christie all the time as well...

      Shaw said:

      "Christie is in trouble because he surrounded himself with vengeful, petty, bullying asshats who probably reflected his own character. "

      And what of the "vengeful, petty, bullying asshats" that surround President Obama? Are you going to say that they don't reflect on his character, the difference being that there is a (D) after Obama's name and not after Christie's?

  7. But, Dennis, there is no evidence that Obama is any of those things, while there is evidence that Christie is. The only person I can think of is someone who used to be in the Obama administration... Rahm Emanuel, and he's gone. There may be others, but their shortcomings can't reflect Obama's character, because President Obama isn't a vengeful, petty, bullying asshat.

    Shaw said the people Christie chose reflected his character, not that they reflected on his character.

  8. dmarks always has to pretend "everyone does it, but most especially, Obummer!" There is no evidence whatsoever that Mr. Obama had his closest aides or even himself involved in the IRS controversy, even if you and the people who come to my blog keep telling everyone who will listen that these two scandals are alike.

    I hate to break it to you, but there is no one, except, of course, ideologues, who would ever compare Mr. Obama to Mr. Christie. Christie is on record all over the internet as being in people's faces who dare to criticize him while shouting them down in the most contemptible ways.

    You will not find ONE instance of that bullying behavior by Mr. Obama. He may be a lot of things, but he is not a LOUD-MOUTHED bully who publicly insults people.

    That you even try to make this stupid comparison shows you're willing to make stuff up in order to defend Christie.

    Just recall, as an example, the nasty governor of Arizona, wagging her finger in the face of the POTUS, and Mr. Obama quietly standing there and not reacting.

    Have you forgotten that iconic photo? A bully would have given that rude governor a true "what for," which she so richly deserved for her crass behavior.

  9. Dervish Sanders is addressing someone who is not even commenting here. Perhaps this Dennis might show up one day and address this.

  10. I'm of 2 minds on this one. On the one hand, I find it troublesome that Christie could have somehow constructed a political team that would have ever thought up something that is so simultaneously vindictive and idiotic. But on the other hand I look at the fact that the OWS movement blocked off traffic on the Brooklyn Bridge and there was nary a peep out of partisan Dems like Shaw. I don't know, I guess that it all pretty much depends on what the Governor knew and when he knew it and it'll only be then when we can make a prediction pertaining to his future.

  11. Will: how about the New York transit strike and other such incidents?

    1. Yeah, I'm still waiting for the outrage over them as well.

  12. "As the Liberal/Progressive Media and Blogosphere Attempt To Destroy Governor Chris Christie..."

    Bullshit! Governor Kristie Kreme did this to himself.

  13. I see that the main thrust of Octo's rebuttal is a weight joke. That's quite lowbrow for Octo, but I guess he resorts to it because he has nothing else. Par for the course: much of what passes for reasoned criticism against Christie from the Left does consist of variations on "he's fat".

    1. No, I do NOT engage in ad hominem characterizations of a person's physical appearance. There is, however, the matter of Bridget's bridge jam, which affords an opportunity for Wortspiel (German for 'play on words'). Playing 'Kristie' off "Krispy"does NOT necessarily connote 'fat.'

    2. Good points for describing why you think it is a serious scandal, Oct. None at all, however, for trying to weasel around the fat joke. You aren't fooling anyone.

    3. Well dmarks (O)CT(O)PUS and I do not always see things eye to eye. In fact we are often on opposite sides of issues. That being said I for one accept he was not making a fat joke play on words. I've read enough of his posts and comments to thiink otherwise.

      But, I did make reference to his size and Krispy Creme doughnuts.

  14. Do you actually think there are 10 people between the mountains who give a crap about two lanes of traffic in Fort Lee N.J.? Or care that some staffer ordered them closed. Talk about your tempest in a teapot.

    1. Well Rusty, given the media attention and negative posts on many sites I'd have to say, YES.

    2. Well, Crusty Shake-A-Turd, there may not be 10 people in your mountain, but there are 35.7 thousand people in Fort Lee who had their lives turned upside down for four days over a political vendetta, not to mention the children of this metropolis who were NOT able to attend their first day school, not to mention emergency vehicles that were caught in traffic jams, not to mention one case of cardiac arrest in which one woman died. No to mention this exchange:

      "I feel badly about the kids," the unknown person said.
      "They are the children of Buono voters," Wildstein replied.

