Scandals and Surveillance Taking Their Toll on the Obama Adminstration...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
erty -vs- Tyranny

It was inevitable.

Sooner or later the mounting scandal allegations, combined with the NSA surveillance program, would take their toll on the administration of President Obama. With his approval ratings in almost free fall it is apparent this has happened.

Ultimately the President is held to account and deemed responsible for the inner workings of the government the people of the USA entrusted him to LEAD.

CNN - President Barack Obama's approval rating dropped eight percentage points over the past month, to 45%, the president's lowest rating in more than a year and a half, according to a new national poll.

The CNN/ORC International survey released Monday morning comes as the White House has been reacting to controversies over a massive U.S. government surveillance program; the Internal Revenue Service's targeting of tea party and other conservative groups who applied for tax-exempt status; the administration's handling of last September's attack in Benghazi that left the U.S. ambassador to Libya and three other Americans dead; and the Justice Department's secret collection of journalists' phone records as part of a government investigation into classified leaks.

The poll indicates that for the first time in Obama’s presidency, half of the public says they don't believe he is honest and trustworthy...


The president's approval rating stands at 45%, down from 53% in mid-May. And 54% say they disapprove of how Obama's handling his job, up nine points from last month. It's the first time in CNN polling since November 2011 that a majority of Americans have had a negative view of the president.

"The drop in Obama's support is fueled by a dramatic 17-point decline over the past month among people under 30, who, along with black Americans, had been the most loyal part of the Obama coalition," says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.

The president also dropped 10 points among independent voters, from 47% last month to 37% now, with Obama's disapproval among independents jumping 12 points to 61%.


Six in 10 disapprove of how Obama is handling government surveillance of U.S. citizens, which is higher than the 52% who disapproved of George W. Bush on the same issue in 2006, when government surveillance was also in the headlines.

Obama's approval rating on terrorism, although still above 50%, has taken a 13-point hit since mid-May. By contrast, his approval rating on domestic issues such as the economy, immigration and the deficit only dropped by two to four points, within the poll's sampling error.


The number of Americans who think he is honest has dropped nine points over the past month, to 49%. Fifty-seven percent of those questioned say they disagree with the president's views on the size and power of the federal government, and 53% say he cannot manage the government effectively. Fifty-two percent say the president is a strong and decisive leader. That's still a majority, but it's down six points from last month.


Forty-three percent of the public says that the Obama administration has gone too far in restricting civil liberties to fight terrorism, with 38% saying the administration has been about right and 17% saying it has not gone far enough.

"That's roughly the same reaction that the public had to the Bush administration in 2006 when the details of a similar program to gather phone records were made public," says Holland. {Read More}

Indeed the President's luster seems to be dulling, fast.

Note also the Canter interview. The proverbial pot calling the kettle black.

Via: Memeorandum


CNN - ... Even more surprising: The overall decline in his approval rating was partially fueled by a plunge in support from younger Americans, a huge base of Obama's support.

Last month, nearly two-thirds of those in the 18-29 age group gave the president a thumbs up. His approval rating among that bracket fell 17 points in Monday's poll and now stands at 48%.

The CNN/ORC International survey was conducted last Tuesday through Thursday.

It comes as the White House has been dealing with controversies over a government surveillance program; IRS targeting of tea party and other conservative groups; continuing fallout over the deadly terror attack on the diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya; and the Justice Department's secret collection of journalists phone records as part of a government investigation into classified leaks.


"Today, there are only minor differences between older and younger Americans on that measure, but a month ago, two-thirds of younger Americans considered Obama honest -- at least 10 points higher than any other age category. So maybe one reason why Obama fell so far with younger Americans is that he had farther to fall," he said. {Read the Full Story}

Via: Memeorandum


  1. People starting to wake up? Sounds like there's hope for this country yet.

    1. There is always the possibility this nation will get back on track. However, I must say if I were a gambler I would NOT bet that we do.

      I blame the country's politicians, political pundits, and the media for the all to common partisan knee jerk reactions by both major parties.

