Obama Administration Declares That It Has Met Its Goal Of ObamaCare Site Improvement...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

I guess the one good thing about being really really bad is any improvement is hailed as success.

Forgive me if you will, but after the three years plus it apparently required to create a broken website (ACA of course), expecting us to believe that after only a month the myriad of problematical issues have been resolved and the ObamaCare website has now achieved the administrations goals is a bit much.

Right. We believed if we liked out healthcare we could keep our health care. Turns out such such was not true. Like I said, forgive me for being the skeptic. Maybe after six months without the site crashing and millions of positive reports have poured, then, and only then, it will be time to become "a believer." Not that I will ever believe ObamaCare is necessarily a good or even adequate healthcare system. Forget about affordable, unless you qualify for the low income government subsidies.

BUSINESS INSIDER - The Obama administration is out with a progress report on HealthCare.gov, the federal health care website that it pledged in late October would be fixed for the "vast majority" of users by Nov. 30.

The report declares that it has "met" that goal, two months after the disastrous launch of the website.

"While we strive to innovate and improve our outreach and systems for reaching consumers, we believe we have met the goal of having a system that will work smoothly for the vast majority of users," the progress report says.

Some key points from the report:

  • The site will now be able to support a maximum of 800,000 visitors per day, including a target of 50,000 concurrent visits.
  • The site is now online 90% of the time, according to the The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
  • The "tech surge" that came to the site in late October has helped to fix 400-plus bugs and glitches on a "punch list."
  • The average response time of the site is now less than one second, an improvement from about 8 seconds in late October.

View the progress charts.

Truth will be in the report(s) yet to be made down the road a ways. Months, years, and even decades down the road.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. I'm still trying to feverishly figure out how and why Kathleen Sebelius is still gainfully employed. There certainly aren't any credible American companies (Starbuck's, UPS, Caterpillar, Whole Foods, etc.) that would hire the woman.

    1. I gave up trying. A waste of brain energy. The simple fact is, well, there is no logical answer as to why she shoukd be.

    2. Or the attorney general, for that matter. An incompetent racist who doesn't believe that the rights of all the American people are his to protect. A man whose main job so far has been to cover up crimes and obstruct justice, all on the taxpayer dime.

  2. It's a shame that we live in a society so easily fixated by silliness. There's is a lot more to the ACA than the exchange website. The CBO estimates 200 billion in federal budget savings over the next ten years because of this bill. If this can work, over the long term, regardless of what you or I or anyone else thinks of it, we should see improved health care across the board for most Americans, a sizable increase in healthcare sector jobs, and a sizable decrease in healthcare sector inflation. The CBO is not alone in these estimates.

    There are a lot of ups and downs to the way this change in American healthcare was crafted. These need to be seriously considered and debated. This silliness over the website is a waste of brain activity.


    1. I know you are enamored of the ACA and most things democrat sponsored. It remains to be seen what the quality and availabilty of heath care will be under the ObamaCare umbrella. Further the savings are merely projections based on models with a lot of assumptions. In short I put little faith in any statement , especially sweeping ones, that the government will save money. But I suppose anything is possible. Especially in the Hope and Change euphoric world created with all of Obama's altruistic love for the powers of government to benevolently control and look after us all.

      Now, more than ever I think I may be among the lucky. Over two thirds of my life has been lived. It has been good. Lots of hard work, long hours, and oh so many ups and downs. I'm among the lucky, but I am fearful for our children and grandchildren.

      Now to bed. Tomorrow is yet another day. Nature willing and my human engine and circuits keep on a running.

    2. Also these protections are from a body notorious for bad predictions.

    3. Jersey said: "we should see improved health care across the board for most Americans, a sizable increase in healthcare sector jobs, and a sizable decrease in healthcare sector inflation."

      On your first point, we are moving in the opposite direction as a direct result of Obamacare. You know, the situation the President was forced to admit: all the large numbers of people losing all healthcare

      On your first point... are you actually selling this as a program to make busy work and expand the already bloated mass of public sector "workers"?

      On your third, we have seen a sharp increase in healthcare inflation directly due to Obamacare. Some provisions of the law are specifically designed to drive inflation up (see the medical equipment tax).

      And don't forget the massive middle-class tax hike that is part of the plan. And the provision to force employers to fire people and/or turn workers from full time to part time. All provisions which are quite harsh to the "average Joe" and to working people.

    4. I doubt Jersey is "enamored" of the ACA, given that it is a conservative plan hatched by the Heritage Foundation. That said, it is the legislation that was passed and deemed constitutional by the SCOTUS... AND the Republicans want nothing (they are perfectly OK with the reality of 45K people dying each year due to a lack of health care). It is the law and it is better than what we had.