      Yes, that's right! The 'children of Buono voters' ... which sends a chilling message to all parents: Your children will be be targeted for political retribution if you don't vote the way we tell you. This is political intimidation in extremis, but only you ... you dumb jackass ... think this is a tempest in a teapot.

      You have no moral compass whatsoever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Governor Christie is guiltly of employing jerks in his administration. He took the appropriate administrative action when he became aware.

    When President Obama became aware that his statements " you can keep your plan if you like it", and "you can keep your doctor if you like your doctor" were not true for many he did what to those who presumably kept him in the dark?

    1. RN: and did Obama sack Holder after his gunrunning scandal...or did he "Heck of a job Brownie" him?

    2. Just another inconvenience for the adminostration is all.

      And they called Reagan the Teflon President.

  16. Governor Christie will ultimately be judged on his performance in office in total. We will just have to see the results down the road as to his political fortunes.

    But yes, I'll give you he certainly looks like he is a big Krispy Creme fan.

  17. In the latest poll Christie's approval rating is %59 in New Jersey....not bad for a guy being shot at from all sides.......last I looked Obama hadn't cracked %40.

  18. Mr. Bluster got some 'splaining to do

    The press loves a blood trail. Expect Trenton t soon look like an abattoir.

    1. True Ducky. Especially so when it is a republican.

  19. Well.....this octopus thing reverts to a typical liberal approach....."lets call the messenger names." Very intelligent of you.

    The facts are sparky,over 60% of americans have not changed their opinion of Mr.Christie,in fact 6% say they now have an improved opinion of him.

    Sorry you have your panties in a knot over this trivial incident,but it really seems not many people west of the Delaware River actually give a shit about a traffic jam in Fort Lee.....keep a close eye on your BP there Tonto.

  20. Rusty: do you think Octo got so over the top full of rage at the Democrats who supported the far worse transit strike in NYC? I'm sure some fat Dems supported it when the average NYC working person was screwed by this action...and they went without Octo bashing them for their weight.

    Yeah Rusty, it is very clear that Octo restored to ad hominem and blew his stack ("dumb moral compass whatsoever!!!") simply because of the "R" after Christie's name. Even if I agree with him that the problem might be serious.

  21. This is a matter of law (as in "criminal investigation"), not public opinion, Jackass!

    1. (O)CT(O)PUS, Jackass? Really. I seem to recall you giving me hell for name calling :-)

      Anyhoos, once the investigation is completed perceptions may change, or maybe not. But at least there hopefully will be more verified facts.

  22. So Obama isn't a "vengeful bullying asshat", Shaw? Hm, you might want to tell that to the 3 dozen witnesses and survivors (a large chunk of them working for the C.I.A.) of the Benghazi terror attacks that have been forced by the federal government to sign nondisclosure agreements (the purpose of which being to keep them from talking to the media and to Congress, obviously) and take almost weekly lie detector tests to verify their compliance to it (this, according to CNN's Jake Tapper, Robert Baer, and Drew Griffin). You just might get a different point of view from them.

    1. Will: Shaw gives Obama a free pass due to the D after his name. And we both know if this bridge scandal had a left-wing Democratic governor in the state instead of Christie, she would be attacking the critical media instead of the governor.

      RN: I accept your explanation on the fat joke thing. Still, Octo's arguments would be a lot better if he wasn't flying off the handle and mainly using ad hominem. Agree?

    2. Well, yes, (O)CT(O)PUS can get quite passionate in his comments over issues he is well, passionate about.

      I hesitate to get too offended because, well, I've been guilty of the same from time to time. I continue to work on it.

    3. Yep, just like she gives him a free pass on Google, H&R Block, Goldman Sachs, G.E., Philip Morris, the fact that the Obamacare web-site was a no-bid contract (going to one of his wife's old school chums) etc., etc..

    4. I doubt Rusty is offended, either. And it's not Iike the bluster undermined anything Rusty said...

    5. Cheap shit finger pointing, hell yes; lets also talk about GWB, Nixon, Cunningham, Vitter, and the rest of the reprobates you defend without forethought. Sure, we can have a finger-pointing fest until the cows come home, but it doesn't remove the fact that this post started with Governor Kristie Kreme and Bridget's bridget jam, and all other comments notwithstanding have now veered OFF TOPIC. You people have an attention span problem?

    6. Wow. temper temper. Who are Cunningham and Vitter? When have any of us had anything good to say about Nixon??? Weird comment there. And it didn't detract from the fat joke that is still your main justification for hating the gov of NJ so much. But I suppose to you, his weight is the main topic here.