      Fitting the template has become the important factor lease days. Until this changes hope is slim to none.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Certainly at the very least the NSA must be restrained. The NSA's (indeed the entire govermmemts) trending toowards Facism should be of the utmost concern to all liberty minded individuals.

      Both Leonard Piekoff and Ayn Rand recognized the dangers excessive state control posed for our civil liberties.

      Basically yes...

  3. Well, dmarks, when it comes to all that, you're beloved Republicans in the House control the ball. Will they run with it? I doubt it. Fussing over scandals is much easier.


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Take it away dmarks, but, I can't help but comment briefly.

    jmj, your hyper partisanship is remarkable really. Maybe it is just me but you seem unable to recognize the similarities between GWB and BHO in regards to civil liberties.

    If only good old Ben were here to explain it.

  6. I saw the results of the CNN poll tonight. Only 39% of Americans trust Obama on protecting civil liberties. This is worse than the 43% rating that Bush had even after the warrentless wiretaps story came out in 2006. Funny, I don't hear any bitching and moaning from Bruce Springsteen (etc.) about it (I guess that when a Democrat does it, it's necessary).

  7. Les, I see all that just fine. That's the easy thing to see that we all see. What we don't seem to be visualizing is that these scandals are bull$#!+, they're holding up progress, and in most cases these scandals are products of GOP legislation - the same bunch running the Hill now. Yet the anger is INSIPIDLY directed at the president as too many Americans, let alone the commercial press, see only the easy thing to see.


  8. Too bad that it's not 2014.

    By 2014, the memory of all these scandals will have faded. Americans have the memory of a flea!

    1. This is quite possible. Hopefully it won't be so, this time...

  9. I don't know what's confusing you guys here...

    It's like blaming a cop for giving you a speeding ticket in a 25 mile per hour zone on an interstate highway. Bad law is bad law. The cop didn't make that law. In fact, other laws instruct that cop to follow that law, as does that law. Bad law, in this case, comes from the Hill, and from conservative impetus and agenda. You can complain about this president, or any president, following bad law. It's a waste of time. But have at it if it makes you feel better. In the end, human nature being what it is, give anyone power and they will use it. Who's giving the power is who can put a stop to it. Meanwhile, the cons are whining about the cop.


    1. We are not the one(s) confused.

      Bad law can be changed by pressure applied to lawmakers to the degree it is changed or repealed. Let's start with the Patriot Act and go from there.

    2. The left in this country is solidly against domestic surveillance. And there are plenty of Dems with them. Libertarians should take a closer look at their friends on the right. They're the weak link with this. It's very easy to be 'law and order' on terrorism. Easy and dumb.


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  11. dmarks, your definition of "left" is completely different from the left's, and most other people's, definition of left.

    And you talk about my partisanship! ROTFLMAO!!!

    And no, we have a Patriot Act because the frightened jingos got it during the Bush years. Obama completely inherited it and is required by law to act upon it. I highly doubt he personally thinks it's a good idea, and had he vetoed reauthorization, he probably would have been overridden.

    Yes, Democrats and Republicans support these bad laws, but the impetus and bulk of the support comes from the Right. As well, we now have a massive MIC, with interests in countless districts throughout the country. The MIC is deeply entrenched in our politics. That, as well, is a product of the Right, with the help of useful tools in the middle. The Left is solidly against all this. It's a shame you can't understand that.


    1. The Patriot Act had deep support on both partisan sides .

      If you are correct in your assessment that Obama doesn't think the law is a good law he should have shown integrity and vetoed reauthorization.

      As they say... it is what it is. Now, and my quess is the statist d's and the statist r's will find reaons to continue to reauthorize.

      dmarks is right, you are partisan. Seems most are.

    2. The FACT of the matter is that the MIC and all that's come with it is a product of the Right. Without the Right, we wouldn't have it. To deny that is to be an idiot or a liar.


    3. The FACT of the matter jmj is you have NOT read anything I have written about the MIC, or the ideologically hide bound far right. Most of which has been mildly to heavily critical.

      You are little more than a shill for the extreme progressive wing of the democratic party and never provide links to back up your delusional hyper partisan statements.