      So, Les, what are you "fearful" of? Awhile ago you predicted people would take to the streets and demand more democracy (which you called "government control"). Sounds like a good thing to me. I'm hopeful that the people will wake up and demand change we can believe in (change Obama has tried to deliver, but change the Republicans have blocked and obstructed).

    5. BTW, well said, Jersey. Also, WTF has Kathleen Sebelius done that she should be fired for?

    6. I leave it to your (not the word salad your) independent analysis as to what I'm saying wd/DS.

    7. Found writ small in a bowl of word salad: "demand more democracy (which you called "government control")."

      I read what Les said... in complete context. He was referring to government control, not democracy.

      There is a viewpoint that the concept of "democracy" as a method of the rulers controlling the people. There is another (in my view, much more enlightened view) of "democracy" as a method of the people controlling the rulers. From the context of his words, I would venture that Les might fall in the latter camp.

  3. "I know you are enamored of the ACA and most things democrat sponsored."

    What a disappointingly stupid thing to say. You sound like dmarks there. Please, Les, tell me the silliness fixation hasn't gotten you too!


    1. Your blind partisanship is hardly news, Jersey. RN has committed on it before... Regardless, I am sure RN has come to such conclusions on his own, just as I have. I can't take personal credit for commenting on the obvious and pervasive.

    2. Really jmj? Back at ya. Eh?

      jmj, if you're (not your) capable of reading and understanding my positions outside your (not you're - paying attn. wd/DS?) preconceptions and the box(es) created for you by your partisan masters there is not much more I can say.

    3. Les, it is a silly right wing myth that the left is enamored with the ACA. You should know better. The left thinks, as do I, that the reliance on the for-profit private insurance market to solely take up the pools, with the rest just pushed unto Medicaid, with a weak mandate, or even a mandate at all, these are fundamental flaws in the law. Only a righty would think the left is enamored with that sort of conservative wrong approach. You do not understand how the left views all this.


    4. The left is indeed enamored with it. Though the small hardcore, fringe left (which Jersey is confusing with the entire, larger Left as a whole) is not. Your (to use WD word salad) confused on this, Jersey.

    5. Yada, Yada, Yada jmj.

      Somehow it has to be paid for. Sooner or later the horses pulling the wagon are going to get tired and want to get into the wagon. Oops.

      I'm sick of the shit from the left and I'm sick of the shit from the right. Rather than address the real issues threatening our country we talk shit. I'll be dead before the A'holes figure it out and do something constructive. Then it will be too late. They don' give a shit, it will be another generation's problem.

      Have a good day in class jmj.

    6. Just checking... and as usual concerning such things, the facts often have little to do with Jersey's careless gut-feeling rants. In 2010, 74% the American left supported Obamacare. It is fair of RN to paraphrase such support as "enamored".

    7. Yet another myth, Les, is that everything in the ACA "has to be paid for." The ACA includes many cost savings, and any honest person with any knowledge of the subject would have to admit that. And this isn't a "wagon," Les. This is not about "right" or "left," you're right. It's also not about the stupid friggin' website that is now working pretty well anyway. This is not about polls for the consumption of morons. It shouldn't be about politics, or profits, at all. This is about the motherlovin' health of the motherlovin' people. Conservatives do not grasp the the significance of the issue.


    8. Yep jersey, you're right. Keep telling yourself that.

      Oh, and money really grows on trees, all moderated and conservatives are really stupid, and unicorns really do exist.

    9. PS: Lunchtime is over. time for recess... repeat over and over until your fantasy becomes reality and your unicorns can fly.

  4. Visited ObamaCare Health Connector:

    1) Very user unfriendly
    2) Slow - 7 hours navigating through it
    3) Inefficient design
    4) Cumbersome as all Hell
    5) Redundancy built in
    6) Call in number for help... FORGET IT... Cuts you off without even connecting you to representative
    7) After all that.... Still no closer to insurance.
    8) Never fear, with hope and desire for change, and an infinite amount of patience all will work out Eh?

    Thank you OBAMAFART... Good Job, America thanks you.

    1. Les, lunchtime is over, it's time to get back to first grade class.


    2. Better hurry back to your classroom. Assuming you graduated kindergarten that is.

    3. not so much that... but it is like Jersey is writing campaign ad copy. Short on substance, fragile when fact checked (see his claim about the Left's support for Obamacare). More like Gohmert and Bachmann than not. And no more worthwhile than reciting Dr. Seuss.

  5. RN: Number 7 is the silver lining. The REAL trouble starts when people successfully sign their souls away to this beast. The bad website is a blessing in disguise... keeping the number of victims of Obamacare low.

    1. Except for those hard working people making 12.00/ hour, working two jobs, 60 hours a week total just to support their family of four with no money left to pay for decent health insurance.

      It is time to jettison the rhetoric, misinformation, and focus on the real problem dmarks. Sniff, sniff and maybe someday that will happen.