  23. Rusty... "... reverts to a typical liberal approach."

    Would that be anything like a typical conservative approach? Methinks the generic pot shouldn't call the kettle black.

    Yes indeed the facts are the facts, well, I assume they are the facts as I haven't seen them yet. Wished you had provided a link.
    Been out of the loop and off the grid pretty much the last couple days.

  24. I think it might be time to put this all in perspective. Christie won NJ with 60.3% of the vote. He won Bergen County, which includes Ft. Lee with 60.2% of the vote....thus the statement:

    ""I feel badly about the kids," the unknown person said.
    "They are the children of Buono voters," Wildstein replied"

    Is categorically wrong.

    They were the children of citizens plain and simple.

  25. Octo.....check back with me after Mr.Christie does his perp walk......until then, to except you and MSLSD this is indeed a trivial tempest in a teapot.

    RN...the %'s I mentioned were from a poll released today.....both CNN and FOX mentioned it,obviously MSNBC was occupied putting together a screechfest.

  26. An entire metropolis brought to it's knees, gridlock lasting for days, children who can't go to school for four days, emergency vehicles brought to a standstill and unable to respond, one women dead of cardiac arrest, people can't get to work, lost wages ... you people think this is fucking funny or just another example of partisan gamesmanship. You have absolutely LOST YOUR MORAL BEARINGS. There was a time when there were clearcut distinctions between right and wrong; but instead of moral distinctions, we have now now is SPIN and popular OPINION, and you people regard such intimidation and thuggery as the new normal.

    If an entire metropolis were brought to its knees by bearded men dressed in turbans, there would swat team with automatic weapons searching for them. Just because these were political operatives of an arrogant governor, you regard this scandal as some liberal plot against your exalted brethren. BULLSHIT!

    Go to hell.

  27. is kind of funny actually.....why have power,if you don't use it.....

    1. Bullshit.l Why have laws if you don't enforce them.

  28. Yep Rusty, why have power if you don't use it?

    Depends on what purpose said power is being exercised for I suppose. Power, when used for positive good, to improve and grow so society benefits, to diminish or destroy the negative (evil), etc. is proper.
    Power when used for the pursuit of vindictive, destructive, controlling behavior solely in the interest(s) of the person or people in power is bad and therefore becomes that which needs to be destroyed.

    Remember, we are talking about public policy and puplic interests here. Christie deserves the benefit of the doubt, which is the purpose of this post.

  29. However, if the investigation conclusively shows that Christie was aware of and sanctioned the actions that resulted in the four day long lane closures then he deserves to be toast and his political aspirations shattered.

    So there ya have it Rusty. Christie deserves a fair hearing, which is again the point of this post. He does not deserve an automatic pass.

    Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. We certainly don't want or need political leaders who are corrupt.

    1. Power corrupts. I've got news for you, Les - so does money.


    2. Gee jmj, I've got news for you as well. NOT ALWAYS. I'm pretty sure you haven't given that much thought, nor do you likely care to. It simply doesn't fit your template.

  30. An act of political terrorism against an entire metropolis is an egregious abuse of power. The health, safety, and welfare of tens of thousands of people (taxpayers of all persuasions including Democrats and Republicans) is the issue - whether or not Christie was directly involved. Point: It happened. Cronies of Christie did this. A woman died; children were put at risk; emergency response was paralyzed; citizens missed work and lost wages ... and some of the dumb shit commenters of this forum refuse to understand the moral implications of this incident. Public opinion and political gloating is irrelevant when laws are broken and public safety is jeopardized. And yes, the morally bankruptcy expressed here is beyond the pall !!!

    1. "....political terrorism..."

      I see that Hyperbole Wednesday is well under way.

      "..citizens missed work and lost wages..."

      Selective outrage is also alive and well. We all know what Octo will say when the next big strike, especially transit strike, happens... when public safety is held hostage to avarice.

      There's moral bankruptcy on display here, but not what Octo thinks...

    2. dmarks, lets assume for just a minute that Governor Christie planned and then had his underlings execute lane closing as politically vindictive payback (I am not saying this is what happened.) Would you find that disturbing at any level?

      Now, if unionized labor struck for better working conditions, better fringe benefits, or higher wages, a clearly legal activity, how is that the same as the scenario above?

