Independence Day and a Very Timely Poll...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Today is Independence Day in the United States of America. A day in which ALL Americans should take pride, as well as being thankful for the liberties we enjoy as a people.

 Governed by the rule of law, free from the religious tyranny of the dark ages as well as present day extreme Islam, and fundamentalist Christianity... We have our founding fathers and the Constitution they gave us to thank for this incredible, and increasingly rare reality.

A recent and timely GALLUP POLL sheds light on American citizens perspective and  Pride in the USA.

As the United States celebrates Independence Day, most of its adult residents continue to say they are proud to be an American, including 57% who are extremely proud and 28% who are very proud. This high level of pride in being an American has varied only moderately over the past 12 years since the question was first asked, but has been lower since 2005 than it was in the years prior.

The latest results are from a June 1-4 Gallup survey. An additional 10% say they are moderately proud to be an American, leaving 3% who say they are "only a little proud" and 1% who say they are "not at all proud."

There are few differences by age on this pride dimension, while those in the South are slightly more likely than those in the East and West to say they are proud. Conservatives and Republicans are also slightly more likely to say they are proud than are liberals and Democrats.

Americans Believe Signers of the Declaration Would Be Disappointed

Despite their widespread national pride, Americans evince a much more negative response when asked if the signers of the Declaration of Independence would be pleased or disappointed by the way the United States has turned out. Seventy-one percent of Americans say the signers would be disappointed, while 27% say they would be pleased.

Americans have become significantly less positive in response to this question, down from a high of 54% who said the signers would be pleased in 2001.

Older Americans, those living in the Midwest, conservatives, and Republicans are relatively less likely to say the signers would be pleased than their counterparts. Conservatives and Republicans also were less likely to say the signers would have been pleased in 2001 -- when George W. Bush was president -- but the partisan and ideological differences are larger today. This indicates that Republicans' and conservatives' growing disenchantment with a Democratic president could be one of the underlying factors in the decline in the percentage of Americans who say the signers would be pleased.

{Read More}

It seems Americans of all political affiliations and ideologies are PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN, with the very small minority of course that likely wouldn't be proud to be anything, except maybe an as*h**e. However, on this day set aside to celebrate our unique American experience, and the freedom of thought and liberty that has continued to this day,  let us postpone discussion of  that issue for another day. In the moment  ALL AMERICANS  should CELEBRATE our unique American identity as well as the spirit of freedom and liberty that has defined us for generations. Irrespective of political party. Let us stand against all (in the memory of our founding fathers) all who would shackle us. Whomever they may be.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. Excuse me for what may be misunderstood, but what's with Americans' obsession with being proud?

    I remember reading someone who defined real patriotism as loving one's country quietly.

    Of course it's fun on the 4th of July to be loud and joyous about it. But must we drive ourselves nuts about who is more proud or less proud of being American? I think polls this only serve to make us insecure.

    We all love our country; we all want it to improve; we all want the best for ourselves and our progeny; and we all think this is the best of all possible worlds. And we all think we can do better.

    Let's not divide ourselves more than we already have by finding out who's more proud of America.

    Viva America! Happy Birthday!

    1. Actually Shaw, and with all due respect I think you may have misunderstood my lead in comments an the purpose of the Gallup poll.

      It seems to me a vast majority of Americans take justified pride on their country. A good thing I should think. Doesn't mean were perfect and without our faults. It simply means to me, in a quiet way that we still are the best overall place to be on this Earth.

      Of course you're free to disagree.

  2. RN, my comment wasn't directed at you. It was directed at the polls. Happy Birthday to us!

    1. Perhaps I should have gathered that. But since the poll is not likely to read your comment I assumed you were writing for visitors and or the author to respond based on your position with respect to the poll.

      It's been a long day. Yes indeed, Happy Birthday AND Independence Day, even if their one in the same.

    2. They're one in the same, not their one in the same. It has been a very long day.


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