    2. I'm sure those people working two jobs 60 hours a week really appreciate the particular Obamacare mandate against more than 30 hours a week work from one employer: so they will have to scramble to find other employers.

      Sniff sniff. I doubt what you think it is "time" for will happen, between Obama and the guy reading Doctor Seuss. (and that is support for what you say, if the tone is lost).

    3. dmarks, the main victims of the 30 hour rule are restaurant workers, because the restaurant industry treats its workers like shit. Meanwhile, if it wasn't for expensing, the welfare state that is the restaurant industry would be in serious trouble. Just more crony capitalist hypocrisy.


    4. Jersey said: "the main victims of the 30 hour rule are restaurant workers"

      At last something which steers toward reality. Though I am not sure if workers who are punished by Obamacare are mainly restaurant workers.

      "because the restaurant industry treats its workers like shit."

      Well, this is not true in any way. Read the mandate. The only reason for these victims is that the Obamacare law includes a FINE to punish and discourage employers from having anyone work more than 30 hours a week. It's not the doing of the employers, but 100% the doing of those in Congress and the White House who seek to destroy healthcare while giving workers a massive pay cut.

      Overall, the statement is non factual also, because if the workers were being treated like sh*t, they wouldn't be working there.

      "...welfare state..."

      Completely baseless. The restaurant industry pays a massive amount of taxes to the government. Not the other way around.

      I give you a challenge. Jersey: Call any of the diners on this list:click here. Ask any of them if they are welfare queens, beneficiaries of crony capitalism.

      Meanwhile, if it wasn't for expensing, the welfare state that is the restaurant industry would be in serious trouble. Just more crony capitalist hypocrisy.

    5. You don't know what I'm talking about, dmarks. Do you know what expensing is? Did you know that 20 years ago the Clinton administration tried to cut that crony tax break and the restaurant industry spent millions on lobbyists to stop action in congress because they said it would break them? Useful idiots like you support this sleazy industry, support crony capitalism, support illegal immigration, because you don't know what you're talking about.


    6. I know exactly what I am talking about, and now we know you are lying about all this.. taking a tax break, which is merely a situation of the government stealing a little less from restaurants and calling it "welfare".

      Not sure why you choose this opportunity to bash immigrants.. but it seems in this issue you are a liar and I venture to say, an idiot. But not a very useful one.

    7. Don't call me a liar or say I bash immigrants, you sleazy idiot scumbag.


    8. Some may think you a "sleazy idiot scumbag" jmj. Of course that would be nothing more or less tan an inaccurate perception on their part. And, they would be wrong.

      Think about it.

      dmarks... using convoluted reasoning to arrive at what is erroneous or faulty conclusions does nothing to further problem solving or dialogue.

      Not that either "sh*t." They're too immersed in justifying their own perceptions to be bothered with reality and finding real solutions to mutual problems..

    9. Jersey: if you don't like accurate description, don't tell such massive whoppers like saying a situation which massive sums are taken and $0 is given is "welfare".

      And it was you who bashed illegal immigrants in a side comment, not me. If the shoe fits...

    10. RN... I don't think I was converted or arrived at a faulty conclusion. I'm sure your have a reason for your conclusion...

  6. I've defended Obamacare in the past (at least the individual mandate component of it) to the extent that it essentially is the 1993 Republican counterpart to Hillarycare. But I'm pretty sure that the Heritage Foundation would have not been down with the 1,471 exemptions (now THERE'S some crony capitalism for ya', Jersey), the idiotic number of Kafkaesque mandates (pregnancy coverage for 50-somethings, alcohol and drug rehabilitation coverage for Mormons, the fact that the Little Sisters of the Poor now have to provide birth control, etc.), or the preposterous incentive structure. I mean, have you guys even looked at the tables? As it stands now, a couple with no kids making about the same amount of money would have to pay a premium of $5,894 if there income was $62,040 and $16,382 if there income was $62,041. I ask you, what kind of a bunch of imbeciles would construct a policy that would so drastically disincentivise earnings like this? Especially during a shaky recovery!

    1. right Will. and even Jersey has admitted that it clobbers restaurant workers... even though he blames another victim group ( restauranteurs) in a half-hearted unsupported fashion.

      anyway, Will. if you are looking for Obama's current jobs program, this is it. Sure to be as successful as the stimulus programs early in his administration... under which the nation's workforce shed millions of jobs.

    2. Obama inherited a bad, very bad situation. I many respects, OBAMAFART aside, he continued on much the same path. It is not certain but it is very likely had it been McCaIn and or Romney this economy would still be anemic right now.

      The world has changed, American business has changed, it is global competition in a global economy. On several levels, domestic and internationally this country. its government and its businesses have been too shortsighted, stupid, or both to look beyond the present of the next quarter or two.