      That jmj makes you Jersay McIdiot. I use that word in this case BECAUSE you so freely use stupid, idiot, and other derogatory descriptions for those who quite properly question your, shall we just say hyper partisan progressive bullshit.

      Now, consider what I have said BEFORE coming back to comment. Failure to do so WILL result in your comment post getting lost on spam land.

    4. Les, don't be so defensive. You can't find anything I said that is untrue, or that accuses you of anything. I'm simply pointing out reality, and reminding you all of the danger of the Right and the pathetic irony of these "scandals."


    5. Oh, and around most of the world, the things I say are certainly not "hyper partisan progressive bullshit." They are the mainstream feelings of most people. The spoiled rotten American right are the ones outside the mainstream of most thought throughout the world. The closest you can come to the American rightwing, in yet another pathetic irony, would be the conservative Muslim world! So, when you libertarians lean to the partisan right, I do find it very ironic and disappointing.


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  13. Jersey McJones: dmarks, your definition of "left" is completely different from the left's, and most other people's, definition of left.

    You are absolutely correct Jersey. Dennis has done this to me as well. He measures from the FAR Right while claiming to measure from the Center. Progressives like Bernie Sanders and Alan Grayson strongly oppose the surveillance state. How ridiculous is it that Dennis tries to blame Obama and Democrats for things bush and the Republicans are primarily responsible for? It would warrant a LOL if it were not so frighteningly loony.

    1. You would be hilarious WD, were your blazing partisanship and lack of critical thinking not so pathetic.

      Boo Hoo, Boo Hoo, Boo Hoo... See, he does it to me too jmj.

      I think when it comes to looney WD you almost have that cornered.

      See jmj, there is somebody that makes you look almost conservative.

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  15. Dennis views anyone who disagrees with him as a "troll". Wanting to silence those who disagree with you is a sign of someone on the extremes, so Dennis' claims that he does not reside on the far Right ring totally false. He should detest himself. And Sanders and Grayson are consistent champions for the rights of individuals. This is why they oppose bad SCOTUS decisions like Citizens United... a decision that empowered the plutocrats over the people.

  16. The higher you are the harder you fall. Obamamania was the proof that "there's a sucker born every minute." This generation has just learned there is no such thing as a political messiah. Unfortunately Americans seem to have to learn every lesson over and over again. We learned the lesson of prohibition, but are still losing the 30 year old war on drugs, as we built another criminal empire like Capone. By the way, your government has been spying on Americans for decades, and in 2006 told America it was spying on them. One has to wonder why Americans are all of a sudden surprised and outraged. When we allowed Bush to have his "Patriot Act" we gave our consent. Our jobs as citizens is not to make the government out, to be evil, but to keep the evil people out of our government. We have failed as citizens and are now paying the consequences. We have screwed future generations by going along with the political mistake that we could spend without paying, that I blame on Republicans by using the age old fantasy that Americans think they can pay less taxes and still be the greatest country in the world. It's expensive to be the greatest country in the world. Our choice has made us just another 3rd world country. The 21st century will not be an American century. Putin will back Assad in his use of chemical weapons, how little things have changed since 1939. Another lesson we will have to learn again.

    1. Aptly stated Sammy. Thank you for common sense approach.

      You wan't less taxes you must adust accordingly. Cut spending

      Economic circumstances change you must adapt accordingly.

      Rational self interest must be our guiding principle.

      America has failed to understand these things apparently.

      You can't have your cake and eat it too.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. That's why after 30 years we are 17 trillion in debt, or at the end of Reagan's term we were 2-1/2 trillion in debt, the first multi-trillion dollar debt in American history. Go back and check how much debt occurred during each Republican presidency. If you are correct we should be in the black by trillions of dollars. Obviously we are far behind the revenue we collect as compared to what we spend. Like RN said we should have adapted, we did not.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Dennis: As tax rates were lowered by these Republicans plans (mostly on the middle class), actual tax revenues increased.

    Trickle down economics has been debunked. Tax cuts do NOT increase revenue. Also, the majority of the tax cuts went to the rich. That is another Republican myth that has been debunked. Two swings and two misses Dennis.

  19. Take it away dmarks, last opportunity to respond to DS.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.


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