      And finally, as a rational thinking individual isn't it sensible to get to the bottom of this alleged scandal? Just as it is sensible to get to the bottom of any alleged Presidential scandal? Something the opposition party has so far been unable to do. But that certainly has not been for the lack of trying.

      IMNHO the biggest moral bankruptcy lies in not keeping an active mind until all the data (or evidence) is in so the most informed decision can be made and the appropriate action taken.

    3. DMARKS,
      You seem to confuse "selective outrage" with "false equivalence." And an "abuse of power" with a "legal right to assemble." In this case, the abuse of power was committed by political cronies who illegally terrorized a metropolis. The right of workers to organize and voice grievances is perfectly legal. Here is your false equivalence.

      While you may personally dislike labor unions, even the new Pope regards the right to form a union as a universal human right. So get off your high horse and get your facts straight.

    4. RN: Now, if unionized labor struck for better working conditions, better fringe benefits, or higher wages, a clearly legal activity, how is that the same as the scenario above?

      Wow! RN totally nailed it. I was considering pointing this out, but decided not to bother... Are you not with Dennis in hating unions, RN? Or are you just saying that it is technically legal (but of a mind that it shouldn't be)?

    5. Octo: The equivalence is not false. Shutting down the city to get rich and bankrupt the treasury is no less "economic terrorism" than some political payback thing involving shutting down a bridge.

      This has nothing to do with the right to form a union. I strongly support this right of workers, along with their right not be in them.

      When you said "The right of workers to organize and voice grievances is perfectly legal".. such strikes, often illegal, is not voicing grievances or organizing. It is lazy thuggery toward ill-gotten gains. And it causes "citizens missed work and lost wages"... something you condemned earlier.

    6. Dumb marks: "lazy thuggery toward ill-gotten gains"

      So you want to compare public sector workers who strike for raises just to make ends meet with the likes Bernie Madoff, hedge fund traders, bankers who game the system and bankrupt whole economies, and politicians on the CEO dole ... you gotta be kidding! Your comment is not laughable; it's lamentably sad and tragic.

    7. There you go again Mr. Sanders. I'll leave it at that.

    8. Octo: for New York transit worker, making $100,000 or $200,000 a year, it is more like making Benz payments not making ends meet. That your heart bleeds for the uptrodden is duly noted.

      My informed opinion stands: that the situation you first described in the paragraph about "economic terrorism" applies to such strikes as well as the bridge closing.

    9. Knucklehead,
      Can you distinguish the difference between legal versus illegal acts? BTW, when was the last time there was a transit in NYC? And about those income figures, I want to see proof. Too many unsubstantiated claims flying around here.

  31. Rusty Shakelford: "Well.....this octopus thing reverts to a typical liberal approach....."lets call the messenger names." Very intelligent of you."

    Hilarious indignation from a very black pot being supercilious to a kettle!. Rusty is not shy about calling people names or speculating on the size of people's arses on other blogs. Here he maintain his fake "above the fray" hypocrisy. And it's a laugh. Rusty isn't about honesty; he's about scoring political zingers and being a troll.


    You made a ridiculous statement when you implied that Mr. Obama has as nasty a disposition as Gov. Christie. Of course, you fail to cite any instance when Mr. Obama has shouted down someone talking to him (in fact he usually gives way to them to let them have heir say, unlike the bully Christie.) And you completely ignore the Arizona governor's famous shaking her finger in Mr. Obama's face while he calmly stood there and let her make a rude jackass of herself. No, dmarks, in this case you are off your rocker in even suggesting that Mr. Obama has as a volatile temper as Mr. Loud Mouth Christie.

  32. Replies
    1. I'm a lot less interested in how Obama treats hecklers than how he's been treating the survivors/witnesses of the Benghazi terror attacks; making them sign nondisclosure agreements and take regular lie detector tests and shielding them from Congress and the media. I don't know about you, Shaw, but that also sounds pretty damned "authoritarian" to me (that and the fact that he lied for 2 solid weeks saying that Benghazi was the result of some spontaneous eruption caused by a youtube video when we all know now that he was told by Panetta and Dempsey that it was probably a terrorists attack) .

  33. I'm new to posting here. Is this Octo the keeper and judge of morals here? Was he appointed the High Sheriff of moral judgement?

    And RN,I am not giving Gov.Christie an "automatic pass." but I do feel this is indeed a silly attempt to chop down a potential opponent to the Princess of Pantsuits.

    Christie acted quickly when the situation came to light.He acted like a proper manager.....don't you wish your president acted like an executive.

