Pope Francis Continuing to Signal Change Says "Church can't 'interfere' with gays"...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

"We must meet one another doing good. 'But I don't believe Father, I am an atheist!' But do good: we will meet one another there." Pope Francis

The behemoth that is the Catholic Church, with all its unbending rigid dogmatic principles just might be undergoing historic changes. Pope Francis is continuing to signal a much greater openness and tolerance in general. He is looking more and more like the right Pope at the right time to attempt reform within the Church hierarchy. Read the full story at CNN.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. This gives me hope that I can rejoin the church.

    His selection implies significant support but there is still an Irish "Calvinist" branch of the church in America which wants the emphasis on birth control, homosexuality and abortion.

  2. Ducky: Why is it a big deal to rejoin? Family reasons, perhaps? There are tons of denominations out there, perhaps one to your liking now that you don't need to wait to join.

  3. As a non believer I won't be joining the Church. It is however heartening to be witnessing a more tolerant and less judgemental attitude from Pope Francis. It can only bode well for the faithful and Catholicism.

  4. My question: Will this tilt in the direction of a 'kinder and gentler' and less Authority-driven Church survive this pope?

  5. Your question (O)CT(O)PUS is likely being asked by many. It is a good question. My quess is if the Pope is head of the Church for a decade or longer the changes he looks to bring about may be lasting. Why? Because it is likely the "flock" once accustomed to Pope Francis and his more englighted leadership will resist a return to the old.

    1. " Why? Because it is likely the "flock" once accustomed to Pope Francis and his more englighted leadership will resist a return to the old."

      Therein lies the makings of a massive new schism... possibly.

  6. The Vatican is is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma, wrapped in ecclesiastical vestitures, and topped with a mitre. I bet this has all the Vatican watchers in a real tizzy. I'm not one of those who watches the Vatican the way some watch the British Royal Family, and am taking a guess that no-one here, except maybe Ducky, is like that. The point being that a lot of things that go on behind the scenes, so who knows how this might lead.

    I remember how great John Paul I seemed, and he wasn't around much at all, and he apparently was assassinate. There, the matter that came to the fore was the Vatican banking scandal.

    1. After the molestation coverup and years of pope Ratzy 'm am eager for the church to return to a position that allows me to trust its moral guidance.

      I have great hope that this pope will return to the gospels.

  7. Gee, maybe they will get around to apologizing for Jan Hus after 600 years.

    1. BB: Interesting. I learn things from you. Never heard of the guy, looked him up.

      Sad to say he is one of thousands and thousands of such "heretics" tortured, burned, and abused by that organization over the years.

  8. Gotta eventually let priests marry, too (and, yes sir, to other priests if necessary).

    1. This came up in my conversation with my son last night, see above response to Octo. He believes within three years this issue will be resolved.Well the celibacy issue anyway. We did get to the same sex Priest unions. Yesterday anyway.


  9. No one breathing on the face of the earth at this moment will ever see the church approve same sex marriage among priest.

    This pope had to backtrack on his abortion comment today.

    1. Rusty: A sound analysis. Newer, much less hidebound denominations than the RCC have had massive problems with anything like this. Based on that, it seems it would be hard for the RCC to do this. I suppose RN and/or his son discussed that as well.


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