      Obama has many flaws, so did GWB. Possibly the least effective presidents in our history. But there is ample blame to spread around.

      The people of the country chose BHO twice. Largely IMO because the alternative(s) were lousey as well. Gary Johnson excluded from the preceeding statement.

      I anxiously await the departure of BHO. I just hope the alternative put up against likely Demoncrat candidate HRC is qualified, personable. has a realistic vision that resonates with s diverse America, and has the ability to speak honestly and openly about the very real need to fiscal responsibility and restraint.

    3. " Chose" can be used loosely, RN. For example, the Republicans in Michigan banned Johnson from the state ballot this year.

      Yes Obama inherited a bad situation... but he chose to make it worse also. The decline also leveled off thanks to the 2010 election and gridlock replacing rubber-stamping.

    4. Did he? Are you sure? Do you really believe 2010 had that much of an impact? Other than to vote in a few more loonies.

    5. Loonies that blocked other loonies. and you have to admit out the breaks on some of the madness such as the greenscam handouts and blocking Obama's attempts to end the middle class tax cut package.

      RN, of course it would be great if we had much less corrupt leaders working a lot more for the public good. But when when all we can get is one group of loonies blocking the other group, might it be the second best thing?

    6. No, what would be the best, and it is doable (I think), is to energize the reasonable, non partisan, rational, moderate, thinking, understanding, logically compassionate, educated, inquisitive, and ultimately concerned and patriotic American CITIZEN to do the RIGHT thing and turn out to vote in ALL elections. Local, State, and Federal.

      Time to kick the HYPERBOLE and PLATITUDES to the curbside. If the progressives and Socon/Tea Party folks fail to "get it", well then it might be time to dissolve the Union and grant supreme sovereignty to the 50 individual states.

  7. "Wherever you find human beings you find NONSENSE -- layers and layers of NONSENSE."

    ~ Thornton Wilder - Our Town, The Stage Manager

    I think he was really onto something, don't you? ;-)

  8. "Monkey see, monkey do", Dennis. Will Hart used the term "word salad" in reference to something I wrote first... Dennis repeats it just like he repeats the "canardo" insult. Proof that Dennis is far more guilty of word salads is his insistence that the word "enamored" applies. Those of us on the Left wanted single payer but would have been happy with a public option. We got neither and only begrudgingly supported the ACA because it was all that was on the table. Acknowledging that something is better than nothing is not enamorment. In any case, thank you for identifying my view of democracy as the enlightened one (and yours as the unenlightened one). Once in a while Dennis speaks the truth, even if it is unintentional.

  9. Yes, we know that some on the hardcore fringe left want government control of health care. And no that has nothing to sui with democracy, and everything to do with maximizing statism/collectivism. And it cuts through evasive "weasel words" such as "public option."

    Satisfying the power lust of those in control in this fashion does nothing to solve the problems RN properly identified. That is because the main goal of such an approach is expanding the government, not improving health care.

    Let's work on real solutions, and stop proposing dangerous and unpopular extreme "solutions". Yes, RN, I am thankful that single-payer is not in the table.

    1. "Those in control" are the VOTERS. "Power lust"? No, just a desire to have government work for the betterment of all. But, that the Conservatives and Libertarians hate government is no surprise, as they wish to turn control over to the plutocrats. The Left will continue to fight these efforts and NOT fall for the "real solutions" Dennis mentions.

    2. The conservatives and libertarians hate government meme is pure BS Mr. Sanders. Just progressive hyperbole. Fact is with the exception of the extreme fringe conservatives and libertarians recognize government has a purpose as defined by our constitution. It is the question of how much government and how much control government should have that is the issue. But I get you don't believe that Mr. Sanders. Certainly your right, and rightly so, to believe whateve you want to believe.

      I will agree to disagree with your premise.

    3. You are correct. I do not believe that. They want to reduce government to the point where it is powerless... and then some say it should be drowned in a bathtub. But Les apparently has never heard that argument (or denies anyone ever made made it).

  10. I still say that what John Mackey of Whole Foods is doing over there is unquestionably the best approach and the only real way other than government rationing to bend the cost curve. And the fact that it largely limits the power of these dreaded insurance companies is something that the left should be beaming over, I'm thinking.

    1. Will, Will, Will, haven't you yet matured to the realization that the ONLY POSSIBLE way to arrive at a workable health insurance plan and system is through GOVERNMENT mandates and regulation ultimately leading to the progressives desired SINGLE payer (GOVERNMENT) reality? Snark now off.

      Really there is a better way. But both delusional sides are too vested in heir own ideological BS to find at workable solution, let alone the best.

    2. Yeah, I'm kind of like that Japanese soldier still hiding out in the South Pacific well into the '60s.


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