    Octo,his ilk and MSNBC are beside themselves,they cant understand why 95% of the country could care less about "bridgegate."

    1. No Rusty (O)CT(O)PUS is not the keeper of morals here. He is a commenter who has different opinions than you do and his opinions are considered of value and as such are always worth considering. That is my determination anyway and as I am the sole blog administrator I guess that job falls to me.

      In fact (O0CT(0)PUS and I got off to a very rocky and cantankerous start a couple years ago. We have since developed a cordial relationship and I consider (O)CT(O)PUS a friend.

      While my first inclination is the same as yours I believe the voters of NJ deserve a clear accounting of EXACTLY what happened. I hope Christie was duped as he says, however, if the investigation confirms his involvement in anyway then we, as good citizens, MUST ask ourselves... Do we want to elect a president with our eyes fully open knowing e was engaged in such activities.

      Think about it Rusty.

    2. Shackelturd,
      You are the one who comes here week after week trolling this forum, engaging in gratuitous ad hominem attacks upon people, mocking and taunting, harassing and predating readers of this forum with endless sneer and jeer - making up dumb shit facts you go. The vector of your comment points right back at you; yet you lack the intellect and intellectual integrity to see your own projections of yourself.

    3. " I hope Christie was duped as he says...."

      It is important to find out if he was duped or if he participated. In the end, however, a president that selects advisors who dupe him may be as dangerous, if not more, than one who participates.

    4. Well Jerry, you make a good point. I suspect there as been a fair amount of duping over the years. Could it be that is why we are where we are today?

      Water under the bridge really.

  34. Well elected a president who's resume could have fit on a cocktail napkin.....a community organizer who never has run as much as a hotdog stand.....a great giver of speeches who turned out to be just a Chicago incompetent liar in fact.....

  35. No Rusty, you have it wrong AGAIN. The American people (electorate) elected President Barack H. Obama. I single highhandedly could not have done so.

    Beside, in case you have forgotten I was a Ron Paul Supporter and ultimately posted for and voted for Gary Johnson.

    Now, if you wish to continue commenting here please cut the bulls*it and offer something of substance. In other words stop making ridiculous and stick to the subject. President Obama hasn't a damn thing to do with the issue of this post.

  36. There your have it, Will. Such economic terrorism, bringing the city to its knees, is OK if those doing it are Dem. Party allies.... and if it is rich people who need to make ends meet.

  37. dmarks, I see your argument as a false equivalency. Perhaps you could explain how it is you see the two examples on equal footing.

    Or perhaps it's just me. I doubt it however.

  38. RN: do those who had to commute through either action see anything but equivalence?

    The big difference I see between both immoral and reprehensible actions is that one of them might be the fault of a major politician. And I agree with you that we need to find out whether this is true, and that it should have major consequences (for the Christie one). No, polls and his political party do not matter to me at all.

    1. Deutsche Marks,
      Your currency bought you nothing here, and you still didn't answer my questions: When was the last transit strike in NYC, and how much do transit workers really earn? Be honest; I can sleuth out and demolish bullshit quicker than a wink and quicker than you can think.

      With regard to your distinction between "legal" versus "ethical," here are my thoughts:

      How often have we heard people in the news dismiss an alleged transgression with this claim: “No laws were broken.” And how often have we thought to ourselves: The word ‘legal’ is not necessarily synonymous with the word 'ethical.' Legal acts are all too often considered immoral and reprehensible; yet I doubt union workers striking for better wages rise to the level of "unethical." You people always seem to have more sympathy for politicians and their fat cat patrons and always give short shrift to struggling wage earners and the middle class. For some reason I cannot fathom, you regard concern for the middle class as some form of creeping "socialism."

      There is no equivalence between wager earners and fat cats in terms of power and privilege. To argue otherwise will bring upon you the wrath of barracuda and sharks.

    2. Aha. That's a slightly more clever ad-hominem than the others you have been blasting out here. As for when the strike was? I will not serve as a Google for the lazy. You look it up. As for how much they really make? You don't even need Google for that: I linked to it above.

      "yet I doubt union workers striking for better wages rise to the level of "unethical."

      Perhaps you have a point. But if they engage in an action specifically designed to do what you yourself described when you first mentioned economic terrorism, it is surely the lowest of the low.

      "You people always..."

