Coming Together is a Two Way Street
I am laughing my proverbial arse off. After spending a fair amount of time on left, or perhaps they would prefer the tag progressive leaning blogs, reading the constant belittling, name calling, insulting and often vulgar characterizations of almost anything they disagree with, which of course is everything conservative , I am not surprised to learn of a Anti Tea Party movement. Before going any further however I must be fair and balanced. There are a few lefties whose views and opinions are deserving of consideration and I would be amongst the first to advise everyone, including conservatives, to do so. I shall not drop any names here but those of whom I am speaking of know who you are. And any conservative whose mind is open enough to be challenged by smart lefties probably know who am speaking of as well. Another thing I have noticed about the left, or progressives is their tendency toward elitism and snobbery. I hav...
It is appropriate and important for a US president, a major world leader, to speak during such a commemoration in such a fashion.
ReplyDeleteObama still has his moments and this was clearly one of them, in my opinion.
ReplyDeleteAgreed and Agreed.
ReplyDeleteAgreed. Agreed. And Agreed?
***[sound of body hitting floor in dead faint]
Les, dmarks, and I have no problem defending people on the left (I defended Obama recently in regards to Israel and I've always had a fair amount of regard for Senators like Conrad and Wyden) and criticizing those on the right (I was banned from for criticizing Palin and I routinely hammer O'Reilly and Hannity). It's a little something called being fair, Shaw.