      I didn't read much beyond that. Usually when someone starts a sentence in a lame fashion, they are referring to some some of stereotype... and at worst a straw-man. The last thing they refer to is what someone actually said. That is why when I address your arguments, I will address your arguments. I won't engage in the blunder of attacking you for someone else's views. And if I do, I will expect to be called on it.

      "you regard concern for the middle class as some form of creeping "socialism."

      Perfect example of a fallacious claim (yes, I did read the rest). It was mostly middle class people who were clobbered by the bridge action AND the transit strike.

      " give short shrift to struggling wage..."

      Again, with the tears for the uptrodden, struggling to make that next Benz payment...

      And yes I will continue to call you Octo... unless you mind it. It is not intended as an ad hominem. It is just easier to type.

      "There is no equivalence between wager earners and fat cats in terms of power and privilege."

      When these particular "wage earners" are grossly overpaid for lousy quality work, pulling in $100,000 or even more than $200,000, the honest truth is that out in the real world, they would be paid less than a third of this. Most of what they are getting isn't an honest wage. The difference between them and the other fat cat scum of the earth is a difference in degree.

      And yes I will continue to call you Octo... unless you mind it. It is not intended as an ad hominem. It is just easier to type.

    3. Hmm, memory problems, DM? No need to ask me twice. Octo is fine. I have been called worse.

      "I will not serve as a Google for the lazy."

      Your claim, unless you want it to remain lame. Common courtesy is to provide substantiation.

      "When these particular "wage earners" are grossly overpaid for lousy quality work ..."

      Is this your Ad Hominem (Fanfare) for the Common Man? Here's a challenge for you: Find a transit worker on the Lexington Line and say this to his face. See how far it gets you.

      "The difference between them and the other fat cat scum of the earth is ..."

      New York City where a one bedroom apartment starts at $5,000/month. My 2 bedroom flat on Gramercy Park used to cost $14,000/month.

    4. "Find a transit worker on the Lexington Line and say this to his face."

      A lowlife scumbag who is immoral enough to demand $200,000 for job worth $40,000 at best is, as you infer, likely to engage in violent attacks when caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

      "New York City where a one bedroom apartment starts at $5,000/month..."

      Lets fact check this, shall we?

      I quickly searched to find prices.... studio 3 bedroom, starting at $2095. One bedroom starting at $1275. Which is about one-quarter of your $5000 starting price.

    5. Also: "Your claim, unless you want it to remain lame. Common courtesy is to provide substantiation."

      It remained substantial. The information I presented was and is widely known, and it takes mere seconds to come up with many sources for it. I assumed some sort of basic literacy in the concepts being discussed. I guess that assumption was unwarranted...

  39. It is fine dmarks to find both actions immoral. I get that. On a philosophical level I could make the argument that both are immoral. Would make a great challenge for a high school or college debate team.

    Turning to the issue of LEGALITY (as (O)CT(O)0PUS noted), there is no equivalency. Which is the point I believe.

    1. RN: Feel free to call me lazy, but I DID google search and did not find anything actually calling the bridge scandal illegal. Don't consider this a counter argument: did you find something that says it was?

      I do have the general view that such things should be illegal if they are not. And, even if it is legal, and Chris Christie was in any way involved with it, the voters should turn him from hero into zero. And I will support it.... for reasons including that Christie's fitness for office has absolutely nothing to with Hillary Clinton.

    2. Dmarks,

      Feel free to call me lazy, but I DID google search …

      Good. I knew you could do it. But where are the links? Yes links! Here is what a link looks like:

      If you are real clever, you can make it look like this. Now go to this site and learn how to imbed a link quicker than a blink. It will put you in pink.

      If a transit worker earns $200,000 as you claim, my next question is: What are doing here? Why aren’t you in New York earning $200,000 just for acting like a ‘scumbag?’ Sounds like a good deal to me. The job pays even more than a Congress critter.

    3. Breaking news: The office of Governor Kristie Kreme just released this statement:

      "This is all a BIG misunderstanding. I ordered my staff to close the Fridge!"

    4. I guess I am clever according to you, Oct. Because I already embedded two links above, before your arrogant instructions. I guess your weren't clever enough to read them... ill give you a pass this time.

  40. DM,
    There is not enough color contrast between body text and link type to notice. Not your fault, of course. RN needs to tweak, as opposed to twerk, the color scheme in his settings utility. I suggest a nice acsendant Blue State color.

    BTW, the Deutsche Mark is no longer the currency of Germany, which switched to the Euro decades ago. It means: Even if you did earn $200,000 as a NYC transit worker - payable in DM - your paycheck would be next to worthless. But I think you should apply for the job on general principles, because everyone is considered a "scumbag" these days. Oftentimes, gratuitous and haphazard use of a term casts more suspicion upon the user than the recipient.

  41. Octopus: Deutsche Marks... you still didn't answer my questions: When was the last transit strike in NYC, and how much do transit workers really earn? Be honest...

    Dennis is hardly ever honest. If he doesn't like a question he dodges it or lies... like his insinuation that an average worker makes 100 to 200k, which they do not. The Wikipedia page "2005 New York City transit strike" says "The striking workers reportedly earn an average of about $48,000 annually". The 2005 strike was the last of 3. The others occurred in 1985 and 1966.

    Octopus: So you want to compare public sector workers who strike for raises just to make ends meet... You... always seem to... give short shrift to struggling wage earners and the middle class.

    Dennis LOVES to vilify working people... hence his comment about "struggling to make that next Benz payment" when all they wanted was a cost of living increase. This source says The 2005 strike occurred because "the rising cost of living outstripped the wage gains and promises of improved treatment on the job...". They were only trying to make ends meet and improve working conditions. But Dennis' heart bleeds only for the wealthy who are being robbed (AKA taxed), while union members are "uptrodden".

    Octopus: (quoting Dennis... "I will not serve as a Google for the lazy".) Your claim, unless you want it to remain lame. Common courtesy is to provide substantiation.

    This is a very common tactic that Dennis uses. He has made the same "lazy" claim against me on many an occasion. It's a dodge he uses when he knows he's wrong, or he's flat out lying... or when his source is seriously biased and spinning.

    BTW, Octopus, what's with the excessive name calling? You're allowing Dennis and Rusty to upset you, and GRANTED, these two individuals are usually quite disagreeable just about everywhere they go, but I just figured that a person who chastized me as being "intolerant, quick tempered and character-disordered" (as well as "defensive, belligerent, and hostile") would be above sinking to the level of childish insults.

    1. Dervish,
      Only in Fort Lee NJ will a pizza be dispatched to your house faster than an ambulance.

      Why is the man who invests your money called a broker?

      Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavor, while dish detergent is made with real lemons?

      If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress?

      You should know by now that your intrepid cephalopod is not the brightest crayon in the box, the sharpest knife in the drawer, the funniest clown in the circus, the fastest horse in the race, or the most likely Vice Presidential candidate.

  42. "RN needs to tweak, as opposed to twerk, the color scheme in his settings utility. I suggest a nice acsendant Blue State color."

    That ain't gonnna happen (O)CT(O)PUS :-)

  43. dmarks: “lazy thuggery” (Wed Jan 15, 08:38:00 PM EST)

    dmarks: “fat cat scum of the earth” (Thu Jan 16, 07:14:00 PM EST)

    dmarks: “lowlife scumbag” (Thu Jan 16, 10:11:00 PM EST)

    So Herr Deutsche Mark doesn’t like NYC transit workers. There are an estimated 36,000 transit workers: Can all of them be “scumbags” according to Herr Dmarks? Leave it to good ole Google to put a different spin DM’s assertion:

    MTA worker rescued three from rising water during Hurricane Sandy



    New York City Transit Heroes Save Man From Suicide Attempt

    Scumbags? OR HEROES? Do they collect $200,000 in annual wages as DM has alleged? Not according to this: “The average base pay for a transit worker is $62,000 a year, according to the MTA. Their contract expired Jan. 15, 2012.” (source).

    BTW, my search strings yielded more than 2.2 million results. Remarkable what you can find on Google these days.

    Give it up, Dmarks. You are not only wrong, very wrong, you have turned yourself into a bore.

  44. The lazy ones are those who loafed about during the last transit strike. I see you ignored the link showing the thousands who make more than $100,000... and more importantly you continue to defend the situation you yourself called "economic terrorism" commited by them in the name of pure greed. If standing up for morality is boring, I will remain boring. And a handful of anecdotes does not negate the fact of the scandal of thousands of such "workers" being millionaires doing a mindless low skill job really worth a fraction of that gross overpay.

    1. Oh, so you upgraded the status of those $200,000/year "scum bags" to millionaires while discounting acts of heroism which you term "anecdotal." Then you ignore two links, one from Dervish and one from me, contradicting erroneous assertions which you regard as facts. Then you confuse the word "boring" with "bore" which was used in this context: A fixation on a losing proposition to the point of rudeness. Great going, Herr Deutsche Marks!

      Life comes before blogging. Good night and good luck.

    2. Great going...the"losing propostion" is your defense of some economic terrorism. And there was no upgrading: someone pulling in $200,000 a year easily becomes a millionaire if they keep that job for a few years.

      Ill let you have the last word...goodnight.

  45. As we meandered from the alleged scandal over the GWB lane closings, its many negative effects on citizens, the potential effect on Christies political fortunes, the salaries of transit workers, the substantiated as well as the unsubstantiated, and ethical implications, we got a snapshot of America.

    I've a strong gut feeling addressing the nation's issues and fixing its problems is going to be a very long and very tedius haul. If it ever happens. The nation is too damn busy bickering too find the time to solve problems.

    But there is always hope. Or so it has been said...


  46. A few other authoritarian moves by the current President (above and beyond his treatment of the Benghazi survivors)? a) The fact that he busted twice as many medical marijuana facilities in his first term than President Bush did in both terms. b) The fact that he's been deporting illegal aliens at a 50% greater clip than Bush did. c) The fact that he's used the Espionage Act more times against whistle-blowers than all previous Presidents combined. d) The fact that he and his Justice Department made Fox News's James Rosen an unindicted co-conspirator. Nah, this fellow isn't a bully.

    1. Will: It's easy to overlook such things if one is enamored of his star power, and the (D) after his name.

    2. And it's not as if if holding this guy's feet to the fire means that you can never vote for a Democrat again. It's just being morally consistent, that's all.

    3. Indeed Will. On this I agree with you... except for criticizing the president for the Benghazi scamdal (and the "morally consistent" BS). Every other concern you noted.. these are things Progressive SHOULD (and are) holding Obama's feet to the fire over. Dennis is, as usual, full of it.

    4. CNN uncovered evidence that the survivors of the Benghazi attack have been force to sign nondisclosure agreements and take almost weekly lie detector tests to assess their compliance to it. They have also uncovered evidence that the consulate was probably acting as a gun-running operation into Syria and that some of these weapons have ended up in the hands of al Qaeda. AND, James Rosen of Fox News (easily one of their more honest reporters) has uncovered declassified documents and testimony that both Secretary Panetta and Chairman Mullen briefed the President on the night of the attack and told him that it was more than likely a terrorist attack (a terrorist cell was taking credit for it WHILE it was happening!!!!!) and STILL the guy went out for 2 straight weeks saying that it was due to the youtube video and a spontaneous eruption from a protest (there was no protest and who in his right mind would bring an AK-47 and mortar to one?). Yeah, this is a scam alright, a Presidential scam.

    5. If benghazi is a "Presidential scam", then Darrell Issa must be in on it too. What do you think the chances of that are?

    6. Issa's a partisan ass and the President's a liar aren't mutually exclusive.

    7. Will... but do you agree that having an over-zealous watchdog (or self proclaimed watchdog) hounding a Presidential administration is way way down on the list of problem we have?

  47. An update. Shaw said: "You will not find ONE instance of that bullying behavior by Mr. Obama."

    There are numerous examples. It's all part of thuggish Chicago machine-style politics... the system that hatched Obama. You are simply willing to overlook it because of the (D) after his name.

    Here is one thuggish, infamous, and embarassing instance of it: when Barack H. Obama said "'We're gonna punish our enemies and we're gonna reward our friends who stand with us" as part of a statement trying to create racial conflict.

    Very "bullying".

  48. Some late thoughts:

    1) Octo named some outstanding individuals to counter something I said. However, he did not say whether they are among those making $100,000 or $200,000 a year for a job worth a fraction of that. Nor if they proved themselves "scumbags" by striking to get even more overpaid.

    2) The average the union, government transit workers are paid, $48,000, which he quoted, is 30% higher than the actual value of the work (which is indicated by the average pay of taxi drivers and public bus drivers). 30% is a significant amount of overpayment. The equivalent of stealing from the treasury.

  49. 02/06/2024 - Chris Christie, is one of few republicans deserving of respect. Period.

    Christie stood up and showed courage, inteligence, thoughtfulness, and leadership as he told the truth about Trump and his lying, authoritarian, anti democracy, and criminal ways.

    Anyone not listening to the truth Chris Christie speaks is either deaf or an idiot.

    With MAGA, i'd say it is the latter. Hands down.


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